[Inside the Great Maker] Musings of the Maker

That will work. Don't forget to add any specialties you may have to the roll.
Make your post in the IC thread, describing your investigation. Then we'll post what you come up with.
I'm sorry guys, I think I should step away from this game. I've got a bit much on my plate as it is, and I'm not feeling this character as much as my others.
Well, thanks for giving me the heads-up. If you change your mind, I'll keep your sheet on standby and you can pick back up with us later on.
Does "trust" count as an emotion for pheromone purposes? If not, does "regret" or "guilt"?
Sorry, guys! Haven't been getting alerts for the main thread. I do not know why.

Also: school busy, so I might be a few more days.
When you guys post, please include the names of your characters somewhere in the message, or at the beginning so I don't have to hunt to see what character is speaking.
Just to let everyone know, I have a operation scheduled for tomorrow morning on my knee. I will be out of action for a day or two for the worst of my recovery, but after that I'll be back to my more regular posting schedule.
I believe so, yes. But that fact was communicated to the rest of the circle.

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