[Inside the Great Maker] Musings of the Maker

I will post our introduction either later tonight or tomorrow. Just depends on how busy I get later today.
@jel and @Exthalion, while your characters are in progress, you can post in the intro thread to get to know everyone, just try and expedite your sheets.
Just waiting on @Exthalion to put the final touches on his sheet and we are all ready to rock. I'm starting to move forward with the meeting, so post when you are ready.
I will be done by the end of today. Thank you for being so patient.

Edit: Make that tomorrow, editing took longer than I thought.
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<nods> No worries. Real Life can take a toll from anyone's gaming schedule.
I believe I am done. I included background as well, including the story of the mission that earned Nexus essence three.

Edit: So, is the sheet approved? I would like to begin posting.
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Sherwood, would it be reasonable for my character to pick up on that as fishy? Does Diligence know anything about Estasia?

(I just want to make sure I'm not jumping ahead of myself without making the necessary rolls/checks.)
If you think that there may be something out of sorts, feel free to post it, please. Estasia is the most militarily organized nation, with a formal military as opposed to temporary conscripts like the other nations. Their army is constantly training, and it is only due to the wealth of Kamak and her ally of Yugash that has kept a full scale invasion from being attempted.
I'm sorry; I thought that I had given you the thumbs-up. Yes, you are all set.
Oh crap, Sherwood. I meant to see if Diligence could get a hold of those personal possessions and inspect them before the diplomatic assemblies.

Oh, shoot! I forgot. Sorry. I was trying to go slow so I would give everyone a chance to post.

We'll take care of it real quick right here. Give me a Int + Investigation roll, and a Per + Awareness roll.
Can I use my Investigation (Research) specialty to research gear that would be common to the area/Estasia and any neighboring cities so if there is something odd I might be able to tell the difference?
Yes. Go ahead and add those dice into your roll.
From what you see, it would appear that the items recovered from the raiders does come from Estasia, or are a very good forgery.
I'll continue the scene in the next day or two. Just depends on how much energy I have with work.
Still waiting for Join Battle rolls from everyone. If I don't see them soon, I'll send out PMs to everyone to make sure that this game is still on. I'd hate for it to die off this quick.
Sorry, I've been suffering from the most severe case of fiction addiction I've had since I finished Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. I'll get right on it.

I have 7 spare xp which I had planned to use for a charm, but never got round to actually picking. I'll assume I can't use them, but in case I can let me know and I'll make minor adjustments to my loadout.
Derp. I was too quick in picking charms and missed the fact that Incomparable Efficiency Upgrade is a Wits charm even though its prereq is a Dexterity charm. I'm two charms short.

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