[Inside the Great Maker] Musings of the Maker

Not a problem. I just didn't want you to accidentally short yourself.
Alright, I think I've got everything. Am I missing anything from my sheet aside from all those ridiculously complicated calculations I'm looking cross-eyed at?
From what I can see, you have a good sheet there. All you need to do is record your DVs, health levels, and soaks.
for familiar 2, the stats of an omen dog would work right? yeah i have no idea how to balance the familiar background.
Looking at the characters so far makes me wonder what the last two will have going for them. I do like what I see.
<shakes finger at MrSerious> Better get busy on it!
Looks like we have one sheet in the works and one that needs to be posted, then we can start. @MrSerious, how is the progress coming along?
It's not. Start the game without me and I'll get my character done when I can. Or just bring someone else in who can create a character in a more timely fashion
MrSerious said:
It's not. Start the game without me and I'll get my character done when I can. Or just bring someone else in who can create a character in a more timely fashion
I'm sorry to hear that. :( Once you have a sheet ready to go, I can add you into the game, assuming you are still interested. For everyone else, I'll make my final reviews and we can get started here shortly.

@DreamingofRoses, don't stress about combat. I'll be patient with you. You'll pick it up soon enough.
Is everyone planning on being from Kamak? I just want to make sure I don't miss something.
I sent a PM to @Exthalion to let him know about MrSerious not having a sheet ready, so we may have our five players anyways.
There was a possibility that someone would be a Champion of Yugash. I was just making sure.
Yah. I know you well enough to want to have you in the game. :cool: Whenever you are ready.
I'm off work this weekend. I'm hoping to be able to post the intro then, and we can get started. Is everyone on board with that?

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