[Inside the Great Maker] Musings of the Maker

Yes. Four went into the crowd to cause panic and casualties, while the other four went to the diplomats.
Sure. It will take a Miscellaneous action to reattune them, then you can throw it back.
Yup. The 7 successes hit with one to spare. His armor is a total of 24B/24L with the Defense Array active, so you are probably going to end up doing ping damage.
Burb. My weapon's stats is of a Power Mace from Wonders of the Lost Age (page 78 ), its stats hasn't been upgraded to 2.5, but I'd assume it does the usual minimum of 2 ping damage.
Sounds fine to me. Go ahead and roll your damage.
That's really weird -- I didn't get any updates from either of these pages until just now.
I was hoping that was the problem, and not that the game was losing its players already. It was giving me a complex. lol
There are a few stragglers, but they are doing their best to get the hell out of dodge, leaving the assassins and the Exalt leading their party.
Forgot to mention, spending all peripheral. Which is 21 motes. So I am flaring Totemic and the mortals need to make a valor check.
Ah. I'll post their reactions. Since they are mostly extras, they'll probably just try to run.
Where would they run to exactly? Aren't we on a landing platform, suspended over the air, with a shining mandala-wall of hard light blocking off egress into the city.
True. But people in a panic don't think too clearly. The few that failed their roll will try to run.
I forgot to ask, how many stunts did that garner and what was their level? I need to know to keep track of motes.
We will go with players determining their own stunts up to two dice. If you pull a three die stunt, I'll make the comment and you can adjust your roll. If this is abused, I'll stop letting everyone come up with their own and I'll award them all myself. But, in the past, I have noticed that most players are really good about policing themselves from going overboard on things like this, so I'm not too worried.

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