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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Well..." Scarlett mumbled, "maybe not right this minute... Hey, could I talk to the guy that helped me with my memory? I should thank him."
Scarlett grabbed his hand and followed Jake back to the FFA, she took a mental note to ask what that was later. For now she just wanted a nice quiet walk with him. At this point most of her pain from earlier had gone away, feeling extremely better at that point.
Roo said:
Scarlett grabbed his hand and followed Jake back to the FFA, she took a mental note to ask what that was later. For now she just wanted a nice quiet walk with him. At this point most of her pain from earlier had gone away, feeling extremely better at that point.
Jake and Scarlett soon arrived at the FFA after awhile and went inside.

"Null should know we're here so we just have to wait." Jake told her.
"Null," Scarlett muttered to herself, mulling over things in her mind. Scarlett had no choice but to trust Jake and what he said, although even the small amount that he told her was a lot to take in.

Scarlett looked down at her hand tracing her eyes over the ridges slowly. Most kids play those what if games, like what would you wish if you got a gene, if you could have a super power what would it be. Scarlett always opted for invisibility, not that she wanted to do something bad unseen. Just to get away. Not that she needed that now.

Fire though... It seemed too loud, and difficult to control.
"Wrong... Fire is not necessarily meant for destruction. It just depends on how you use it what the effects are." Null says as he walks up to them with Shard right behind him.
Jake sighed with irritation, "Null, Stay out of our minds without permission." He said with a glare.
"I honestly don't know why you think I need permission. Especially when I don't have a choice. Besides. You're living under the roof my associate made. You have to live by our rules."
"It's my mind Not yours. Of course you need permission. Try to control it or I'll leave." Jake retorted.
"Were you not the one who knew I would sense you? How would I do that without my power... I can't control it. I've tried... Accept it or don't..."
"Sensing my mind and reading my mind are two different things..." Jake replied with a glare.
"Jake calm down, it's not a big deal," Scarlett said after a moment, trying to diffuse the situation.
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Roo said:
(( how is null behind them, he was in the Baer now he's outside. Can you please try to write coherently, you don't have teleportation. Even then you'd have to say you telrported. My 8 year old brother writes better than you. ))
"Jake calm down, it's not a big deal," Scarlett said after a moment, trying to diffuse the situation.
Jake sighed and nodded, stepping back.
Scarlett glanced back over to Jake, she understood why he was irritated. Even if you had nothing to hid most people still want their privacy. But she brushed it off, there was nothing to be done about it. Regardless of how uncomfortable it made people.

"I just want to say thank you, for giving my memories back," Scarlett said, turning her attention back to Null.
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Roo said:
Scarlett look over Null a moment, then thought something. Specifically for him to hear, Mi ne supozas ke vi parolas Esperanton vi? (her last and middle name are from this language and I said her dad came from a foreign country, I think it's realistic she can speak this. Although it's a really uncommen language xD ))
"No, I understand you..." (#OWNED)
AvidElmV2 said:
"Come on, Xavier. Stop being a.... vampires... pet. He may control us, but that doesn't mean we can do what we want every once and awhile. Like last night. Weren't you surprised when Zabuza shut down the mental link and let us go free for the night?" Hayabusa turns to Xavier and raises an eyebrow. If Xavier was looking closely, he would see Blake and Flux backing up with Xander in tow. Blake turned around and broke into a sprint. Flux did the same, her hand clamped tight around Xander's arm. Black used a concrete slad to propel the stereo's into the air he stopped and created two concrete slabs next to them. The stereo's fell neatly onto them before he grabbed them and started to chase after Flux and Xander.
Xander followed Flux as she silently commanded. "What the hell was that??!!" Exclaimed Xander. He continued to sprint away from the immediate threat. "FLUX! I'm about to go steel. When you need to say ANYTHING to me, you address me as Varkoven. I'm not me when I'm in my steel form. Any orders, or even addressing me, I'm Varkoven. Got it?" Xander began to shake and in a matter of seconds, he was made of solid steel.
Johnomono said:
Slade spun onto all fours a bit to the side of the blades mark just in case and released an explosion of fire meant to knock Zabuza back.
As Slade spun onto all fours just to the side of the Executioner's Blade's strike, he found that the massive blade crashed into the road with inhuman strength behind it launching asphalt in all directions. With him being so close it would be impossible for him to have not of gotten hit by some of the chunks of asphalt speeding by.

In the meantime the Demon ripped the blade out of the ground with such force it broke apart the road even more. Car horns could be heard from vehicles watching this fight from afar.
Roo said:
Scarlett glanced back over to Jake, she understood why he was irritated. Even if you had nothing to hid most people still want their privacy. But she brushed it off, there was nothing to be done about it. Regardless of how uncomfortable it made people.
"I just want to say thank you, for giving my memories back," Scarlett said, turning her attention back to Null.
"You know... Your boyfriend over there is hard to deal with... He made me hesitant. Oh, by the way, I'd like to show you something... Follow me if you wouldn't mind." Null says as he starts heading towards his room.
Shift took a seat on his couch as the computer TV coded into his secure line with the first sons .

"I need to put a hit out... I'll pay three million to put him down. More if need be. But he needs to die. His name is Null, the mind reader." Shift transmitted.

"It will be considered." The reciever replied before cutting the transmission.
Kane strode quietly down the street, miscellaneous in the crowds around the industrial district. Citizens ran screaming in fear as the two rock and metal semi truck sized golems tore anything in their way apart.

"Happy day oh happy dayyyy...." he sang with a grin.
Slade rolled across the ground as the slabs hit him.

"Hold!" He called out, coming up to his feet.
The Demon halted from his relentless attacks, the last of the fires around the battlefield slowly dying down and being put out. A smile was upon his face as he assumed victory was his. Still, he had no reason to trust this unknown conduit and whether or not he would honor his word.

"By all means, are you throwing in the towel?"

Be prepared Xavier, if he attempts to break his word and escape you have all permission to fire upon him...
"Indeed. The fight was fun but the outcome was obvious. I will gladly join you on one condition." Slade replied, cracking his neck.

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