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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

The D2 clone looks at Shadow again when his head rolls on the ground and sighs. "You never learn, do you?" He says as he dissipates again.
Netherdragon said:
Shadow was unable to take Nulls blades, for one, he dodged out of the way of the blast, two, if he had been frozen, the blades would have been frozen to him. "I'm not asking you to leave the fourth wall." Null says. hand on the handle of his blade.
Incorrect. Three froze everything BUT the blades. Or rather, she froze the blades but dissipated the ice when Shadow took it. Edit


Assailant said:
Incorrect. Three froze everything BUT the blades. Or rather, she froze the blades but dissipated the ice when Shadow took it. Edit
And he can't dodge it. No bullshit either. Edit.
-Maxim walked out of the woods sighing as he rubbed his eyes and shook his hair out of his eyes- Damn.. another night spent on the run -as he finishes his sentence a gun shot rings out as a bullet his the tree directly to his right- Holy shit -He takes off running back into the woods hoping to escape his captors as he runs he runs directly into an ambush and as he turns back another group is behind him, hes surrounded- Fuck.. -he sighs and looks around as he starts to put his hands on his head he looks around at his odds for this fight hoping he can get some help-

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