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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix didn't even pay attention to the fact that he was running out of air. My first kiss... at 17, how sad. But it's the best kiss I've ever had... oh wait. He thinks as he keep kissing.

Daniel smiles as he looks at the two wings, imagining what's happening inside. I'm happy for him. I hope he can always be happy.

Max sits at the base nervously tapping his foot. I hope Felix is okay... I hope Sphinx is okay... Oh dear god please be okay.

Shadow narrows his eyes. "Call him to come here. Or if you can't, tell me where he is, and I'll send troops to get him."
Felix keeps smiling, grabbing the back of her head too, completely lost in it at this point. Of course, he's running on his last bits of oxygen right now, but he doesn't notice or care. He smiles even brighter as he strokes her hair.

Shadow suddenly gets a flash as he remembers the location of the FFA base. "Squad leader 357, you already know where the base is! Send your men to retrieve Null. Dreamer Boy, you stay here until we find out where he is and get him back."
"I suppose, I'm not wanted here at the moment. I shall head back to the FFA base. Daniel. I'm leaving you in charge of taking care of Shard while I'm gone. Stay with her please." With that, Null went back to the base.
Felix pulls back breathing in. "W-wow." Felix says, blushing immensely. "That was... umm..." Felix says, stumbling over his words.

357 and his squad show up outside the base to see Null entering. They hold up their guns and point them at Null. "You are requested at the Shadow domain immediately.
Sphinx's face was dark blue. "The word your looking for is perfect...I believe..." She said, smiling. She pushed a strand of hair behind her own ear.
Assailant said:
Felix pulls back breathing in. "W-wow." Felix says, blushing immensely. "That was... umm..." Felix says, stumbling over his words.
357 and his squad show up outside the base to see Null entering. They hold up their guns and point them at Null. "You are requested at the Shadow domain immediately.
"Fine, but can we stop for a drink along the way? I'm thirsty. I want a hot chocolate.... There is a Starbucks down the road here." (conveniently the opposite direction of Felix and the others.)


UnwantedTruth said:
Sphinx's face was dark blue. "The word your looking for is perfect...I believe..." She said, smiling. She pushed a strand of hair behind her own ear.
Open hearing this, Shard covers the walls with spikes.
Felix blushes and smiles. "Yes... yes perfect. We should probably head out, however much I hate it. We can't be apart from everyone else for too long."

357 reaches up and grabs presses a button on a headset. "Can Null get a drink first. He wants a hot chocolate from Starbucks." He waits for a bit then turns to Null. "He says Starbucks is disgusting, overrated, and unworthy of existing, and in his new world order Starbucks will be destroyed... he even monologued about it... in other words, no. Come with us." 357 says, him and his men being sure to not make eye contact.
"Why do you think I mentioned Starbucks? I hate coffee and yes, I hate Starbucks, so overrated. Dunkin Donuts all the way. Mind asking again?"
Sphinx uncovered her wings from Felix. She smiled, still blushing, and held his hand. "We're ready to go!" She said with a smile to the others.
357 sighs and and repeats the question, this time integrating Dunkin Donuts. After a few seconds he turns to Null. "Only if you get him one."

Daniel smiles and walks over to Felix. "All better?"

Felix smiles in return. "Yeah... thank you Daniel."

"Always happy to help a friend." He smiles, then smiles at Sphinx. "Thanks for the help Sphinx."
Sphinx smirked. "Believe me, it was my pleasure." She said, smiling widely. She smiled and rested her head on Felix's shoulder. "I'm glad you trust me now..." She said grinning widely.
Null goes up to Dunkin Donuts and makes it to the counter. "One large hot chocolate with no foam and..." Null says before turning to face 357 "What does he want?"
357 waits for a few seconds and then says "Same as you."

Felix smiles and squeezes her hand. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Hey Shift, wherever you are, don't ever take the form of her, I couldn't forgive you after that!"
The man behind the counter makes the two hot chocolates. "That will be $7.78."

Null pouts while activating his power. "But I thought you said you were gonna pay for it."

The man stiffens up for a second before relaxing. "You're right, have a nice day, sir."

Null leaves the building and gives one hot chocolate to 357. "Hey, I think I got a nickname for you. Year+2. Not that catchy but whatever. OH y2p for short. y2p can Shadow teleport you to him and me with you if I grab on?
Felix pouts for a second. "That hurt." He says before smiling and kissing her on the forehead. "Anyway, we need to head back to the base. Max is probably freaking out."

"Where are they, WHERE ARE THEY!" Max says, pacing back and forth.

357 put his hand up to his ear and asks the question before suddenly grabbing Null's arm.After about five seconds of uncomfortable shadowing they appear in front of Shadow, where the army instantly aims at Null. Shadow grabs the hot chocolate. "You and I got the same thing. We always did have similar tastes... Matthew." He says, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
"Apperently so. I guess we both love threatening others with death. Though, it's not always my mug of cocoa" Null says. "By the way, the nickname I gave 367. Like it? yp2?
"Tsk Tsk, patience dreamer boy. Let the adults speak." Shadow sarcastically responds.
Sphinx nodded. "Yeah, good point. Want me to fly you back?" She asked, smiling. "Wait, where's shard?" She asked, frowning slightly.

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