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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Slade ducked and pivoted, coming back up to swing at Zabuzas face as he approached. The punch was swinging home before it slanted down and hit the ground in a burst of fire.

At the same time Slade flipped forward, propelling his feet towards Zabuzas face while below him a shockwave of fire started to spread.
Roo said:
Scarlett's clothes were still on fire, moving from her shirt to her pants and shoes. Soon they would be completely gone.
(You ganna help her? ))
"Come on Scarlett... you're gonna be alright... you can handle this..." Jake said to her though mostly to reassure himself.
Slade's acrobatic fighting more than likely would of been far more effective if he had actually been facing the Demon when he began to strike. Slade wouldn't of had a clue at what exact point he had turned around without even noticing it, but little did he know that mist shenanigans were in fact going on.

Zabuza clearly wasn't opposed from using the mist from time to time to get an upper hand, despite his promise of a fair fight. After all, it was still fair, it's not like they had agreed upon either of them not using all of their powers.

Instead Slade would find that the blunt side of the Executioner's Blade would be swung in full force aimed at his back. It would no doubt send him flying if it were to strike. Meanwhile, Zabuza was struck by the shockwave of fire but continued on as his flesh both burned and mended itself back together in constant struggle.
Scarlett gave a deep gasp in her ragged shallow breathing. Still over heating, and redder than Rudolph's nose.

Slade dropped low out of instinct and spun himself on the ground, his feet launching out jets of flame in a circular pattern.

By now all the flames would be burning away the mist if they were able to.


Jake watched in sadness and fear, worried beyond belief, "Come on Scarlett... please..." He begged even though she most likely couldn't hear him.
Scarlett gave another great gasp. Her skin just starting barely to flush out. While her breath was still ragged.
Roo said:
Scarlett gave another great gasp. Her skin just starting barely to flush out. While her breath was still ragged.
Jake watched with worried eyes, "Please..." He said again.
Scarlett's breathing faltered a moment more, then she gave off what sounded like a sigh. Still looking red hot, but calming down.
Jake let out a sigh of relief. Now that she looked to be cooling he regathered the light and took her back to his room so that she could rest in his bed.

When it seemed she was cooled he dragged a chair to the side of her bed and fell into it, laying his head on the bed near hers and soon drifting into an uneven worried sleep.
Scarlett's breathing still remained a bit flustered, though calming down slowly. Her skin still bright, her tempeter still way up. But Scarlett was very slowly coming down.

After a while Scarlett went all the way back down, only to average fever temperature. Which would be completely undetected by her. Scarlett groaned slight, fading back into consciousness.
Scarlett would awake to find Jake asleep in the chair next to her with a tense worried expression.
"Of course you want to fight." Dax said to Shard. "Alright then, Bring it!!" As he summoned a hoard of golems similar to the ones Shard had summoned and Changed into Felix. "Oh, and i forgot the mention. Whoever i turn into, i also gain their powers!! LET'S GO!!!" He yelled as he and his golems charged at Shard and her opposing hoard.
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Scarlett let out a great gasp as she sat off in the bed, her head throbbing and she felt dizzy. It took her a minute more to register Jake near her.

"J-Jake?" she mumbled, then rubbing her eyes she spoke up, "Jake?"
Roo said:
Scarlett let out a great gasp as she sat off in the bed, her head throbbing and she felt dizzy. It took her a minute more to register Jake near her.
"J-Jake?" she mumbled, then rubbing her eyes she spoke up, "Jake?"
Jake groaned slightly, stirring and looking up with tired eyes, "S...Scarlett...?" He mumbled half lucidly.
"Hmm... Interesting Idea... ok, then... if you want to play that way...." Shard then summons 100 golems while opening the floor of the castle causing Dax's to down to the dream world's surface. before closing it again. Then, she summons a copy of each and every conduit she's met so far, including Dax himself, to stand by her in the throne room. Their emotions are not that of the normal ones, so even Daniel is a ruthless fighter behind a mock personality. She also spawns a crystal sun in the hall Dax is in since he now has the same weakness. "Enjoy."
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Null had nothing else to do, so he went to check up on Avalon... "Hmm... It appears she's lost all memory after the blast." Null says as he walks in. "However, she now has all her old memories back."
Dax transforms back into himself to avoid weakness and creates a replica of every conduit in the room each with their own power. He then takes out his gauntlets and enchants them with different types of weaknesses to the copies. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" he yells as his copies rush into the fray.
As Slade instinctively swirled around in a flaming kick, the Demon leaped up into the air jumping high over the attack. Zabuza brought the Executioner's Blade up above his head to bring it down as hard as possible down upon Slade. The Demon had no doubt that Slade would get out of the way in time, so there was no point in holding back.

If he was correct and Slade did dodge out of the way in time, the blade would of still crashed down into the road sending large asphalt chunks flying out in all directions. Chances were that Slade would be hit by the large amount of shrapnel.
Slade spun onto all fours a bit to the side of the blades mark just in case and released an explosion of fire meant to knock Zabuza back.


Jake smiled with relief, "Oh... good...I have a lot to explain but... I'm too tired...at the moment..."Jake mumbled.
"W-wait... What happened, where are we?" Scarlett groaned slightly grabbing her head, then noted "this doesn't look like a hospital, and I feel like shit."
"Of course you ignore someone who walks in." Null says with a sigh. "Now I know how you feel Avalon, or, rather, Jake." Null says as he leaves to check on Shard.

(meh, continuity shattered... WHO CARES!!!! Btw, this is not in real time. For each 10 hours in the dream world, you have 1 hour in the real world.)

Shard equips all of her golems with Crystal Blades, and the conduits with crystal armor. She then creates a replica of herself and places it in front of the golems... She looks like a crystal knight when the clone appears to form her own armor. "CHARGE!" and the fight begins, lasting for at least an hour golems killed golems, conduits killed conduits... Then...

"Hmm..? Oh god damn it... Dax you better not be messing with her dreams." Null says as he touches Dax and enters the dream himself. He looks around to notice the castle, and the hole on the side. "No doubt they're in there." Null crouches down, and suddenly, the crystal comes up in a pillar below him, launching him into the castle. "Hello Dax, what are you doing here?"

Shard then ordered everyone to stop fighting and defend as she noticed Null's. "NULL! how are you here!?!" She says as she teleports to him.

"I touched Dax and entered the dream..." Null responds

"Oh... Hi." Shard says felling somewhat ignorant.

"Nice world you got here." Null says with a smile.

"It's not... But can I explain... after a small nap..." He asked, looking completely exhausted.

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