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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Kat..." Null says as he turns her to face him "You shall now obey my commands. First. If it comes time where you are ever to be sired, your will shall remain your own, and choices are yours to make. Your will will be louder than the one who sires you." Kat's eyes have a red rim around them now, as she accepts the command. The red then fades, because the conditions for following the command had not yet been met.

(PLOT TWIST!!! I did the sire countermeasure first :D )
Netherdragon said:
"Kat..." Null says as he turns her to face him "You shall now obey my commands. First. If it comes time where you are ever to be sired, your will shall remain your own, and choices are yours to make. Your will will be louder than the one who sires you." Kat's eyes have a red rim around them now, as she accepts the command. The red then fades, because the conditions for following the command had not yet been met.
(PLOT TWIST!!! I did the sire countermeasure first :D )
Before null could give the command Avalon pushed him away.

"You don't do something like that without permission null." He said with a glare.
AB2320 said:
Xander followed Flux. "Before we leave im gonna go find some more food in the kitchen." Xander said, "We're gonna have a long trip guys, what sounds better, more bread, or gold fish?"
"How about we get some better food..... Like.... Pizza?" Blake nodded and continued to walk. "Ya. I think that sounds way better than gold-" Blake held out his arms to stop everyone, at the expense of dropping the stereo's. A man had just jumped in front of them as he slid out his sword. "Now, I don't know if you are D.U.P, but I'll ask this anyways. What is a D.U.P lap dog doing with two concrete cases?"

Otakuyaki said:
Xavier stared blankly at the concret conduit, who was making his way with two concrete cases by his side.
"Yeah, yeah I see that..." Xavier murmured, before he shook his head, grounding himself back on earth, "What're you planning?" He spoke, his voice returning, as he turned to look at Hayabusa.
"Catching them. Questioning them. Possibly killing them if they try to fight back. You know. The usual." Hayabusa stood up and walked back to the opposite edge of the building before he turned and ran towards a fire escape on the opposite building. He jumped into the air, having gathered enough momentum, and grabbed on to the ladders last rung before he climbed up it. Once he was on the roof, he motioned for Xavier to follow him before breaking off in a sprint. He soon found Blake, who had two companions, and jumped down in front of them as he slid his sword from it's sheath. "Now, I don't know if you are D.U.P, but I'll ask this anyways. What is a D.U.P lap dog doing with two concrete cases?"
Johnomono said:
Before null could give the command Avalon pushed him away.
"You don't do something like that without permission null." He said with a glare.
"Tsk! You have no idea what you just did do you? Did we ever mention the sires to you?"
Netherdragon said:
"Tsk! You have no idea what you just did do you? Did we ever mention the sires to you?"
"I don't care, you're not doing anything you don't have permission to do." Avalon said.

"And we'll do that later anyways if she wants."
"It's not a matter of what you want... Zebuza, if he catches her, will sire her, and she will be forced to ally with them. She'll be forced to fight you."
Netherdragon said:
"It's not a matter of what you want... Zebuza, if he catches her, will sire her, and she will be forced to ally with them. She'll be forced to fight you."
"It's up to her no you." Avalon growled.

"Now get on with giving her some memories." He adds.
AvidElmV2 said:
"How about we get some better food..... Like.... Pizza?" Blake nodded and continued to walk. "Ya. I think that sounds way better than gold-" Blake held out his arms to stop everyone, at the expense of dropping the stereo's. A man had just jumped in front of them as he slid out his sword. "Now, I don't know if you are D.U.P, but I'll ask this anyways. What is a D.U.P lap dog doing with two concrete cases?"
"Catching them. Questioning them. Possibly killing them if they try to fight back. You know. The usual." Hayabusa stood up and walked back to the opposite edge of the building before he turned and ran towards a fire escape on the opposite building. He jumped into the air, having gathered enough momentum, and grabbed on to the ladders last rung before he climbed up it. Once he was on the roof, he motioned for Xavier to follow him before breaking off in a sprint. He soon found Blake, who had two companions, and jumped down in front of them as he slid his sword from it's sheath. "Now, I don't know if you are D.U.P, but I'll ask this anyways. What is a D.U.P lap dog doing with two concrete cases?"
"Wait!" Xavier pulled out his phone once more, "For crying out loud..." Selecting one of his signature codes, he summoned a vector plate beneath him, and an unseen force shoved him across the street(or shot him rather). A vector plate, much smaller than the one he used, appeared beneath his feet in the opposite direction, and he skidded along the roof of the building, quickly coming to a halt. Trotting along in his tracks, he peered over the edge of the building before he altered his own gravity once more, floating downwards before decelerating, and sat in mid-air behind the group Hayabusa had apprehended.

"We should stay within range of Zabuza, ya know?" Xavier moaned.
"Come on, Xavier. Stop being a.... vampires... pet. He may control us, but that doesn't mean we can do what we want every once and awhile. Like last night. Weren't you surprised when Zabuza shut down the mental link and let us go free for the night?" Hayabusa turns to Xavier and raises an eyebrow. If Xavier was looking closely, he would see Blake and Flux backing up with Xander in tow. Blake turned around and broke into a sprint. Flux did the same, her hand clamped tight around Xander's arm. Black used a concrete slad to propel the stereo's into the air he stopped and created two concrete slabs next to them. The stereo's fell neatly onto them before he grabbed them and started to chase after Flux and Xander.
"I'm not a pet!" Xavier exclaimed, before he sidestepped the trio, and a concrete slab narrowly missed his face, "In the first place, I lived pretty freely before I came under Zabuza, ya know?" He pulled out his phone and selected a code, before lines drew around them, forming a circle that ran up the walls, and a dome of code encased the five of them. Turning to the escaping trio, he smiled genuinely and spoke, "I'm sorry, would you mind staying for a bit?"
"Ok, here we go... Scarlett... Until you fully regain your memories, you will be forced to regain 2 years worth of memories starting from your birth and continuing onward each day starting now. You shall only regain more memory if done so naturally." Null watched as the red rings appeared once more, as the command was accepted. This time, however the red rings did not fade, for the command was active. "Avalon... I recommend keeping her here as often as you can while she regains her memory. Her mental state won't be as stable as normal while she recovers her memories. I'll have Shard make a room for you two when she wakes. Oh, and, by now she should know her real name." ( Oh, and as soon as this takes effect, you should be able to remember your true name.)
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Otakuyaki said:
"I'm not a pet!" Xavier exclaimed, before he sidestepped the trio, and a concrete slab narrowly missed his face, "In the first place, I lived pretty freely before I came under Zabuza, ya know?" He pulled out his phone and selected a code, before lines drew around them, forming a circle that ran up the walls, and a dome of code encased the five of them. Turning to the escaping trio, he smiled genuinely and spoke, "I'm sorry, would you mind staying for a bit?"
Blake looked to Xavier then to the wall. "No." Flux stood back as concrete slabs flew up from the ground, repeatedly smashing into the wall of code. Hayabusa looked to Blake then to Xavier. "So what do you mean by 'I lived pretty freely before I came under Zabuza'?" Flux stared at Blake before she walked over to Hayabusa and Xavier. "What do you want?"
"We, or at least, he wants to talk..." Xavier stared sideways at Hayabusa. He would rather be closer to the sires than be near other conduits at the moment. "I understand that you want to run off to places, but it's not good to become too uncivilised as of present." Xavier spoke before turning to Hayabusa, "I was sired, just like you were..." His eyes darted to the corner before he suddenly flushed and asked, "What were you thinking?"
Flux looked to Xavier before smiling at Hayabusa. "I say he has the right to do what he wants to do. American's where given freedom for a reason. To take it away should be forbidden or something." Flux turned to Xander and sighed. "You really don't know anything huh? The D.U.P are the guys that are always trying to kill us Conduit's. Hayabusa laughed. "I was just wondering. Jeez, calm down Xavier." Blake soon gave up with the wall and walked over to Xavier. "Can we leave now? We've got things to do, places to overrun possibly!" Hayabusa rubbed the back of his head and sighed. "Fine. Drop the wall Xavier. These guy's obviously aren't D.U.P. Still, what's in the cases?" Blake smiled and tapped one case. "Stereo's."
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Netherdragon said:
"Ok, here we go... Scarlett... Until you fully regain your memories, you will be forced to regain 2 years worth of memories starting from your birth and continuing onward each day starting now. You shall only regain more memory if done so naturally." Null watched as the red rings appeared once more, as the command was accepted. This time, however the red rings did not fade, for the command was active. "Avalon... I recommend keeping her here as often as you can while she regains her memory. Her mental state won't be as stable as normal while she recovers her memories. I'll have Shard make a room for you two when she wakes. Oh, and, by now she should know her real name." (The sire command is in effect... Scarlett has the countermeasure. Oh, and as soon as this takes effect, you should be able to remember your true name.)
(She voided back to before you did that so no.)

Avalon just nodded and lead her away, heading to his own room for now, she would probably need some rest.
Kat's head and eyes ached substantially, taking her a moment to recognize her surroundings. An empty room, as far as her perception registered, but light aflame. She couldn't find her abilities to move, merely glancing around in substitute. After a moment of muddled thought Kat heard a light breath behind her. She wanted to turn her head to look, not as if she couldn't she just didn't.

"Don't move," the voice breathed.

"I-" Kat's voice cracked.

"Don't talk," the voice cut off, moving closer to her. Just outside Kat's line of vision, but Kat could feel the breath on her back even through the fire surrounding them. It continued, "take it all in. It's who you are."

Kat let off a long breath, the fire growing exuberant in rejoinder. Gazing over it a moment, only to snap her head to the left. Kat couldn't catch a glimpse of who was talking to her.

"I said don't move," the voice hissed, now on her right side.

"Maybe this isn't who I'm suppose to be..." Kat murmured.

"You are, what you have become. Why change it?" the voice answered.

Kat swallowed on nothing, "but I always wa-"

"No, you like mystery, and false hope," the voice leaned in closer to her ear, "you never actually liked, me."

"I-" Kat stammered, "are you sure?"

The voice didn't answer, the breathing lightening but still present. Leaving Kat standing there as she stared into the fire, thoughts coming and going as she couldn't focus. The source of the voice faded back slightly, Kat reacted quickly grabbing them by the wrist.

Kat wouldn't look back, but she clutched tightly.

"It doesn't matter if I don't like you, I need you to be whole... You need me. We-"

"You'd think that, but... Well you functioned perfectly fine without me."

Kat held even tighter, their skin was frozen. Cold to a point where Kat's hand felt like it was on fire, with excruciating heat.

"That's a vapid lie, don't even try that," Kat hissed.

The voice chuckled slightly, "don't even pretend you're this confident. You're not sure at all."

"I don't have time to be sure, we do this now or never..."

"Why not never?" the voice asked, starting to pull away from Kat.

Kat clutched tighter, her hand throbbing the pain extending up her arm. Kat bit hard on her lower lip, finally looking back.

Reality snapped in a moment, and Kat found herself holding an infant in her arms. A sleeping newborn.

"Scarlett, I-I don't think I can take care of you," Kat faltered, already starting to regret her decision.

Scarlett found herself suddenly thrown back into reality, she felt nauseous. But clear, glancing over to Jake. Her memories fading in and out as she retained them.

Eyebrows furrowed as she thought, then spoke up, "I didn't have a m-"

Cut off by the fact that she lost consciousness, falling to the ground.
Avalon carefully laid her into the bed and sat down next to her to wait. He was worried but he couldn't do much now.
Netherdragon said:
"AGH!!! See what did I tell you! I was worried this would happen. Her memories overwhelmed her."
"Who are you talking to...?" Shift asked with a sigh.
"It was rhetorical... I warned them what would happen if I brought back too many memories at once... It's overwhelming her... If you sense her emotions, you can tell that their all jumbled up. She can't comprehend it yet."
Netherdragon said:
"It was rhetorical... I warned them what would happen if I brought back too many memories at once... It's overwhelming her... If you sense her emotions, you can tell that their all jumbled up. She can't comprehend it yet."
"Whatever, take me to your room. We have business to conduct." Shift muttered.

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