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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"That's a waste of bullets," Kat mumbled, holding up Jake so he wouldn't collapse on the ground and hit his head.
Jake grunted slightly, confused at the lack of extreme pain or the feeling of impending death.

"W-what? " He grunTed.
"What do you mean...?" Jake asked, extremely confused as he let go of her and stood, trying to feel his back.
Otakuyaki said:
Xavier watched Hayabusa run out the back door, on the verge of vomiting. Admittedly, he had an odd feeling in his chest from swallowing back his vomit after leaving the hotel, but it shouldn't bother him. Hopefully, he thought. Following Hayabusa out, he had a frown on his face.
"Little man?" He asked, his voice monotone, and he palms his forehead. Am I not menacing in the slightest? Maybe that's why nobody took him seriously, before the blast, and even now.
Hayabusa wiped his mouth and groaned. "Okay.... I'm done..... Wait." Hayabusa began to throw up some more before he stood up. "Okay... Now I'm done. Seriously though, what happened last night?"
"You're a conduit, invulnerable to most damage," Kat answered, "it's also why most of us can't be hurt by our own powered. Like I can be light on fire, comply unaffected."
Roo said:
"You're a conduit, invulnerable to most damage," Kat answered, "it's also why most of us can't be hurt by our own powered. Like I can be light on fire, comply unaffected."
"Really? I...I Actually didn't know that... I've only been out of my coma for a day..."Jake said.
Johnomono said:
"Really? I...I Actually didn't know that... I've only been out of my coma for a day..."Jake said.
"Look, we should leave before we stir up anymore trouble," Kat said after a moment.
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AvidElmV2 said:
Hayabusa wiped his mouth and groaned. "Okay.... I'm done..... Wait." Hayabusa began to throw up some more before he stood up. "Okay... Now I'm done. Seriously though, what happened last night?"
"Hey, I'm not asking what happened to you guys in the bar. Your business is yours, and mine is my own." He stated, sighing. He turned to face the direction where Zabuza was in combat with the conduit, "Zabuza is in combat with a conduit right now, and we're not supposed to interfere, unless absolutely necessary. Which is why I'm going to find a vantage point." He selected a code and a circle of code appeared around him, and he floated to the top of a building in an arc. He's more nosy than the first time I met him...

((Keep your OOCs in OOC > :o ))
Roo said:
"Look, we should leave before we stir up anymore trouble," Kat said after a moment.
"Alright... come on, I need to talk to someone at the FFA, do you mind coming with me?" Jake asked.
Dax appears in his dream state. "Wait a minute, when did i go to sleep? I shouldn't even be in here!" Dax breaks out of his sleep state and wakes up in a room. "ah my head, I can't remember what happened. Yet I feel the strange urge to wake up Null."
Flux let go of Blake's arm and let out a sigh. "Okay... I'm alright. I just need some fresh air, that's all..." Blake nodded and helped Flux outside. They both sat down on the sidewalk and looked up at the sky. "So, Blake. How was life before the Blast?" Blake's smiled suddenly faded as he hung his head down. "I don't like to talk about it...." Flux wrapped her arm around Blake and sighed. "Ya. Me neither..."
Netherdragon said:
"You... You were the one sleeping... I just now went to sleep."
Dax had a shocked look on his face. "uh.... anyway, what are we gonna do now? I can't remember much of the last few minutes, I just found myself in my dream land again!"
The two walked for a couple of minutes and Kat suddenly stopped. Turning slightly as she looked over the most empty street.

"give me a moment," Kat said, Turing right down a smaller street.
AvidElmV2 said:
Blake stood up and walked over to the windows before turning over to Flux. "Hey? What's your power?" Flux smiled and created a ball of fire in her hand. "Guess. Step aside, concrete boy. I'm gonna show who's boss." Blake laughed and moved away as Flux walked out the door. The room seemed to get hotter and hotter until she walked out the door, her eyes a fiery orange. Once Flux was outside, she closed the door behind her as screams, shouts, and gun shots could be heard outside. Blake was about to step outside to see what was going on before all sounds stopped. He backed away from the door when he heard footsteps and got ready to slam whoever walked in into the wall. That door slowly opened as Flux walked in. She had orange, glowing wings the each had a wing span of at least 4 feet. Flux stumbled in before the wings disappeared. "I showed them...." She said weakly before she fell onto her knees. Blake dropped down next to Flux. "Hey, you okay? What happened out there." Flux chuckled before she wobbly stood up and grabbed Blake's arm to stabilize herself. "Nothing..... It just happens.. When I go full Phoenix..." Blake stared down at her confused. "Full what?"
"Full Phoenix?" Xander thought to himself. Xander ran outside and got a fine look at what attacked them. "So these... These are Stalkers?" asked Xander. "Pretty? Arent they" Flux asked sarcastically. "Jeez. You know how to use your powers don't you?" Xander said. Flux gave a proud chuckle. "We can't stay here. They'll be back. In larger forces. We won't. Even if you go full phoenix, and Blake goes full whatever he is, we won't last."
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Johnomono said:
"Um, okay."Jake said, waiting.
Roo said:
The two walked for a couple of minutes and Kat suddenly stopped. Turning slightly as she looked over the most empty street.
"give me a moment," Kat said, Turing right down a smaller street.
After a moment his curiosity won over and he followed.

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