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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Kat tore off a piece of the toast and put it in her mouth upside down. Kat always picked her food apart like that, though she always ate everything she was given. Never was a wasteful person.

Although Jake had gotten her a lot of food, so maybe not this time.

Kat found the food queer tasting, neither good nor bad. Though she wanted to eat more and ripped off another bite.
Jake continued to watch her eat it while eating as well, smiling slightly.
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"You're suppose to convince me... I'll admit you've been good at it so far, so just do what you think," Kat answered.
"Well Uhm... let's just take a walk and I can tell you things I remember about you?" Jake suggested.
Jake pulled out some money for the bill and left it on the table before standing.

He hesitated before offering her his hand.
Jake relaxed visibly and left the cafe with her. Outside as they were walking he asked, "So how well can you control your fire?"
Kat shrugged slightly, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it with her finger.

"I can manage my ability fine," she answered.
Shard just walked up, out of the base, to see the battle that was occurring. She concentrated, and used her ace... She caused a crystal, the size of a hot air balloon's balloon to float above the battle. At the same time, she created a dome over everyone...

Null looked at the crystal that was floating and spinning. "I command you all, with the exception of Null, to forget everything that has occurred over the past day... Under no circumstances will you EVER regain these memories. You will also now go directly back to your base and sleep. You will each sleep for 24 hours upon arriving. (I'm gonna say Dax can escape his dream.) You will not remember who I am." With this, Null's command took effect on everyone. The floating crystal took the command, and spat it out in all directions, it then reflected on the walls of the dome Shard made. Nobody had time to react, everyone was affected. Daniel, Shard, Sphinx, Felix, Max, Dax, Shadow, Three, Smokescreen, Nil. (If I missed someone, sorry, but all of them who were at the FFA base, fighting or not, were effected. Shard covered the Alley where Daniel was too.) All of them stopped, and stood in a daze as the command took effect. Because Shard had to take down the dome to get to her "home" (the FFA base). All of them follow the command to the letter. There shall be no regaining memories or disobedience, for Null put every ounce of strength into this command. However... Dax just sat there. Null then went up to him, and gave him a personal command. "The definition of home, in the previous command refers to a empty room in the FFA base. Follow your previous command with this new information." Dax did so, and went inside a room next to Null's. Null then limps back to his room, only to collapse on the floor. Null now has to recover his strength after using so much energy in those commands.

(HOLY CRUD!!! Large post much? Have Avalon search for Null first when you get back, and I'll say you woke him up. That way, we can continue.)(There should be NO complaints about this being "OP". We had a vote, and the majority voted yes, saying this was ok. You can see it in the PM. Nobody will remember under any circumstance.)
"That's cool." Jake said with a smile.

"Filthy conduit bitch!" A man behind them shouted.

Jake took one look back and suddenly Kat was wrapped in his arms in front of him.

Five gun shots rang out and Jake shuddered with each one before the sound of running feet were heard fading away.

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