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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Netherdragon said:
"Nobody, that's what I said... my appearance changed... I lived in solitude. Mostly because at first, I couldn't handle all the voices in my head. However, it was also to protect those close to me, because if god forbid, they found out who I am, they may go after my old friends. Unfortunately... I did the opposite recently. Bates is dead. It may have been indirect but it was because of me." Null says as he stands up and dusts himself off. "I saw his name in the list of casualties when the DUP's started firing on one another because of my command."
"Dax... Now is really not the time, just give us a minute. I want to finish this conversation before we start fighting. Oh, and despite my original name, I still prefer to go by my alias."
"You got 5 minutes till i wake up. Clocks ticking." Dax lays down near a tree and slowly tries to drift to his dreamland once again.
Xander walks over to see Flux's drawing. "Woah! That's... That's gorgeous" He begins to get lost in the drawing until he hears banging on every window in the building. Everyone gets into a defensive statement. "What. the FUCK was that!?" asked Blake with great concern in his voice. "We're baaaaack!", an eerie voice says. "I think you just answered your own question Blake" says Flux
Blake stood up and walked over to the windows before turning over to Flux. "Hey? What's your power?" Flux smiled and created a ball of fire in her hand. "Guess. Step aside, concrete boy. I'm gonna show who's boss." Blake laughed and moved away as Flux walked out the door. The room seemed to get hotter and hotter until she walked out the door, her eyes a fiery orange. Once Flux was outside, she closed the door behind her as screams, shouts, and gun shots could be heard outside. Blake was about to step outside to see what was going on before all sounds stopped. He backed away from the door when he heard footsteps and got ready to slam whoever walked in into the wall. That door slowly opened as Flux walked in. She had orange, glowing wings the each had a wing span of at least 4 feet. Flux stumbled in before the wings disappeared. "I showed them...." She said weakly before she fell onto her knees. Blake dropped down next to Flux. "Hey, you okay? What happened out there." Flux chuckled before she wobbly stood up and grabbed Blake's arm to stabilize herself. "Nothing..... It just happens.. When I go full Phoenix..." Blake stared down at her confused. "Full what?"
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Roo said:
"I, huh... Can't remember where exactly," she answered.
"I do..." Avalon muttered quietly, the memory that made him believe she was dead returning to him.
Johnomono said:
"I do..." Avalon muttered quietly, the memory that made him believe she was dead returning to him.
"Just, uh, please stay calm," Kat mumbled nervously, not really like dealing with his emotional issues.
Avalon just nodded, "Yea... Sorry, this is just really hard on me..." Avalon replied.
Roo said:
"I suppose I understand that..." Kat mumbled.
Avalon shook his head, "Don't worry about it. I actually have an Idea but I won't do it until you trust me so come on let's go eat." He said, starting slowly down the street as he waited to follow.
Kat put out her cigarette then started following the guy.

"You still haven't told me your name yet," she pointed out.
Roo said:
Kat put out her cigarette then started following the guy.
"You still haven't told me your name yet," she pointed out.
"Oh..Jake, Jake Haron. I go by Avalon note though due to my power." Avalon replied.
Johnomono said:
"Oh..Jake, Jake Haron. I go by Avalon note though due to my power." Avalon replied.
"Jake..." Kat mumbled softly to herself, then she looked back at him, "what can you do?"
Jake smiled and made it apparent that he was proud of his ability. It suited his personality in his opinion.

Jake opened his hand and held it up as a tiny sun began floating in and around it, looping around his fingers.

"I'm still learning but I'm figuring things out quickly.
Jake smiled and put it out.

"Hey we're almost here!" He said, leading her across the street to a small corner cafe.
Roo said:
"Okay then..." Kat mumbled in confusion.
Jake lead her up to the door and inside, finding a table for two near the back.

"Wait here, I'll go order, it'll be Surprise." Jake said, not giving her time for a reply.
After a moment Jake returned and took a seat, "Our food should be here soon." He said.
Johnomono said:
After a moment Jake returned and took a seat, "Our food should be here soon." He said.
Kat gave a slight nod, that barely seemed like a response. She seemed to be spacing off a bit.
Jake looked at her a moment and then hung his head, rubbing the back off it like people did when they were stressed out.
"Well...I Actually know someone that could unlock your memories for you..." Jake said hesitantly.
"I..." Kat maundered slightly as she rubbed her arm. Kat had always wanted to have her memories back, but now that an option actually came up... Kat felt flustered and an odd sense of angry.

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