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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"What do you mean?" Max says with an eyebrow raised. "What are you talking about?"
see, if this were a fake persona, back during that conflict a bit ago, I would have broken down. It's not, my true persona saves me from doubts. As long as he uses fake personas, he will have doubts about himself.
Max grits his teeth. "Okay, what's your deal? Why do you like to manipulate everything? I know you're lying, stop! Stop screwing with us! If we're your allies, you should be helping! In fact, you haven't helped us at all since we met you!"
He turns to Shard. "This not being a veneer. You said it yourself, stop blatantly lying."
During the argument, Sphinx went to where Felix left the group. She sighed and walked next to Felix. She looked at him. "What's wrong? Tell me everything you're thinking right now..." She said, smiling a little.
Max looks at him and grins. "I haven't played in awhile, but I did play against Sapphire last time she came out. I say I won, she cheated. I consider myself quite good, really." (Please say we're doing this again)
Zabuza casually walked the length of the crystal wall he could, watching as the dome separating the sires and shadows slowly began to melt more and more because of Dante's work. The Demon watched as Shadow's men lined the walls, as well as placed down several sentries.

What fun this is going to be, just be prepared to charge as soon as we crack the dome Jacob and Dante.

The Demon thinks, his thoughts still being relayed to Jacob, Dante, and Xavier. Then Zabuza realizes he hasn't heard from Xavier since he created the monsters...

Xavier, are you alright? You're monsters, while they weren't as effective at fighting as we might of hoped, still provided the perfect distraction.
Felix looks at her and sits against a wall. "I was a fool for chasing Shard. I loved her, but... she obviously doesn't care. She doesn't feel. She helps Null with his manipulating, and she would break me to get something they want. She is utterly subservient to Null. Loving her is putting myself under Null. It's dangerous, and useless." He looks up to the sky. "How could I be so blind... Max was right."
2 things. One, we should probably watch out for Sphinx, two messing with minds is a form of chess in my opinion. I am a monster. I question what am I doing. I'm hurting people I care about. I have feelings. Sometimes I wonder if this is just another fake shell.

Meanwhile, Shard goes out of the shelter out in some random direction.
Shadow walks up to where Zabuza is walking along the wall. "Hello?" He calls out. Due to the weakening of the crystal wall, he was able to talk through it. "So... you really think you can take on an army of 500? Er, well, I guess it's more like 425, those monsters did a number. I imagine Xavier is nearby. The weaker shadows are searching for him as we speak. So, what plan do you have? Charge in? That won't work you know, you'll be gunned down."

Max grins. "Well stop wondering, it is a fake shell. Humans are not capable of feeling as little emotions, or showing them, as you do. It must be a shell. And why watch out for Sphinx?"
Sphinx sighs and sits next to Felix. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault. You obviously saw something in her you loved and that's what kept you chasing. So don't beat yourself up about it." She said, trying to comfort him.
I don't know, it feels like Sphinx is a shell. I just don't trust her... Just... be careful. As for me. Im questioning which side I'm on. You try going through what I have. Yes, you have powers. However, I had a lot go on before the blast. Even Now, I'm hurting someone I care about, Shard is getting too much like me. I don't want her to have no emotion. I just wanted to break her shell.
The Demon stops in front of Shadow, allowing him to speak.

"I feel somewhat sorry for you Shadow, being blind as well as dumb just can't speak well for your odds of survival in the future. The 'heroes', who are most certainly not better than any of the rest of us, were right in your grasp and not a single one of your five-hundred strong army saw them. Where is your strength in numbers if every last shadow is as blind as you?

More over, I even watched as they left alongside Null and Shard. Some friend you have in both Null and Shard by the way. Moreover, I'm surprised in what time we were allies you never payed attention to my powers and just how strong they were. Hide behind your army Shadow, they will not save you."
Max looks at Null. "Why? Why do you care about breaking shells? If someone's happy with a shell, then let them? If someone's sad or emotionless with a shell, THEN break it." He says putting emphasis on emotionless. "If Sphinx has a shell right now, then I'm fine with that, because she's happy. Shard was better off with a shell I imagine. What's the point of knowing a true person if that only causes hurt?


Felix looks up at Sphinx. "Thanks, but... I just don't know what that was. Looking back on it, I can't see wha-" He notices Shard walking off. "I wonder where she's going? Normally she hangs out around Null, I don't get it. Come on." Felix says getting up and following her. Let's see what you're doing...


Shadow looks at Zabuza in silence for a few seconds before laughing. "If you haven't noticed, I am not hiding. I'm right here on the front lines. I didn't notice the FFA were here, and now I am greatly pissed, but we had you to worry about. Hope you're proud. Oh, and Null and Shard? Yeah, I'll be having a... chat with them when they come back. Let's just say sticks and stones may break their bones, but words will kill them off."
You have a point, but mine has been so ingraned that I forgot how to break it back. Maybe I break shells because I'm lonely. I don't know anymore. I... I'm going for a walk. Null goes out


Shard starts picking up the pace, she starts to run for a bout a mile then ducks into an alley and sit's in it's corner. She sets up a chair for herself.
Sphinx stood up and followed with a sigh. I guess she still loves her... She thought with a frown. She doesn't complain though.
Max stands with Haybusa in the base for a moment and once he knows Null is gone he jumps up. "Yes! For once I got him!"


Felix starts to run once Shard does and once Shard ducks into an alleyway he shadows up to the rooftop through a vent and Sphinx flies up. "I wonder... this is the first time I've seen her separated from Null. What could she be doing. Stay here Sphinx, I need to figure out what's going on." He jumps down and covers himself in shadows. Due to it being nearly nighttime, and the fact that they're in an alleyway, he's nearly unnoticeable. Maybe he still loves Shard, maybe not. Either way, he's deathly curious.
"What on earth am I doing", Shard questions. What is he doing to me, why am I continuing this charade. Why do I act like him. Is it because I like him? I'm losing friends. I'm hurting people." Shard sobs into her arms.


"Shard, where did you go? Sigh, this has been stressful, but I'm worried. Where is she?"
Felix hears this and wonders. She doesn't act like she likes me, so she can't be talking about me. Who could it be. Well, the only person she shows affection towards is... Null. Man, I really am blind. Felix lowers the shadows and approaches Shard. "Null gotcha down?"
God, you asshole, just because I'm talking doesn't mean I need your input. (like an old married couple already GO SHELIX :D )
"Excuse me princess." Felix says as he plops down in front of her. "Just wondering what your problem is, excuse me for asking."
if you were here the whole time you would have known, and don't ever make that reference again. Worst. Series. Ever. Anyway, point is, I'm hurting people, yet I don't want to. I feel like he's right though in that the end justifies the means. However... I've never seen someone take it this far.

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