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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sphinx couldn't get the grin off her face. "I guess you're right! Thanks Felix!" She said as she hugged him. She then seperated from Felix and blushed a little. "So, how's everything going with...Shard." She asked.
Felix smiled. "I don't know... she's very focused on her work, and I can respect that... but she DOES need to lighten up a bit. She's too serious."
Sphinx smiled. "That's an easily solved problem! Tell her a joke or talk to her about something she loves! That simple!" She said with a small smile. At this point, she was just glad to be able to help.
"Well, a joke wouldn't be too hard, but as I said before, I don't know her. I want to GET to know her. Felix says as he keeps walking. He looks at Sphinx. "I connected and learned with you so quickly... but she's a tougher nut to crack... more stubborn"
Sphinx nodded with a sigh. "That's tough...hmmm....maybe just ask her about her life or something..." She said, putting back on a smile. "I can help you converse with her if you want." She said.
Felix exhales loudly. "Thanks for trying to help. Okay... here goes." Felix walks up to Shard and is about to ask her about her life when he stops. "Wait... so what was that thing Shadow told you? I wanted to clear it up, whatever lies he said."
He just told me that you killed about 200 people. It just further proves what Null said about you and the remaining members of the FFA.

"Shard, you don't need to tell them everything" Null smirks, as he gets what Shard is intending to do. It appears as she loves playing with emotions just as much as he does.
Felix sighs. "I knew you would hear about it. I cracked! Okay, I cracked. I saw my best friend turned into a fucking vampire, how do you think I'd react!" Felix says, blowing up. "This life is extremely stressful. It's my duty to help people, but a lot of what I do causes harm! I try so hard, but it's all in vain! But guess what? I'm gonna keep trying!" He screams, not even realizing he's yelling at Shard.

"And you!" He yells, walking over to null and jabbing him in the chest. "You disappear for days, leaving us on our own to fight, leaving us unprepared without a word, and then you waltz back on in without an explanation?! You can't do that! If there's anything you are hiding, SPILL IT!!! Also, what the hell is the FFA!?"
Null lies back on the wall of the tunnel laughing. "I don't exactly know how or why I disappeared. It's all a blur to be honest, but the fact is I did. Also, the FFA is the Freedom Fighters Alliance. You guys. The Hero's Alliance wouldn't work."

"Null and I agreed that would be a better name to describe you based on his theories about you and your friends. I agree with all of them so far"
"WHAT THEORIES!" Felix turns and yells at Shard, before pulling out his shadow blade and pinning Null against the wall. "What theories?" He asks with a voice wavering with anger.

"Felix, calm the hell down!" Max yells, running towards Felix to try to stop him. Without looking, Felix throws his had backs and shoots a shadow bolt at Max. It hits the ground in front of him, exploding and sending him flying back into a wall. "Sphinx, help!"
Sphinx's eyes widened as she flew over to Max. She helped him up and then flew over to Felix and landed in front of him. "Felix, calm down!" She said placing a hand on his shoulder.
Shard then opens a hole in the wall where Null is, sending him back then covering up. Then she shoots crystal restraints up Felix's legs, so he cannot move.

"Just about your nature. Think about yourself. How did you act originally. Sure is different from now. My theory is based on what I did to Max. I broke his fake persona. I brought out his true nature. Before all this, you were protected by a shell from society. Now, you are breaking out of that. We are all freaks on the inside. Every last one of us"

"Essentially, Null is saying that you are all like him. He just had to prove it you. One example is when he broke Max's shell. He proved that they thought in quite similar ways. Hell, he enjoyed that helicopter attack."

(I love how Shard is becoming more calm and collected like Null, it's awesome :D )
Felix ignores Sphinx and shadows out of the restraints and shadows up in front of Shards face. "I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM!!!" He screams, the noise reverberating off of the crystal walls. "I am FEELING, if you can't tell! He gave up his emotions, his HUMANITY!!!! WE ARE HUMAN, WE'VE JUST BEEN CURSED WITH OUR ABILITIES!!!!" Felix suddenly processes the last part of what Shard said and he dashes over to Max and grabs his collar. He can't lift him up, so he just slams him against the wall. "YOU ENJOYED THAT? YOU ENJOYED KILLING SO MANY!?"

"No!" Max yells out, trying to push Felix off. "I didn't! I don't know what they're talking about! It was thrilling, but not enjoyable! You know how it is!" Felix throws him back against the wall and turns back to shard, as he walks over and looks at her.

"What about you, Shard? Do you feel anything? Or have you truly become like Null?"
"Come now, you don't think I'm stupid enough to give up my emotions, much less Null"

"Guess the cat's out of the bag. I lied. For that I apollogize. Honestly, if I had, I wouldn't have made threats I would just do. By now you would all be mindless slaves. You, Mirror, Max, even her over that, ummm Sphinx, is it? All of you. Without emotions I would lack restraint"

"Without emotions, you probably wouldn't have cared enough to stop when we met, and tried to convince me to join willingly. I would be a slave as well."
Felix looks up and walks over to Null. "You didn't get rid of your emotions? Then that makes you even MORE despicable. Hiding your feelings like that, to make yourself seem inhuman... no, no you ARE inhuman. You're a beast! And uncaring monster!" Felix says as his voice begins to rise. "We're all like you, that's ridiculous. We retain our humanity, you're a BEAST! AN UNCARING, MANIPULATIVE MONSTER!! WHAT MAKES YOU BETTER THAN SHADOW?!?!?!"
Sphinx flies over to Max and helps him up. "We need to do something. I might be able to calm him down with my seduction abilities...or I might have to let her take over...what do you think?" She asked, frowning, her eyes filled with worry.
Max hears what Null says and blinks a few times. "I knew it." He murmurs to himself. "I knew I detected fear behind those words on the crystal pillar. He then sees Felix start to yell again. "Fe-" he instantly gets hit by another blast, and flies against the wall. He takes out his nanobots making a pistol and points it at Felix. Please don't make me do this

Max looks at Sphinx and sighs, putting away his gun. "I- I don't know. I don't want to use powers on him, but that might be what it's come to. Don't make it to strong, last thing we need is him trying to bang you down here... sorry, but the problem remains. Just use it enough to calm him down."
"To be honest Felix' I'm probably worse. I break people. What I did to Max back at your warehouse, in your eyes. It is unforgivable. But in mine, its just means to an end. I'm going to need more than just one fellow conduit with me. I'm a mental monster"

"Max, cease and desist. Same with you please. You don't have to do this, please just let Null take care of this."
Felix lowers his voice but remains just as angry. He walks over to Shard and looks down at her. "Null take care of things? What is taking care of things? Breaking us? Manipulating, changing us? That's not taking care of things. Tell me Shard... do you feel? Not just pain and determination, but happiness? Sorrow? Wonder? Curiosity? ...love? Do any of those things mean anything to you Shard?"
Sphinx nodded and closed her eyes. She turned her seduction powers to about 75%. She flew behind Felix and raised her arms. "Um, Felix, calm down...you don't have to do this..." She said, with a frown.
"Felix, of all people. Why are you acting this way to her? You're mad at me right? IF you're that mad then shoot me. Do it" Null the looks at a reflection of himself and commands "Live through any injury"


Felix glares at Shard, then glares at Null then glares at Sphinx before his glare breaks. He sighs. He raises his hand and tries to shoot, but Sphinx's powers cause him to become less angry. He lowers his hand and sighs. "Why am I like this? Why do I break so easily?" Felix says cradling his head in his hand.
shard lets Null out of the wall.

"It's ok, Felix. Well I won't say that. You are one of the few people who have ever had to go through with this kinda stress."

"Phew, anyway. Felix, I have become less feeling. Null broke my shell as well, and created a new one. A much stronger one. The same one he has."

"Indeed, I once was naive like you. I broke my own shell, then made the new one you see today. Part of my goal, is to break people's shells, so that they can focus more on how they truly feel. Mine just happens to be one without much emotion. Shard still has a lot more than I could ever hope for. Max started to end up like me, but spending time with you, he diverted back to his old shell."

"We're sorry we couldn't finish the job with you Max. We don't necessarily want to re-break you so to speak."

"It's hard on me, mentally and emotionally, to break peoples shells. However, when I do, I feel a bit accomplished."
Sphinx sighed. She walked over to Felix and hugged him. "It's not your fault...it's not your fault...it's not a bad thing..." She said with a sigh.
Felix hugs her back and his mind begins to go foggy and he realizes what is happening. "Uh, Sphinx, you can turn off your powers now."

He turns to Null. "I'm sorry for my outburst Null, and you too Shard, but I think you're lying to yourself Null. I think that this unfeelingness you have is a shell. I think you've put up a wall to stop yourself from feeling the acts you've committed. You've been doing it for so long, you've forgotten how you once were... trust me, I know firsthand."

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