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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"In that case, maybe I can help. Have your army come up here. MY commands not only force will power, but they increase it. It will increase their drive to complete this task. Bring them here, so I can command them to drive them off. You and I both know these are the sires. They cannot defeat them, but they can at least drive them away. WE should stay up here in case we need to flee."

"Meanwhile, I will continue to build up my crystal defenses as a safe measure"

"This is a way to even our debts."
Shadow looks at him. "Maybe they cannot kill them, but I can. They aren't gonna charge into gunfire, but I have no fear of being shot. That gives me a huge advantage." Shadow frowns. "I also hope you understand why I can't have you MIND CONTROLLING MY ARMY!"
it's not mind control, its influence, it increases their drive. keep in mind we are allies. I don't have a need to screw you over. Keep in mind, we have a common enemy now more than before. Even so, how can I help.
Shadow looks at him. "Sorry Null, but I haven't seen enough of you to be able to trust you with something like that. For all I know you could say 'Kill yourselves' and boom, my whole army gone."
"I suppose that is a fair point... I suppose there is nothing I can really do at the moment. God, it's at times like this I wish I trained in shooting rather than sword mastery. I can't get in close."

"I suppose I can help from up here, but I don't wanna get in close either. Right now, I guess I can give you armor. OH WAIT DUH!!! my crystal form!"

"Your crystal what?"
Sphinx tried to hold back an embarrassed blush, but failed. She looked away. "I just wanna help you. After all, you're a good friend of mine. One of the only ones too. I'll look for those herbs. Where would I look?" She asked. She then bent over and picked up a rubber ball. She squeezed it and it made a noise. "Looks like a dog toy..."
The Demon stopped running, looking towards both Jacob and Dante.

"On the bright side, we've found Shadow and know that Xavier managed to find them. I can also tell that Xavier hasn't been caught, so that's also cause for great cheer. On a much darker side it would seem that Null and Shard have finally shown their faces again. I would prefer to get to talk to them, but it seems I won't get the chance..."

Zabuza began to think about what they were going to do.

"Anyways, we came here to cut Shadow's numbers down. So we need to do what they won't expect, charge directly into his army and gunfire. Xavier will give us what support he can, while our healing factors are going to be going into overdrive constantly healing gunshots. Just make sure not to drink any of the Shadow's blood."

Both of his sire's eyes glowed from the single command, as the Demon unstrapped the Executioner's Blade from his back. In the meantime he established a mental link between all the sires, so that they could all talk together and plan together their... headstrong attack.
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"Your crystal what?" Shadow asks in sync with Null, earning Null a glare. 'Is it similar to my shadow forms, where you kinda evolve? Or do you literally become crystal. I must admit, that would be cool."

Three climbs up the side of the crystal wall and looks over. In the distance, she could see Zabuza and the others. She glares, What are they up to? Shouldn't they be taking cover? She gathers her squad of elite soldiers nearby and order the two snipers to train their guns at Zabuza's head. "If they make one move, blow his head clean off. (Yay for Three's first original post! She's becoming more like her own character!)


Felix smiles and looks at her, noticing the blush. "Well, Max is sure your friend. You guys have been talking a lot after all." Felix smiles and walks over to the window. He notices a really tall pillar with a shadow dome one top. Shadow! "And right as my day was getting better." Then he looks at the pillar. "Shard!" He yells. "She's in there! Sphinx, I think something might be going down. Guys!" He yells to the rest of the FFA. "We have a problem!"
Null is forced to shield his eyes, as Shard begins to float. All eyes are on her as her body becomes crystal itself. At the same time, Shard increases in size to become the size of the warehouse. (been waiting so long to have use for that ability. THANK YOU Z!!!!)
As soon as Shadow notices Shard growing, he lowers the dome and stares in awe for a few seconds before looking back to Zabuza. "Shiny." He says. "I have multiple forms, but I only want to use them if necessary... it's a pride thing."
Sphinx's eyes widened as she rushed into the other room. "Everyone! We need to get moving!" She said and moved back into the kitchen. "Want me to fly us there?" She asked, face looking panicked.
"HOLY CHRIST! Shard, this is incredible!"

In a more metallic voice than usual Shard says, "I understand that, but I have been waiting to use this. This is the first fight I've had in a long time, and I wanted to have some fun."


(vague idea of what Shard is turning into in my eyes)
Hayabusa sets down his bar and gets off the table before wiping his brow. "What was that, like, 100? 100-150." Hayabusa walked out ofvhis room and started to look around for Felix before finding him looking out a window. "What is it?" He looks out the window himself to see pillar with a black dome on top. He glared at it before walking away. "So, what are we gonna do about that pest Shadow?"


Jacob examined the Warehouse before smiling. "Of all the commands you've ever given me, this is the best. I know this is gonna sound really weird, but I love you Zabuza! I really do!" JAcob jumped up before pointing towards the crystal pillar that lie in front of them. "To Narnia! I know that doesn't fit this situation but I've always wanted to say that!"


Smokescreen watched as Three completely ignored him and climbed up a crystal pillar that mysteriously grew from the ground. "Has that always been there? Three! Wait!" Smokescreen ran over to the pillar before wrapping his arms around it. He started to climb up it the best he could before flopping onto the base. He saw Null and instantly plastered a smile onto his face. "Hey! I remember you!"
Well, dam Zabuza thought. With the mind-link established with Jacob, Dante, and Xavier they were all able to hear his thoughts. This doesn't change things though. Our goal is still to take out as many of the shadows as possible to deal a striking blow to his army.

Understood? Now Xavier, what do you have planned? Just think and we'll all be able to hear you. Our suicide charge is going to be... flashy. It may help out a little bit if you're able to do something to distract them so we can cross the distance.

The good part, of course, of this mental link was that only the sires would be able to hear and talk through this. One of many advantages they had.
Shadow looks down at Smokescreen. "Hello Smokescreen. Are you preparing for battle like the others." Shadow points at Shard. "Also, Shard."


Felix looks at Sphinx and nods ferociously. "If you can hold us, then yes please." Max runs into the room and looks out the window.

"Crap." is all he says with a sigh.
Shard steps down so everyone can see her and crystals spike up at her feet. She pulls a giant crystal axe from thin air, and holds it in one hand. She holds an automatic crystal machine gun in the other, with crystal bullets. (don't ask, its crystal form. just relish in the awesomeness)
Dante had thought to Zabuza, Jacob, and Xavier, "Want me to melt shit sir? Because I can melt shit good." He smirked to himself.
(Such BS, much OP)

Shadow looks at the Behemoth and nods. "Not bad." Then he turns to Null, who's mouth is hanging open. "So I imagine you didn't know about this?"
Sphinx nodded. "I definitely can! I've got adrenaline running through my body at the moment." She said as she grabbed Hayabusa's arm and called Max. "Max, get in here!" She grabbed a pot with her spare hand and through it at the window, shattering it completely.
Shadow looks at him and chuckles. "That won't be enough you know. They'll find a way to kill her. We should strike while they're distracter. Shadow jumps off the pillar and smashes through a warehouse roof just for flair. In fact, it happened to be the one Xavier is in. Shadow didn't see him, as he was looking the other way. "Okay, now to find the best path."
Xavier listened closely to Zabuza's command, before going back into his directory. I'm going to transform the rats I conjured to spy on Shadow into monsters, just try not to melt them or anything... Suddenly something crystalline shone in all of the windows of the rats he conjured. What in the world are they thinking? He looked back down at his laptop, opening up more windows of files. I'm going to stay away from Shadow, but I'll snipe off some of his lackeys, so in the meanwhile, I'll mitigate some of your damage with a temporary barrier. Try to let it last as long as possible please, these drain my battery. The crystal wall should be easy enough for you guys to cross over, but I can use my code to increase the temperature of the crystals of that armoured dude, it will weaken the crystal's polymer bonds, making them less potent, but it will take our combined efforts to beat it, those things are kind of tough... Tough is an understatement.

Xavier got up and began leaving the vicinity. If he wanted to snipe them off, he would need a vantage point... In the meanwhile, he hit his [enter] key, transforming the virtual rats into monsters.

Max looks at her. "I'm right here." He then grabs onto her arm. Is she gonna hold him in the same way as before? That was hilarious
"That's kinda what we were hoping for. Anyway, we'll hold them off for about 10 minutes, then we're gonna head off. Um Shard? whats the worst that can happen to you in that form."

"Well, I'm loud right now, so I'm not gonna give specifics, but I cannot die."

She then feels the crystals getting a bit hot, so she solidifies them further and cools them. (Seriously, she IS the crystal behemoth. How would she not FEEL IT and take action?)
Three looks at the sires and looks to her snipers. "Ok, just go ahead and fi-" Suddenly, she hears a roar. She turns around and sees a monster standing a little bit away from her squad. "crap, ALL ATTENTION ON THE MONSTER! OPEN FIRE!!!" She screams as the snipers start unloading on its face while she focuses fire on random parts of the monster to find a weak spot.

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