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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sphinx turned off her powers and separated from Felix. "Sorry..." She said with a sigh. She walked back to Max with a slight smile. "Happy I could help."
Max sighs. "Thanks. That was almost REALLY bad. I wonder what he means by 'he knows firsthand?' What do you think that means?"
"SILENCE! ALL OF YOU! You have NO IDEA how long I've had to go through this. I've lost so much doing this. I've broke shells even before the ray sphere. My powers just increase my influence, I might as well not even have them. YOU DONT KNOW ME. Yes, this is a SHELL. But it's a means to an end."

"Null, are you ok..."

"I'm fine. Most of that was mock anger... Haha, forgot how fun it was to behave as though you have emotion." Null starts laughing maniacally.

"Everyone, we should probably keep moving. Shadow is gonna be pissed when he notices that Null and I left the battle."
Shadow watches as Dante starts to melt the dome. Many of the monsters have been killed, but some still remain. His men have taken their place along the walls. The few stationary turrets they got from reaper compounds have been taken and set up along the inner wall. He walks up to Three. "So... you're a conduit now?"

"I've been one as long as you have sir."

"Right...right. Why didn't you show your powers sooner?"

"I didn't want to draw attention to myself."

"Well, you've been turning heads either way. Don't be afraid to use your powers in battle." Shadow walks off and looks around for Shard. "Shard! the walls weakening! I need you to add some defense! Shard!" He then notices a sealed off crystal tunnel. They left... those sons of bitches.


Felix looks at him. "Trust me, I know what you've been through firsthand. And you know what? I think you'd be better without your shell. But I keep mine up whenever I can, so I guess that makes me a hypocrite... as always."

@Netherdragon @UnwantedTruth @AvidElmV2
"Reguardless, Felix, the end justifies the means in this world."

"Ok guys, we're going up. we're about 5 miles out."

Shard opens the tunnel and once everyone else is out, she closes it with her still inside.
Sphinx shrugged. "I'm not sure...I don't even have a guess honestly....what do you think Max?" She asked, smirking a little, looking at Max.
Max looks back at where Shard disappeared. "Don't know why she's still in there, but okay. I'm going to imagine it means he's been putting up some kinda shell, as they like to call it. I would ask him myself, but... I'm a little scared of him right now to be perfectly honest.

Felix glances at Null. "You see, that's a matter of opinion. That's what Shadow or Zabuza would say. I don't agree. I think there are some things you should never do in this world. I hide who I really am because the real me causes pain and suffering. You have no reason to hide the real you, all it could be is better.
Speaking of which, what happened to you, who is the real you. What do you mean you know what I'm feeling. Thats apathy, not empathy. There's no way you went through the same things I did.
Felix stares at him and takes a deep breath. "That Felix you saw back there? The one that threatened to kill you, the one that screamed and hurt people... you met the real Felix Shane then.

Before the blast I was clinically depressed. I would always walk around with my head sunk and I would lash out at random people. My parents always tried to get me medicine for it, but I always said it was a part of me: it was my human emotions and I shouldn't screw with that. But then... one day the real me lost control and did something absolutely terrible." Felix cringes at the memory of his parents' and sister's gory demise at his hands. "I'm sure you just used mind reading to see what I just remembered. After that, I covered myself with a veneer of happiness. I got so good at faking it I managed to trick even those who had known me for a long time... eventually I managed to trick myself. I forgot who I originally was, And for two long years I was happily tricking myself... until that day a week ago. The day I released Shadow, and the day I once again came face to face with my true self..."
Wait, can you make another Shadow? Is that what that means? If the shadow we currently see is killed. I have a worrisome theory. It will go back inside him. If he lashes out again, Shadow will be reborn again. Dude, you're gonna have to die in the end if that's true.
Felix looks at him. "Another Shadow could be created whether that one is dead or not, though now that THE Shadow is out, it's less likely. While anger and sadness make me lose control, that Shadow was created from an overload of power. So if that happens, whether Shadow is dead or not, another may be created." His eyes widen. "Y-you're right. I'm a danger to everyone right now! Just by existing..."
"Calm down... THIS is what shard was talking about. You are going to need to stay with me from now on. Once Shadow is gone, especially. The FFA is dying. You are going to have to work with me. However, destroying shadow is not our priority currently. Right now, we have a common enemy in the sires. Shadow could have killed you back there. Luckily it was chaotic, so he didn't see you. Shard is heading back there doing god knows what. Regardless, stick with me, and I can keep you in check."

Null stretches out his hand. waiting for Felix to take it.
Felix looks at Null's hand, then looks back to his friends: Haybusa, Max, and Sphinx. On one side, his friends, on another side, his friends' safety from him. "I should give them the choice." He tells Null. He looks at them. "Well guys, here's your choice. You either have me, or you have your safety from me. Which will it be?"

Max steps forward. "Felix, we've been through a helluva lot together, and I'd be honored to go through a helluva lot more with you. I've withstood you lashing out before, and I'll withstand it 100 times more before I give up on you. You need us, I'll be there for you."
I never said you had to go alone Felix. Keep in mind, I wanted max from the beginning. I can take Sphinx as well. We need to come together.

"Speaking of the Sires, I was told you have a countermeasure." Shard says as she pops out of the ground

"Umm, hi shard"

"I remembered about that and I came back, just in case."
Sphinx stood next to Max. Her eyes were teary as she looked at Felix. "Felix, I'm going wherever you're going. Simple as that. I'm not leaving your side!" She said, smiling. "And you better not leave mine." She giggled a little.
Hayabusa had been focused on why the DUP went through so many children while Null and Felix were talking. He was suddenly pulled back into reality when Felix asked if he wanted safety from him. "Well.... I don't know any of you that much. I got here a day ago looking for shelter and ran into you, remember? But.... Your a nice group of people. I'm going with you Felix. Just... Don't make another Shadow. I'm already planning on how to kill the first one and another will just screw with my plans."
Felix smiles at the three of them. "Well, we've all decided to stick together, now the question is whether we'll go with you, Null. Tell you what, why don't we find shelter, go to sleep, and in the morning we'll decide. Besides, I still need to work the countermeasure."
"I got this" Shard restrains Saphire, and she creates an underground shelter with beds.

"Thank you, Shard. Now Saphire, get out."
"Wait, what? Unhand her!" Felix says. "Sapphire can't just... oh... that's not how it works!" Felix says. "Besides, she is good. Really good. We have to have Max deal with her because he's gay!"

"Yell it to the world Why don't you?"

"And ask her if SHE'S okay with this. Not everyone's cool with you poking around in their brain!"
"I just saved your life... Your welcome. "

"For all you know, if Null didn't just do that, it would have been too late."
Sphinx struggled in Null's restrain. "Wait....wait! Sapphire's not out at the moment! I....I'm sphinx!" She said, her green eyes looking at Felix. "Felix...help..." She said, stopping her struggle.
Felix ran up and punched Null in the face. "You can't attack my friends! Let her go! Shard, let her go!"
"Ouch, sheesh, I wasn't using mind reading. You know, sometimes I like trying to avoid using powers."

"Sorry, Sphinx. I guess this is getting to us as well."
Felix looks at Shard for a few seconds before sighing and hanging his head down and walking outside. Max walks up to Sphinx and whispers to her. "I think this is the moment I was talking about. He seems to need you. Let's make sure that his fake personality becomes his real one."

Max then turns to Null and Shard. "I think that Felix needs to calm down for a second. When he comes back, we'll activate the countermeasure."

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