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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Netherdragon said:
"Lets hover high up, and search the warehouses. Shouldn't take too long to search them with this." Null said.
"Sounds good to me, lets roll!" says dax as he makes the hoverboard fly into the air.
"So... I know the answer, but, I like hearing it from the person. What was your past like?" Null asked as they arrived at the first group of warehouses. They sped through each, and had no luck. They start going towards the next group of warehouses.
Netherdragon said:
"So... I know the answer, but, I like hearing it from the person. What was your past like?" Null asked as they arrived at the first group of warehouses. They sped through each, and had no luck. They start going towards the next group of warehouses.
"...heh. Haven't talked about that in a while. before i got my powers it was pretty normal. Went to school, made new friends, joined some clubs, yet i could never seem to find a relationship. I had a pretty good home life too. Everything i could ever hope for in a life. Then when the blast happened, it all came crashing down. I didn't know how to control my powers back then. I ended up killing a lot of people, so I had to find a way to stop that. I ended up fighting my own nightmares off and getting rid of all my fears. Ever since then I've been searching for a purpose with these new powers, trying to find someway to use them right." Dax said az they went zooming from warehouse to warehouse.
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]"...heh. Haven't talked about that in a while. before i got my powers it was pretty normal. Went to school, made new friends, joined some clubs, yet i could never seem to find a relationship. I had a pretty good home life too. Everything i could ever hope for in a life. Then when the blast happened, it all came crashing down. I didn't know how to control my powers back then. I ended up killing a lot of people, so I had to find a way to stop that. I ended up fighting my own nightmares off and getting rid of all my fears. Ever since then I've been searching for a purpose with these new powers, trying to find someway to use them right." Dax said az they went zooming from warehouse to warehouse.

"I think I can help you with that. I have use for a conduit like you as a ... associate? Anyway, lets head down... OH! There he is! Do me a favor and let me do most of the talking." They go down to the group of warehouses and hop off the hoverboard. "Hey Shadow! It's Null."
Shadow walks around, observing as more men come into the warehouses. After they had left, many of the shadows had gone into hiding to avoid capture or death via DUP, and he was currently tasking his best men to find them, as well as the weapon stashes. Suddenly, he hears Null yelling, and walks outside as he sees Null. He throws his arms out to the side. "Null, good to see you again! Who's that jackass?" He says, pointing at Dax
"What, dreamer boy? He's a friend... but for now... you owe me. I gave you a Christmas present, but you didn't repay me." Null pouts.
"Uh-huh? Musta got lost in the mail. How much was shipping, I'l pay you back." Shadow sarcastically retorts.
Avalon was walking through the industrial district on his way to the river. More memories were coming back and he needed time to think.

It was at that point that he came across a little boy, looking half starved. Immediately he felt pity for the boy.

"Don't give me your pity." The kid said, surprising him.

"I didn't say anything..." Avalon said, confused.

"Didn't need to, I'm an empath, I can read your emotions." The boy muttered.

Avalon looked him over, starved, cold, and tired. Immediately he felt further pity. "Where you live kid?" Avalon asked, approaching him.

"No where. Here. There. The streets." He muttered.

Avalon looked back at the kid and then the FFA before making up his mind.

"Well... you could stay with me? Feed you, you'd be warm, safe..." Avalon suggested.

The kid was up immediately, grabbing his shirt, "Really?! But wait...why? I'm a conduit..." The boy muttered, stepping away.

Avalon laughed slightly, "So am I kid, come on, let's get you some warm clothes and food." Avalon replied.

The boy was hesitant but grabbed Avalons hand and let him lead him to the FFA.
Felix waits for Shard to build the dark room, but instead Shard wanders off to... he would say God-knows-where, but he knows there's no such thing, so...

After a while of waiting, Felix groans and heads outside to go for a walk, when Avalon shows up at the door. "Oh, hey Avalon. What were y-" He then sees the little kid by his side. "Who's he?"
Johnomono said:
Avalon was walking through the industrial district on his way to the river. More memories were coming back and he needed time to think.
It was at that point that he came across a little boy, looking half starved. Immediately he felt pity for the boy.

"Don't give me your pity." The kid said, surprising him.

"I didn't say anything..." Avalon said, confused.

"Didn't need to, I'm an empath, I can read your emotions." The boy muttered.

Avalon looked him over, starved, cold, and tired. Immediately he felt further pity. "Where you live kid?" Avalon asked, approaching him.

"No where. Here. There. The streets." He muttered.

Avalon looked back at the kid and then the FFA before making up his mind.

"Well... you could stay with me? Feed you, you'd be warm, safe..." Avalon suggested.

The kid was up immediately, grabbing his shirt, "Really?! But wait...why? I'm a conduit..." The boy muttered, stepping away.

Avalon laughed slightly, "So am I kid, come on, let's get you some warm clothes and food." Avalon replied.

The boy was hesitant but grabbed Avalons hand and let him lead him to the FFA.
(UMMM NO...)

Shard is waiting outside the base, and sees Avalon approaching with a boy. "Who is this kid" She asks while closing the door.


Assailant said:
"Uh-huh? Musta got lost in the mail. How much was shipping, I'l pay you back." Shadow sarcastically retorts.
"You want to pay me back? It was hard to pay for in the first place, it costed one Felix corpse." Null says with a deadpan expression.
Shadow grins. "So you're the one who killed him?" Then, Shadow's grin disappears. "Is he back? That kid was supposed to have been dead once, wouldn't surprise me if it happened again."
"Oh ya! Just a few days ago, the shipping company sent back my payment with a stamp saying return to sender. They said it was an invalid corpse, so it was worthless to them."
Shadow groans. "Zabuza, god damn you. Why would you help them any-" Shadow suddenly came to a realization. "Was he sired?!"
"No, Felix, and 3 other members of the FFA including shard have a countermeasure. They can be sired, but their will remains their own. They can still make their own decisions. However, Hayabusa didn't get the countermeasure, and he offered himself."
"Damnit... another sire to deal with. If this problem becomes even larger... I don't want to think about what I'd have to do." Shadow say, nearly shuddering at the thought. "Well, since Felix is alive, I-"

"I'd say.." Nil interrupts, walking up. "Your offer is-" Nil shadows some sunglasses on. "NULL and void."

"YEAAAH!" Smokescreen adds as he walks up.

"Sir, we've found another group, my men are bringing them back-" Three adds, walking up, before stopping as she sees Smokescreen. Smokescreen winks at her and she hits him with a water blast before walking back off.
(I'm ignoring that nether because you're just trying to butt in again.)

Avalon entered the main entrance with the boy, "Felix!" He shouted, looking around.
Felix watches Avalon pass him and start yelling his name, before walking over and tapping his shoulder. "Hey, um... I'm right here."
Avalon turned to see Felix and gestured to the boy.

"This is Daniel, found him on the streets, he's only ten and a conduit. It's a wonder he's alive with how people are, especially since he's just an empath..." Avalon explained, "We're all about this thing right? Saving people? Like him?" Avalon asked Felix.
(technically, you have to ask SHARD to build a room)


Assailant said:
"Damnit... another sire to deal with. If this problem becomes even larger... I don't want to think about what I'd have to do." Shadow say, nearly shuddering at the thought. "Well, since Felix is alive, I-"
"I'd say.." Nil interrupts, walking up. "Your offer is-" Nil shadows some sunglasses on. "NULL and void."

"YEAAAH!" Smokescreen adds as he walks up.

"Sir, we've found another group, my men are bringing them back-" Three adds, walking up, before stopping as she sees Smokescreen. Smokescreen winks at her and she hits him with a water blast before walking back off.
"So... I see your army is grown... By the way, technically, I'm Jewish so you owe me eight gifts." Null laughs. "Regardless, can't spare any information in return for killing Felix. Honestly... it's like the universe doesn't want him to die."
Felix nods. "Of course. Obviously it'll be difficult having two Daniels in the gang, but no matter, we have worse concerns." Felix leans down to his level. "Good thing he is so young though, and being an empath's even better. He'd be a very unlikely target for Shadow or Zabuza. Not much reason to shelter him... in fact, being with us would put him in a lot more danger... now that I think about it, it's probably not a good idea for him to stay with us." Felix stands back up and looks at Avalon. "We can give him food, he does look hungry, but then it'll be in his best interest to go."
Shard walks in. "Ya, but Null is the best cook, and he's still out. I wonder, what can be taking him so long. We also can't do much about his injuries since we don't have first aid supplies. We don't need them because of the healing factor we all have. There's a pharmacy only 5-10 minutes away. Lets take him there."
"Agreed." Shadow nods. "I wonder if I'll have the same luck? I doubt it. That kid... Zabuza's too kind towards him. I wonder why?" Smokescreen chuckles a little as he walks next to them.

"That girl hits hard... I like her."

"I told you before, I'll tell you again Smokescreen: She's not available. How many times must I say that? Geez, sometimes I wonder if it was a good idea trading you out for Jacob-" Jacob... oh... oh, yes! IDEA!!! "Okay, you two, get back off to work." Smokescreen groans a little before running off, and Nil salutes before running off. Three then approaches with a squad of men.

"Sorry it took so long sir! My group got cut off by some DUP, had to take them out."

"Good job Three. How many are left unaccounted for?"

"Only about 30 sir, we've been making good progress."

"Very good Three. Continue with your work."

"Yes sir!" Three yells and runs off, commanding another squad. Shadow turns back to Null.

"As you can see, I am quite busy here."
"Yes, well so am I. I should be getting back to the FFA soon. Shard is likely worried about me. How bout we trade some information... However, there's probably not much I can get out of you is there. You've just been building up your army undisturbed... You've met no new conduits, received no new information. Am I wrong in this assumption?" Null presses.
"That is correct." Shadow says, before grinning. "That's info. I've just informed you on what I've been doing. Your turn."

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