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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Jacob eventually began to groan, waking up with a nasty hang-over from the night before. Hayabusa on the other hand, had consumed far too much to be woken up. Meanwhile, the Demon sent a command to Dante to regroup at the bar.

Other than that, Zabuza clearly sensed DUP moving into the area. No doubt after them from the one tiny little innocent murder he did before he walked in.

"Alright, the three of us will have to deal with the DUP until either Dante arrives to help or Hayabusa wakes up. It's so wonderful our breakfast decided to deliver itself to us, as we should be able to fill ourselves up on blood from this fight."

He removed the Executioner's Blade from his back and prepared to charge out of the bar into a blaze of glorious gunfire.
"A DUP agent pulls down a pair of inferred goggles. He sees 4 figures. he then calls into his walkie talkie. "They're not alone. I have reason to believe there are 4 conduits inside the building in front of us. Bring 175 more troops."(total of 250) Reinforcements were on the way.
Tercesasti said:
Vlad knew that they would come back. He would really like if they were a part of his team. Since he was the only one he would née some recruits. He knew that they were conduits because the male just flipped Vlad off. No human would have the courage to do that. He said, "Hey. You guys need anything? Snacks? Water? A place to stay? Protection?" He smiled again at the last thing he said.
"What's in it for you?" Kat asked after a moment.
Netherdragon said:
"Hey, I was up first." They go out of the hotel. (major time jump backwards... we'll catch up.) "Now, how are we gonna search the city. Not like we can take a car. The airport is far away, and I don't know how to fly. Any ideas on how we can travel quickly?" Null already knew however, that Dax had already dreamt up a way of transportation.
Dax saw that null could tell what his dream was." fine, you got me. I had been waiting to use this bad boy later but now's as good a time as ever." Dax stuck his hand out in front of him, open palmed and concentrated. within an instant, his eyes glowed blue and a hoverboard materialized out of thin air. It looked big enough for 2 people to ride. His eyes went back to normal as he turned to null. "Hop on. We should get there much faster on this."
Tercesasti said:
Vlad knew that they would come back. He would really like if they were a part of his team. Since he was the only one he would née some recruits. He knew that they were conduits because the male just flipped Vlad off. No human would have the courage to do that. He said, "Hey. You guys need anything? Snacks? Water? A place to stay? Protection?" He smiled again at the last thing he said.
"What's in it for you?" Kat asked after a moment.
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]Dax saw that null could tell what his dream was." fine, you got me. I had been waiting to use this bad boy later but now's as good a time as ever." Dax stuck his hand out in front of him, open palmed and concentrated. within an instant, his eyes glowed blue and a hoverboard materialized out of thin air. It looked big enough for 2 people to ride. His eyes went back to normal as he turned to null. "Hop on. We should get there much faster on this."

"Thing is, we don't know where he is... My guess is that he's at a warehouse, since he's controlling a private army and wants to avoid attention."
"Understood," Xavier grinned as he followed Zabuza out. Stowing his laptop away in his knapsack, he pulled out his new phone, one that he made himself(and clearly proud of it), and unlocked it, selecting a code, and fired strings of data. They coiled towards a quarter of the heavy guns, and the guns afflicted suddenly dismantled in a shower of black shrapnel. "I don't fancy dying again." He beamed as he selected another program and conjured a circle beneath a group of D.U.P., approximately 8 to 9, and a mist formed as the air chilled. A sudden burst of flurries swirled around the circle, freezing them over quickly, and dipping the temperatures in the circle to below -200 degrees celsius. Liquid nitrogen rolled down the sides of the concrete D.U.P.'s frozen bodies, and Xavier conjured his signature laser gun.

"Kaboom!" Xavier chuckled as his rifle roared, firing its yellow beam at the frozen group and igniting the liquid nitrogen, setting the group ablaze and shattering the frozen into broken pieces of flesh and ice.
Shift eventually ended up outside FFA. He had by then turned into a ten year old child and yelled as loud as he could, "Helloooooo?"
Netherdragon said:
"Thing is, we don't know where he is... My guess is that he's at a warehouse, since he's controlling a private army and wants to avoid attention."
"well you have telepathy don't you? lets ride around town till we find him with your powers."
Otakuyaki said:
"Understood," Xavier grinned as he followed Zabuza out. Stowing his laptop away in his knapsack, he pulled out his new phone, one that he made himself(and clearly proud of it), and unlocked it, selecting a code, and fired strings of data. They coiled towards a quarter of the heavy guns, and the guns afflicted suddenly dismantled in a shower of black shrapnel. "I don't fancy dying again." He beamed as he selected another program and conjured a circle beneath a group of D.U.P., approximately 8 to 9, and a mist formed as the air chilled. A sudden burst of flurries swirled around the circle, freezing them over quickly, and dipping the temperatures in the circle to below -200 degrees celsius. Liquid nitrogen rolled down the sides of the concrete D.U.P.'s frozen bodies, and Xavier conjured his signature laser gun.
"Kaboom!" Xavier chuckled as his rifle roared, firing its yellow beam at the frozen group and igniting the liquid nitrogen, setting the group ablaze and shattering the frozen into broken pieces of flesh and ice.
"Ready the RPGs" the commanding officer orders... Suddenly, there are 50 rocket launchers aimed at the building. "Wave 1... Ready... Aim... FIRE!" suddenly, 10 rocket launchers blast open the door and some of the wall. "Wave 2. Ready, Aim, FIRE!" the 40 who had not fired now shot at the same time towards the conduits. Meanwhile, the 10 who shot were reloading.


[QUOTE="Son of Crota]"well you have telepathy don't you? lets ride around town till we find him with your powers."

"I can't exactly perfected my powers. I'm working on using them to track people, but I'm nowhere close to it being perfect."
Dante had been forced to run from the crazy girl that he had slept with. Sure it was great for him but afterwards he was still scared of her. She was crazy. He had returned to the bar only to see that DUP officers were surrounding it and shooting rockets at his comrades. He quickly lifted the earth in between his comrades and the DUP officers before the rockets could reach them. The rockets exploded when they hit the wall of earth and Dante sighed. He had probably popped a blood vessel doing that. Fortunately it healed quickly.
Netherdragon said:
"I can't exactly perfected my powers. I'm working on using them to track people, but I'm nowhere close to it being perfect."
"Well then what now? Can't just stand here and let this sweet ride go to waste."
The Demon charged forward ahead of Xavier, keeping the Executioner's Blade ahead of him to block the majority of the bullets. Bullet ricochet could be seen flying off in all directions as the DUP fired upon him, however he was determined to stop the ridiculous fools with the rocket launchers in a civilian district. They were going to end up causing more damage than the sires normally would.

He leaped over the wall of Earth that Dante had created, bringing his blade down upon the poor head of a poor soldier cutting it cleanly in half. From there he barreled through their lines, taking off legs and arms as he ran past before finally coming upon who was giving the orders. In one fell swoop he punched his fist through the man's chest, ripping out his heart out.

The Demon sank his fangs into the heart. Meanwhile, Jacob could be seen choking DUP with his smoke as drained them one by one.
"Lets hover high up, and search the warehouses. Shouldn't take too long to search them with this." Null said.

Shard hears a voice outside and goes to see who it is. As a safety measure, she closes the crystal door behind her in case this man is a threat. "Hello? Who might you be?"

"EVERYONE CIRCLE UP!!!" The troops listened. "on the count of 3, we are all going to take shifts firing. When you run out of ammo, switch and reload. Be conservative. Ready? 1..." Suddenly a troop's eyes glow red as he remembers the command he was given. "He took two automatic guns, and fired while spinning. "AGAIN!!! another traitor?" The hypnotized man killed about 45 of the 50 remaining troops before his commanding officer shot him. As he was shot, the red faded from his eyes, for he completed his mission.
A yellow laser beam flashed through the air, sniping out one of the D.U.P. as the roar of a machine gun suddenly filled the air. A soldier was going trigger happy on his platoon, and blood was spewing around him. What was that? Did that soldier go rogue for a moment?

Suddenly, the soldier turned, he revealed glowing red eyes, and his gun mowing down soldiers in the direction of Xavier, and Xavier conjured a barrier in front of him, hiding behind it as the machine gun passed over his direction and continued to the other soldiers. The sound of chiming emanated from the barrier strongly as bullets ricocheted off the barrier and hit the ground. Suddenly, the commanding officer shot the madman, and the red faded from his eyes before he crumpled to the ground.

In the moment of hesitation, Xavier quickly pulled up his gun and fired at the commanding officer, sending a searing beam about the size of a heal through his chest, leaving behind a hole of melting, dried, flesh.
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Tercesasti said:
Vlad lost his smile and said "Help from you. That's it." He held out his hand as if welcoming Kat.
"How could I be of use to you?" Kat asked, ignoring his gesture.
"What's a kid like you doing alone? Hey... I know what will make you feel better." Shard creates a playground out of crystal. "Enjoy" Shard stands there waiting for him to go and play.
Johnomono said:
"I'm hungry and hurt..." The boy mumbles, gingerly rubbing a bruise.
"Ok... there's a pharmacy not to far from here, come on, lets go get you an ice pack and something to snack on." Shard says as she extends her hand.
"Hold up..." Shard says as she traps him with crystal spikes surrounding the "boy" "If you're a conduit, then you wouldn't be bruised. Quit the charade." Shard demands (Avalon is behind a closed door, made of crystal that's harder than diamond. She's not gonna hear.)
(CHEATER!!! AVALON DOESNT EVEN KNOW THIS IS HAPPENING!!! and THE DOOR IS CLOSED. Your reply is void for Avalon, so I'm going to act as if it didn't happen.)

"Oh quit crying... if you're a conduit, you wouldn't have those bruises. Quit faking."
Shift waited outside the base for hours, staying well away from it until his tracker started coming to him. Avalon was leaving. Who knew why, maybe test something. But for now he waited.
After a few moments shift stood and left the FFA building area and went into the industrial district.

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