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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Vlad was drinking blood in a bottle when he heard someone outside. He sniffed the air and smelled two different kinds of blood. He walked outside and was ready to cut his arm in case he needed a weapon. He looked at the two and yelled over to them, "What do you guys want?"
Felix looks over at Shard. "While you're at it, can you make me a dark room to refuel my abilities?"
"We already have a training sphere. Second floor. End of the hall. Null's room. Felix can show you. Null uses the training sphere as his personal quarters. He lets anyone come in usually." She says. "Follow me" Shard starts walking towards the training sphere. "One sec Felix."
Avalon followed, though be didn't like the idea of being near the mind reader.
"In here... Null is out right now, and I'm sure he won't mind if you use it. Besides, even if you trash it, I can repair the crystal." She then causes Null's bed to disappear into dust. "Have fun" Shard says as she closes the door.
Kat ignored the new third party, taking a moment as she glanced at the ground.

"yeah, I smoke," she answered after a moment.
Shift pulled out a cigarette and lit it, handing it to her.

He quickly read her emotional state and altered his tone to one that would seem safe and trustable to her, "So, you seem down, what's bugging you? What's your story?" He asked
"Ahahaha- that's a surprise, it was my first time." Xavier turned towards Zabuza, "Things won't get weird between us, I don't want it to be..." He looked at the clock, the air was so much lighter here. Maybe that was because he had his clothes off, and was next to another naked man, but he felt calmer than he had been in ages. All the pent up tension in him seemed to be gone, but once he left this room, more would come."Thanks again, for everything."He kissed him on the forehead once more before he turned to the door and got off the bed, "Come to think of it... the door knob is broken right?" He glanced at the door whilst putting on his boxers and jeans, and walked over to it, clutching his shirt,"Wouldn't that mean anyone can kind o-" As he turned around the corner of the wall, a dead body laid on the floor, with a bloody wipe where it had probably slid along the door. Unusually, Xavier was unfazed, when he saw melted flesh wounds around bullet wounds of unknown origins, accompanied by severe burns on the skin, he immediately turned to Zabuza, "Maybe this guy walked in on us..." He prodded the man with his feet before he conjured his trademark gun and fired a hole, burning a hole into the floor beneath the corpse, "Yeah, those are mine... Come to think of it, I need some blood, don't I? I wouldn't want to drink from this..." He pressed his foot on the corpse, a bit harder this time, and weird liquids oozed out the wounds.
Kat took in a long slow drag of the cigarette, taking her time more than obviously.

"don't got a story," she finally answered, "you?"
"Oh now I know that's not true. Everyone changed after the blast, everyone's got a story. You share yours I'll share mine." He said, taking a drag as well.
"Heh," she breathed, finally looking at him. The corner of her mouth twitched as if stopping a smirk.

"Course everyone has changed, doesn't mean they have a story."

Kat took another drag, "I haven't got a story."
Vlad was pissed off from the two waving him off. He walkedo get to them and said, "That's rude children. Very rude. Not a good way to treat your elders." He rolled up his sleeves and was ready to cut his arm and draw some blood.
"And its rude to butt in to two peoples conversation. Would you please go away?" Shift asked with a sigh.
The Demon finally got up from the bed, picking up his clothes and putting them on at the same time Xavier did. He certainly felt weak and could go for a whole lot of blood.

"Alcohol is dehydrating, and as such probably a little dangerous to us. We should probably fill up on blood, and when we meet the others have them do the same. Last night was great though."

Zabuza returned the kiss, for the first time actually directly on the lips.

"Maybe if there's a next time you won't have to be drunk past all recognition. Now, seeing as we don't wish for all the other sires to constantly be puking and complaining, we shouldn't do this in front of them or when we have the mental link established."

The Demon took a long breath, realizing it was time for this to end...

"I think it's time for us to meet up with the others and get something to drink along the way..."
"Alright then," Xavier blushed as Zabuza withdrew from Xavier's lips, and he smiled, following behind Zabuza, opening his laptop in a new sling made from a belt, and began typing again.
"From what I can tell, Jacob and Hayabusa passed out in the bar and are still asleep there. Dante on the other hand ended up spending the night in some girl's apartment and had a great time. We can head to the bar first and wake those two, then go and find Dante."

While walking across the street, the Demon ended up sinking his fangs into a pedestrian that was simply walking by and draining about half of his blood before tossing him towards Xavier.
Kat glanced up at the third party, then back to the ground. Taking another long drag of her cigarette as her other hand wrote scribbles in the dirt, after a long exhale she responded.

"Piss off fogey."
Xavier turned sideways before catching the man, being careful not to let the man touch his laptop on the sling, and glanced at the neck, where there was a bite mark. Predominantly two large holes were the front fangs had sunk. He then sunk his teeth into the man and sucked. The blood tasted great. The iron flavour rattled his tongue, and he withdrew after sucking him dry. Suddenly, his heart tightened, he didn't feel any physical changes, but this blood stuff, it was rejuvenating. Xavier's veins and arteries popped out slightly before sinking back in, and he felt wholly restored.

"Whoo!" Xavier tossed the body aside, licking a bit of blood off of the side of his lips, much to the distaste of other pedestrians nearby, and they scattered, "That tasted much better than I expected."
Shift chuckled and looked back to the woman.

"So what about the ring you've got there?" He asked.
(gonna be a bit of a jerk here) After seeing a man getting grabbed off the street only to have his blood sucked out, the street erupted into chaos. People were pulling out phones calling 9-1-1. It wasn't long before the DUP arrived to see Zabuza and Xavier.
"It's a double-edged blade, blood tastes far better than it ever normally would but everything else becomes just slightly more bland. One of the many changes involved with becoming a sire."

The Demon remarked while walking into the bar. Mutilated corpses of all the others that had been drinking in the bar litter the floor from where Jacob and Hayabusa had went wild while drunk. The both of them could be seen passed out as Zabuza walked over to them and attempted to wake them up.
Kat reached up with free hand to the ring that hung on the chain of her necklace. It was worn and old now after years of her fondling it, wondering what it meant exactly. Though when she first had it the ring glistened, and was slightly two big for her. So it was new at the time.

"A word doesn't make for a story, could hardly scrape up enough for a poem," Kat took another drag of the cigarette. Dropping the necklace back down. Giving a slight shrug.
"Well, could tell me where you got, owe me for the cigarette." Shift pointed out.

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