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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sphinx chuckled slightly. "Then what do you plan on doing while the rest of us sleep?" She asked smiling.
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"Learn some more about this?" Avalon suggested, a small miniature light popping to life in his hand.
Felix chuckles. "Yeah, that would probably be good... You could see if Shard has some sort of practice atrium. If not, she should probably make one."
Sphinx shrugged. "If you need a room, go talk to Shard. We don't have any empty rooms...." She said. She then remembered Hayabusa's room. "Well, there's one empty one..."
Felix turns to her. "If you mean Hayabusa's room, I gave that to Daniel, sorry..."
Sphinx looked at Avalon. "Shard's another member of the FFA. Personally, I'm not a big fan of her..." She said, looking at the ground.
Johnomono said:
"Oh, what's wrong with her." Avalon asked.
Sphinx glanced at Felix and looked back at Avalon. "Nothing...I just have some personal...issues with her..." She said, with a frown.
"Oh okay." Avalon said with a nod.

"Well...I guess I'll leave you to your thing." Avalon said, moving towards the door.
The Morning After...

Clothes litter the floor of the broken into motel room, belonging to both the Demon and Xavier. The two of which were currently passed out under the covers of the motel bed, both lacking all of their clothes. Zabuza, as it would turn out, woke up first mostly just because of his previous experience with alcohol.

As memories of the night before rushed into his head, reminding him of what he had done, he looked around the room. His eyes ended up stopping to stare at Xavier, who was still passed out right next to him. He took in all of his features, alongside some new scars that were still healing that showed he had been a little rough the night before.

He took in the moment, with all of the day to day chaos and people that wanted them dead, it was likely that they might never get to have this same peace again. As such the Demon just continued to lay upon the bed, waiting for Xavier to open his eyes...
Sphinx smiled and waved to Avalon. "Bye! See you in the morning!" She said. She then looked back at Felix. "I'll go back to my room..." She said. She walked out the room and walked to her own room.
Felix watches as she leaves. Tomorrow... or rather later today when I wake up... I'll tell her... but I suppose I should sleep now. Felix walks over to his bed and lays down, finally falling asleep.


Daniel lay, eyes wide, previously unable to sleep. He had been about to go to sleep when he heard loud moans from the next door room. These moans persisted, and he could only imagine the pain someone must be going through to moan as loud as that. Then there was screaming, and silence. What was with all the noise? Am I not safe even here? No... no, I'm safe. Felix will protect me. Daniel thinks, finally closing his eyes. He's a good man... he'll help me. He thinks as he finally drifts off to sleep.
It was a while after Zabuza had woken up, that Xavier's eyes began to open. The little light that filtered into the room through the curtain stabbed his eyes, and his head was pounding. Xavier turned, and found himself face to face with Zabuza, who was already awake. His eyes widened, and he sat up, ramrod straight. His heart was pounding very quickly, and a drop of sweat chilled the back of his neck. Slowly, the memories of the night before came back to him, and he began flushing. Well that's my first time...

"Was I bad at it?" The weirdest question popped out of his lips, but surprisingly, Xavier found himself perfectly fine with this. The way Zabuza looked was entirely different now-or at least, to him.

Sphinx yawned as her eyes fluttered open. She sat up and smiled. She brushed her hair and walked out of her room.
Avalon nearly ran into sphinx as he came around the corner at high speed.

As it was he managed to lunge sideways and bounce off the wall and trip.
Felix yawns and gets up, twisting his back and hears a crack. Ooh, wow. Nice one Felix. Felix gets up and opens the door.

Daniel wakes up with a start from a nightmare he'd been having. He walks out of his rooms and sees Avalon falling towards him. He dodges out of the way and runs into Sphinx. "Oops! Sorry ma'am! I didn't mean to run into you!"
Assailant said:
Felix yawns and gets up, twisting his back and hears a crack. Ooh, wow. Nice one Felix. Felix gets up and opens the door.
Daniel wakes up with a start from a nightmare he'd been having. He walks out of his rooms and sees Avalon falling towards him. He dodges out of the way and runs into Sphinx. "Oops! Sorry ma'am! I didn't mean to run into you!"
Sphinx's eyes widened at all the people running into her or almost into her. "Oh my gosh, sorry!" She said to both of them. She then looked at Daniel. "It wasn't your fault! And there's no need to call me ma'am. Call me sphinx."
UnwantedTruth said:
Sphinx's eyes widened at all the people running into her or almost into her. "Oh my gosh, sorry!" She said to both of them. She then looked at Daniel. "It wasn't your fault! And there's no need to call me ma'am. Call me sphinx."
Avalon quickly stood and grabbed her shoulders, "You've got to see this!" He said excitedly.

He quickly took a step back and a look of concentration appeared on his face and then it was gone. No wait, He was gone. Vanished it appeared.
"Yes ma'am! Or... Sphinx. Yes Sphinx ma'am... Sphinx..." He then watches as Avalon seems to vanish, causing him to jump back in start and yelp.
Johnomono said:
Avalon quickly stood and grabbed her shoulders, "You've got to see this!" He said excitedly.
He quickly took a step back and a look of concentration appeared on his face and then it was gone. No wait, He was gone. Vanished it appeared.
Sphinx blinked. "...ok then..." She said as she began to walk away. She walked towards Felix's room.
Felix cracks his neck, then knuckles, and, with a smile, he walks out of his room...

to almost run straight into Sphinx. "Oh, hey Sphinx! Sorry, almost ran into you there."
Sphinx flinched in startle slightly. "It's alright. I'm kinda used to it this morning." She said, laughing to herself quietly. "How'd you sleep?" She asked.

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