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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Hayabusa had been silent the whole time the group had been together. Once Zabuza dropped the mental link, Hayabusa walked away from the bar and went straight to a Mall. He needed new clothes. Badly. It didn't take him to long to come back. Once he did, he was wearing a red hood, black hat, a backpack, sunglasses, and a pair of jeans. "I'm not wearing my regular clothes in a bar. I'd look like a fool. Then again, we all look like fools right now, don't we? It's like were some type of extreme cosplayers who dyed their eyes red and had a teeth transplant so we can look like vampires...."

(This may or may not be my last post for the night.)
Don't worry, we'll be diluting each shot

The Demon thought as he took a seat on top of a bar-stool with available space for all four of the sires to sit down alongside him. Zabuza ordered shots for all of them, as the Bartender took out shot classes to give to all of them and filled them up with whisky.

It was then that he slit the throat of the bartender, allowing blood to fill into the shot glasses and hopefully dilute the alcohol a little. All of the rest of the customers were already far too drunk to notice the murder that had just taken place.

Zabuza rose his shot glass, expecting everybody else to do the same so they could make a toast.

"To the good times and bad times we all experience and manage to get through together! I'll be breaking the mental links between all of you now, I can't break the one that forces me to always know what all of you are thinking. But enjoy yourselves tonight!"

The Demon said as he broke the mental link and then downed his entire shot first try before pouring him another and putting more blood in it.
“Yes, I do know what it’s like... I lost someone close to me... a good friend. A very good friend." Null says, still simply looking at Felix. "As for the info. Information makes this world go round. I’m trying to get more than I give. Next time I run into shadow, he’s probably gonna give me tons when I tell him that I... You know... I’ve been trying to give advantages to you guys, but you don’t see it.”
Xavier raised his glass, eyeing it warily before he drank it slowly, and damn, it tasted gross. Damn, I have more respect for adults now... Drinking this must be tough...

Xavier watched as the others continued drinking. Was he the only one who hadn't drunk this before? He sat a bit straighter and poured more whiskey. I'd better start now then... Xavier poured a second, then a third, and something overcame Xavier. He wasn't sure what it was, but he felt woozy.

"Ya know, this stuff tastes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better once you get past the first cup," Xavier moaned, his cheeks were slightly pink, and he was clearly drunk.
The Demon was keeping up with Xavier with each shot he took, however he clearly had past experience with strong alcohol and could hold it much better than the kid could. His voice had the slightest of slurs to it, but he still wasn't entirely drunk yet.

"Ahh, you're already drunk Xavier. I can already tell you're going to be just a hilarious drunk who's great fun to be around."
Hayabusa stared at his glass before he picked it up and dumped it out onto the floor. "I don't like blood in my whiskey." Hayabusa grabbed the bottle and poured himself some whiskey before he downed the whole thing and started to drink another, and another, and another. He looked to Xavier and Zabuza and laughed. "You guys are weak! I've been drinking like this for.... How long has it been since I ran from the D.U.P? I don't know. But it's been a long time!" Hayabusa jumped over the counter and started to grab random bottles. The most frequent bottle he grabbed was anything with the words vodka.
"AAAaaAAwwww... I'm hiLARious! Dad! Ya prOUd'a me?!" Xavier nearly fell backwards and chugged down his sixth, and was pouring more whiskey. "Thanks Zabuzhaa-hic- for bringin' me 'ere..." Xavier's voice trailed off, he glanced sideways at Zabuza before turning to him, "Ya know- I~ didn't like you at fir-hic- First! But I was WRONG!"-he slammed his cup down-"DAaamn, I meAn don't get wha-hic- wha-hic-"-Xavier beat his chest with his left fist-"what's NOT to like? YoU're fiiiiine, HECK BETTer than Most! BEneath dat *ss and musc-hic- muscle... yOU're greAT!" Xavier swung his arms up before he slammed them back down, taking the entire whiskey bottle and drinking from it. His face was now a flush of pink and red, and he gasped as he withdrew the bottle, whiskey flowing down his lips.
The Demon ignored Hayabusa, thus letting him drink his troubles away. His attention was entirely devoted to Xavier sitting next to him.

"You give my muscles and ass too much praise, you shouldn't be so humble. You're not that bad looking yourself..."

Zabuza said as he was finally giving in and letting the alcohol reveal his feelings. He was still attempting to keep up drinking with Xavier, and he was finally starting to get buzzed and his judgement clouded. The Demon began to look over the Sire who's life he had saved so recently.

"I.. I have to ask you something. Do you regret me siring you? Do you bla..blame me for all that's happened to you? I can't stop thinking it's my fault for all your mis..misfortune."

The Demon's voice was beginning to slur as he slowly began to become a more depressed drunk.
"Now DAT"-Xavier stuck an index finger at Zabuza-" is a di-hic- difficult question," Xavier chugged down more whiskey as he sighed slightly, his pupils darted to the corners of his eyes before he replied in a slur, "I DEFINITELY didn't like it- I didn't!"-Xavier stuck a palm up from beneath the fingers in a manner, as if to say hold up, before he continued-"But now, I think it is pre-hic- pretty nice, I mean, HECK! I was suuuuch a loner before I met you guys, and you." Xavier laughed as he chugged more whiskey, "I'ave to say... I am glad I met you guys.." Xavier slurred.
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Out of the blue, Zabuza seems to rest his head on Xavier's shoulder with actual tears visible in his eyes. It was clear getting the Demon drunk, or at least buzzed, brings out all the emotions he would normally try to suppress.

"Th...thank you. Thank you so much Xavier. I've been constantly bea..beating myself up about what I did to you. It's finally glad to know that you don't have just a p..pure hatred for me..."

The Demon continued on sobbing, pausing only to drink more.
Dante was sitting at the bar next to Zabuza and Xavier. He was drinking whiskey slowly. He looked over at them and shook his head in disapprovement and took another sip of whiskey. He stood up and spotted a girl he would definitely sleep with. He walked over to her and worked his magic. Within two minutes, he and the girl were out of the door.
"Alright, alright... There-hic- there." Xavier placed his right hand in the hair of the crying Zabuza, who was against his shoulder, and stroked it back and forth. "Damn... yer hair's soft..."He whispered as he placed his whiskey bottle down, turned to Zabuza and placed his left arm beneath Zabuza's right arm, and wrapped it around him. "I'll baby ya, so eeeveeryyything's gonna be fiine!" His lips pecked on Zabuza's forehead.
Hayabusa was behind the counter downing bottles of vodka, whiskey, beer, and other drinks. "I never thought I would.... -belch-.... Be sitting here, drinking with the Demon that I wanted to fight so much.... But... Seeing you know.... I think... I. Think..." Hayabusa jumped onto the counter and rolled off before groaning. "I think I'm gonna puke...."
The Demon allowed Xavier to do what he would, until Zabuza finally regained his composer somewhat from the emotional mess he was becoming. He took one last swig of whiskey before putting the bottle down himself. He then began to stroke Xavier's hair back, enjoying the feel of his fingers going through his soft hair.

"The Wo...World is against us but everything is going to be alright! Shadow wants us dead, Felix wants us dead, and Null probably even wa..wants us dead. But don't worry... we'll pull th..through.. we've got each other."

Zabuza began to look into Xavier's eyes, before finally giving him a kiss.

He ignored Hayabusa's obvious distaste of current events. If he didn't like it then he could just not watch.
Xavier felt the fingers stroke the back of his head, and he felt Zabuza kiss him, and they felt very real.

"Let's get out of here..." Xavier slurred between his hastened breaths, before he leaned in for another kiss.
"The..there is a motel across the street... come on."

The Demon began to shakily get to his feet, as he held Xavier's hand and dragged him along over to the motel. Several times one of them nearly fell and they had to use the other to stabilize themselves. After finding an empty room and breaking the handle on it, Zabuza walked in with Xavier in tow behind him towards the bed...

The Scene Fades to Black...
Assailant said:
“Yes, I do know what it’s like... I lost someone close to me... a good friend. A very good friend." Null says, still simply looking at Felix. "As for the info. Information makes this world go round. I’m trying to get more than I give. Next time I run into shadow, he’s probably gonna give me tons when I tell him that I... You know... I’ve been trying to give advantages to you guys, but you don’t see it.”
"Really? Well isn't THAT NEWS! WHO COULD YOU HAVE POSSIBLY LOST THAT YOU CARED ABOUT! SHARD'S RIGHT THERE, SO WHO DOES THAT LEAVE?!?!" Felix yells, having lost control of his temper at this point.
"I lost some friends who I met at school. Just because you think I'm a freak, you hypocrite, doesn't mean I didn't have friends before the blast. I saw their names in the news. I didn't know it at the time, but one was in the DUP, and he died in the shooting that I caused a couple weeks ago."

"You're not the only one who's lost something Felix." Shard adds.
Felix has a flashback. Derian... Trey... Bates... Matthew... "You... you... please... just leave Avalon alone for now... sometimes you just aren't wanted..."
"Honestly, I don't know why I stay here... I'm gonna go see if I can find Shadow... I'm gonna tell him I killed you "on purpose". Hopefully, he'll repay me with information. I'll tell you what he tells me when I'm back. Is it ok with you if I tell him I intentionally killed you? Do I know too much?"
Lee walks up to Felix and says, "Are you calm? Because I need to ask you a question." He smiled and put his thumb up.
Felix walks up to him and points at his face. "Don't tell him about Avalon, Lee, and Daniel. Other than that, be careful what you say..." Felix turns and looks at Lee and gives a deep exhale. "Okay... I'm calm. What is it?"
"I can't make any promises about that... I promise I won't tell their power yet, but there is no guarantee I won't mention their existence."
Lee smiled and said, "Look me in the eyes when I talk to you ok? Get it? Eyes? Because I'm blind? Anyways I will ask you in one second." He waited for Null to leave.
"I'm gonna head out... Hopefully Slade doesn't find me." Null says as he walks out.(please don't let him, I'm gonna bring Son of Crota's character in)
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