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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"My names Ha-" he stopped with a thought for a moment before continuing, "Avalon. And as I said, I've been in a coma for three years. Since the original blast." He finished.
Johnomono said:
"My names Ha-" he stopped with a thought for a moment before continuing, "Avalon. And as I said, I've been in a coma for three years. Since the original blast." He finished.
Sphinx blinked and smiled a little. "When did you wake up?" She asked, smiling slightly.
"Honestly a few hours ago. Discovered my powers soon after, then ran into you. I think that initial power burst helped me with the flying but I'll doubt I can do it again. Just happened." Avalon said with a shrug.
Sphinx blinked. "Well....you have got a lot of catching up to do, don't you..." She said. She then sighed. "Want me to show you around?" She asked.
"If you'd like, I wouldn't want to interrupt anything you need to do." Avalon replied.
Sphinx nodded. "I'm fine with it...not actually much to show...there are three stories....nothing special about any of them....they just keep rooms inside them...."
"Sphinx." She said, standing up. She lead him to Max's room. "This is my friend Max's room.." She said. She then walked to Felix's room. "This room belongs to Felix, my boyfriend. Hold on for a sec..." She said. She opened the door and walked in. "Hey Felix...how are you?" She asked, walking next to his bed. She sat on the edge of his bed.
Avalon waited outside the door quietly. He couldn't help but hear, the hallway so quiet.
Several DUP drained corpses litter the floor of a building within the Capital district, as the Sires could be seen watching out for any possible patrols that might investigate the area. The Demon had been using his mist for them to be undetected for the most part, and only killing the DUP within the area when they had to.

"Is that the final piece you need? Or is there more?"

Zabuza asked Xavier, for they had been all around the district finding the parts he needed to recover what was lost the day of his demise.
"Yeah... That should be it." Xavier checked the parts he had stuffed into a bag he had found, before he zipped it up and slung it over his shoulders. "Thanks for all the help. We should get out of here soon, unless there's something you need to do." Xavier turned to Zabuza, smiling gratefully.
"Lee... Can't you sense energy? Your power is chi... can't you sense others? can you feel a dark chi emanating from somewhere? I need to know." Null says.
A sharp thought floating nearby null caught is attention. The way it did so could only be compared to the way a screaming woman is picked out in a silent crowd. It's psychic foot print was far larger than anyone's near null. And fille with brutal and graphic images of nulls dead twisted body.
Blake flinched and groaned. "Fine! But I say least get to beat him halfway to death. You can take the rest." Blake turned around when he felt Slades grip fade and turned to see he was gone. Blake grinned and began his trip to the Capital District. "I' ll take that as a yes."
The Demon returned Xavier's smile with a fang-filled smile of his own before answering his question.

"I can't think of anything that we need to do within the Capital district. The only reason we're here is so that you could retrieve everything you need to replace what you lost.

Anyways, now that you've returned and we've got what you needed back, I say we celebrate over shots. I'm sure with as large as the Neon district is we can find a bar and all the sires could probably use more down time.

We should be taking our leave out of the Capital district anyways."

Zabuza said as he began to prepare to form more mist to get all of the sires out of the district.
Lee looked at Null. "I have never been able to sense chi. And chi is chi. There is no dark or light chi. How do you not know this? You know since you can read minds..." He looked down and tapped his foot on the ground trying to see what Null's face was like. Lee was holding back a smile.
Felix sits up and looks over at Sphinx. "Oh, hi! I'm doing well, given what I've been through recently... that orb really helps, thanks!"
"Shots, huh?" Xavier followed Zabuza out the district as he encroached the mist upon the streets. Never thought, I'd be in here, instead of watching. "I've never drunk any alcohol before..." He clutched the bag and tried to muffle it, silencing the metallic clankings of the parts inside.
"FELIX! EVERYONE! Slade is right outside. He plans to join the First Sons. I read his mind and he's imagining my bloody corpse... It's... horrifying..."
Blake continued to walk until he saw three people walking out of the district. He tried to following them but ended up losing them in some type of mist and hitting a wall. "Owww! What was that!?"
Assailant said:
Felix sits up and looks over at Sphinx. "Oh, hi! I'm doing well, given what I've been through recently... that orb really helps, thanks!"
Sphinx smiled. "Good...I was hoping it would. So...are you feeling ok...after you walked out back there?" She asked, smiling and draping an arm around him.
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As the Demon, Jacob, Dante, Xavier, and Hayabusa were drawing near the edge of the Capital district and DUP forces were no longer visible the mist was finally dropped. However, not before it would seem some fool had walked himself into a wall.

So, you've never had any alcohol? It's funny that I'm technically only three years old and yet I've had all sorts of alcohol before. Meh, I don't like considering myself so young anyways. For all intents and purposes my body is in it's prime somewhere around it's twenties.

Zabuza thought, so details about his past wouldn't be overhead by anybody passing them.

"I believe I know a location of a good enough bar. As I said, we'll just have to find it in the Neon district."
Dante sighed and said to Zabuza, "Thank you, man. And this time, I won't pick up any chicks, no matter how intimidating they may be. I'll just get a good ol' whiskey." He smiled and made his hand into a gun and 'shot' it and Zabuza while winking.

((Btw, is the new Lee accepted? I'd like permission before posting again in case you want me to change anything.))
"Don't worry, I'm thinking of being a little more kind tonight. I'll break the mental link between all of us tonight, so by all means, have as much fun as you wish. I'll re-establish it in the morning afterwords. With any luck I'll probably be looking to have some fun as well, something I won't force any of you to live through.

Just remember, no half-sire children. Kill the partner if there is any possible chance they're pregnant."

The Demon said as he continued walking, his attention somewhat directed to the man that had walked into a wall.

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