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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Since everyone was finally silent Avalon spoke.

"I've been in a coma for three years and just woke up to find myself doing some crazy shit. Then I come outside to find her eating someone. And you're all talking about people and things and I'm extremely lost. Will someone lend me a hand?!"
"I wish I could... Hmm... We'll explain after this... Can we finish talking first? Anyway, I know you're upset, Felix, but... I have some stuff to tell you... A LOT went down in the past day. I met 2 conduits, I talked with the sires, I learned about the Demon's Mist a bit... We'll explain the mist and Demon in a minute, Avalon. So, Felix, where should I start?"
Felix looks at Null. "This guy has no idea what the hell is going on, shouldn't we inform him?"
Avalon glared at null for trying to ignore him and gave Felix a not of gratitude.
Felix sighs and looks at Daniel. "Do you need catching up too?" Daniel stares at him for a second before nodding.

"M-m-maybe a lit-t-tle." Felix nods and begins.

So, to explain the shadows and sires. The shadows are a gang led by Shadow, basically an evil clone of me. He takes the negative emotions out of someone, kills that someone, and then makes a clone of that person, but only feeling those negative emotions. His numbers are growing, and he mainly intends to take over the world. Shadow has the same powers as me, but he's stronger, so avoid him if alone.

The sires are a gang of vampires who grow stronger by drinking blood. They are led by Zabuza, a man who controls mist that distorts the senses. His minions are former conduits who have been turned into vampires and forced to obey his commands. We've lost... many good men to them..."

Felix then goes on to explain the gangs for Avalon.

"And, that's what you need to know in a nutshell... it's a lot to take in."
"Most of us have a countermeasure against the sires now... The only ones without it are Lee, and the two of you... So, after this, I'm gonna have to do it to you."

"Anyway Felix, what do you want to ask about first?" Null asks.
"Well, first, because you seem ignorant, tell me: why do you think I might be angry at you.
"Well, maybe because we were to have a nice spar. Then you decided to make me go out of my comfort zone. I told you to go easy, so what did you do? YOU CUT OFF MY LIMBS AND KILLED ME!!!!" Felix then turns to Avalon and Daniel. "Oh yeah guys, this is kinda a thing with me, I never quite stay dead." He then turns back to Nether. "I was gonna take you stargazing to a personal spot of mine.. one that was a sign of friendship, and you FUCKING KILLED ME!!!" Felix screams, causing Daniel to jump under the table. Felix quickly grabs the orb and takes a few breaths before taking his hand off it. "What do you have to say to that?"
"I'm sorry. It's my fault that Hayubusa is sired now... I owe you more than I can give. I still would like to go stargazing if you'd be willing. I... I put my life on the line getting info from Zabuza... I went unarmed... They could have killed me easy. I was fortunate. Tell me what you want to know first. I'll give you as much information as I can."
Felix glares at him. "You're damn right you do." Max puts a hand on Felix's shoulder.

"Felix... calm down, it wasn't his fault."

"Yes, it was. You weren't there. Tell me Null, why did you think it was a good idea to hack my limbs off?"
"I... I wanted to figure out the weakness. I thought you were regenerating for some stupid reason. So I kept cutting it shorter, like a haircut."
"Well, let me tell you something Null. I was holding back. You fight Shadow in that form, you won't be able to get near him." Felix sighs and stands up. "I need to cool off. I'll show Daniel around."
"NO! Felix wait. This is important you know everything right now... For the sake of the FFA. Ask me about each individually. The Wraith, What Hell Spit Out, and what I learned about the sires."
Felix stops and turns around. "Spare me the tediousness, just tell me what you know."
"Fine, I'll start with the hellfire conduit... I can only tell you what I know. So don't get upset when I don't get specific."
Felix makes a waving motion with his hand, "Fine, just get on with it."

"Is this what it's always like here?" Daniel asks.

"When people aren't dying, yeah." He says, causing Daniel to cower behind him.
"First of all, Daniel, may I say you are adorable. Second, the hellfire conduit. All I know is that he is loyal to nobody from what I can tell, but he's chaotic. His main powers are that which I like to call hellfire, which include spawning black flames. He also has a form of teleportation, but I don't know much else. The only other thing I know, is that his name is Slade.
Daniel gives a nervous smile to Null before whispering in Felix's ear "He scares me."

"It's like that for everyone at first, but then he just becomes a douchebag." Felix whispers back then turns back to Null.

"So, that other guy you were talking about? And the Sires?
Felix raises an eyebrow before grabbing the orb. "Okay?" Felix grabs the orb. "So?"
Felix waits a few seconds. "And? His name is Jacob... so what? Jacob is a common name, your point?"

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