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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Oh... Smokey's name was Jacob? Huh, you learn something new everyday... well, as I said, it's a common name." Felix says with a shrug.
Null is shocked that Felix isn't mad in the slightest. "Anyway, his other name is the Wraith. I don't know of his powers... I just know that one is super speed."
"Anyway... About the sires. Zebuza told me they have different stages, in other words. As they drink more blood, they grow more powerful. It's also blood that fuels their healing abilities. I also learned Zebuza's goal. It's quite a good goal, but he's going about it the wrong way."
"Ah... so if we cut them off, we can kill them? And enough attacks will exhaust their supply? Interesting... Now, are you done? It's like 3:00 in the morning, so..."
"Good night... I guess. Oh, and Null, even though I kinda hate you right now... Merry Christmas." Felix walks Daniel down the hall and brings him to the room next to his room. "Hayabusa used to sleep in this room, but... anyways, I'll give you a proper tour later today, but we probably both need sleep."

"Yes sir!"

"Please, just refer to me as Felix. We're equals here, there are no ranks. Anyways, before we continue... something to mention. In joining the FFA, you essentially sign your life away. If you had friends, they don't exist anymore, you could harm them. Our bravest and strongest men have died fighting in this fight. The people you shake hands with one moment could be stabbing you through the throat the next... are you up for that?"

"I...I...I... Meep!" Daniel squeals, clenching his eyes and looking down.

"That's what I thought. Well, we need to give you the countermeasure before we can let you go, and we'll see how you feel about the FFA once that's done. Now, go to sleep." Felix walks outside the hallway and is about to walk into his room when Max stops him.

"I never gave you my present."

"When I wake up... coming back from the dead is exhausting. Good night!"
"Null? Are we ever gonna tell Felix the truth?"

"Shard, there will be a time for that, now is not it... I know this is hard on you, but we have to wait. This is for his benefit. Speaking of which... I'm worried about that orb."

"Why's that?"

"I don't know... In every movie I've seen, when something like this appears, it cracks under pressure from storing too much."

"You don't think that will happen will it?"

"I don't know, Shard. If it does, it will be worse than Shadow and the Sires combined.

<5 minutes later>

"I.... I killed them..." Null says.

"You're gonna have to be a bit more specific, Null. You've killed many people."

"My old friends. I indirectly killed them. I saw their names in the news months ago. Now they're gone... forever. Unlike Felix, they don't get a second or third chance."

"It seems like the universe itself wants Felix to live."
Avalon looked at sphinx as Felix walked away, "So what's up with you? Other than wings and blue skin, which is kinda cool." Avalon asked.
Lee got in front of Avalon to block him from getting close to Sphinx. "If you plan on doing anything to her I will harm you." He said with a smirk almost as if he enjoyed harming people.
"Lose the aggression. If I intended anything I wouldn't be here." Avalon said with a roll of his eyes.
Lee squinted his eyes. Just kidding but he cocked his head and said, "I am very tranquil right now. Being a former monk really lets you be calm and collected. As well as patience which you need." He continued to tap the ground slightly.
Daniel lays down on the bed and closes his eyes. Well... I found the FFA... but is this really what I wanted? Yes... I'm here to help people... fate gave me this opportunity, I have to take it! I'll be a help... somehow. Daniel turns to his side. This Demon character... his mist... my aerokineses could take care of that in a breeze! Daniel chuckles. Heh... breeze. I can be a help! But this Shadow guy sounds scary... I need to trust them. I'm safe in here! Of course, from here on out Daniel would never be safe again.


Felix sits down on his bed. That baby... I don't know what to do about that. Pointless to think about it now. What else can I think about...?

Those two new guys. Avalon seems like he can take care of himself just fine. His light powers can counter Shadow well, as well as fight me should anything happen. That can be good or bad.

But Daniel... that kid's helpless! We should keep him here, and protect him. Now that he's met us, he's in danger. Null could tell Shadow or Zabuza about him, and then the hunt is on. If he doesn't choose to fight, maybe I can convince him to stay here for protection purposes. He seems to be a nice guy... I feel like I can fully trust him. I can barely say that about anyone nowadays, but this guy is just too shy and scared to be bad... so I have to protect him.

Felix lays down and closes his eyes. When I wake up, it should still be Christmas... so I will be sure to protect him. I can only pray Avalon has our intentions at heart.
Johnomono said:
Avalon looked at sphinx as Felix walked away, "So what's up with you? Other than wings and blue skin, which is kinda cool." Avalon asked.
Sphinx shuffled uncomfortably. "Well....I can fly....I'm pretty strong...I'm a good swordsman....or swordswoman....and I can seduce people....my second half is named Sapphire...she takes control randomly at times...she's the one who made me pregnant..." She looked the way Felix left and sighed.
"Hey, Lee... I want you to do me a favor. I need to find someone... He should have a energy completely the same as Felix or the negative version of it. Can you give me his general location?" Null asks.
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Johnomono said:
"Second half? I guess that explains the eating thing..." Avalon replied.
Sphinx sighed and nodded. "Yeah......it's kinda her thing.....sorry about earlier....she was about to kill you..." She said, frowning and looking down.
UnwantedTruth said:
Sphinx sighed and nodded. "Yeah......it's kinda her thing.....sorry about earlier....she was about to kill you..." She said, frowning and looking down.
"Don't worry, I'm not as easy to kill as it seems." Avalon joked.

"No hard feelings then?" He asked.
Johnomono said:
"Don't worry, I'm not as easy to kill as it seems." Avalon joked.
"No hard feelings then?" He asked.
Sphinx nodded. "No hard feelings....so....tell me a bit about yourself, mister lived-through-Sapphire-and-lived-to-tell-the-tale." She said, leaning back. She looked toward the direction of Felix's room and debated on wether or not to talk to him.

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