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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Daniel quickly creates a wind current stopping Lee's motion and making him fall. He flies down to him. "Excuse me sir... um... that's not very nice... we're all friends here! Except that bad blue girl and that blood guy... I'm your friend though!"
Lee landed gracefully and kind of doing the spinny thing that break dancers do on the floor. Lee, while spinning kicked around him to injure Daniel. He still wasn't saying anything.
Sapphire's eyes suddenly turned a green color. She fell onto her back and breathed heavily and started crying. She then stood up and dusted herself off. She looked at the leg and arm in her hands. "Oh dear, not again...." She said sighing. She dropped the limbs and looked at Daniel. She flew into the air and grabbed Daniels arm. "Come on! I need to take you to our base! It's not safe here!" She said.
Daniel dodges the attack and then gets grabbed by Sphinx, who he noticed was flying. "Are you nice now! Ya- oh... it's not safe here? Okay... lead the way miss! Bye bald guy, nice meeting you!"
Lee stood up and yelled at Sphinx, "He just tried to kill you and you want to take him to the base! That's ridiculous ma'am!" He turned to him in tiger stance.
"HEY!" Avalon shouted, propelling himself after sphinx.

"Dont worry I'm coming!" He yelled at Daniel, not realizing sphinxs change.
Daniel looks at Lee. "Kill? Why would I ever want to kill her? She wasn't very nice, but I wouldn't kill her over that! Oh... please excuse my yelling."
She quickly lead Daniel to the direction of the base. "Sorry about...her...I'll explain it all when we get to the base!" She said, frowning.
Lee looks at the two and ran over to Sphinx. "What are you doing?!" He kept an eye on them all and continued with them.
Daniel nods and looks and sees Avalon coming towards them, and pushes him back. "Don't worry, she's nice now! She's leading me to her base... you should come too! If... that's alright with you."
Null soon saw Sphinx coming back. There was no mistaking it was her. However, someone was chasing after her. "Oh god, it's the First Sons... I've put everyone in danger."
Avalon frowned, confused as he caught up to the two and noticed Daniel wasn't struggling.

He relaxed slightly and simply followed.
It looks like they're about a mile out. But they're closing in. "FELIX!!! Someone is chasing Sphinx... I have reason to believe its the First Sons."

"What!?!" Felix yells, as he and Max jump up from the table. They run outside and see Sphinx pulling a white haired man with another man chasing the two. Felix immediately assumes the white haired man is a friend, given he is being pulled by Sphinx, meaning the other is an enemy. Felix immediately charges up two shadow bolts and shoots them at him.
Daniel smiles. "I want to help people. I did a lot of bad things when I couldn't control my powers, and I want to make up for that. So, are you really a member of the FFA?"
Avalon used two quick flashes of light to obliterate one shadow and rolled to avoid the other.

He didn't attack back, it wasn't their fault that they didn't know he wasn't an enemy.
Felix had been charging up another burst when he hears this. He dissipates the blasts and looks over at him before running to the three. He walks up and shakes hands with Avalon. "Hey... sorry, I thought you were chasing them. No hard feelings?"
Avalon landed and shook the man's hand, "No problem, it was a bad circumstance."
"EEP!" Daniel yells, letting go of Sphinx and flying fast into the base. Felix nods to Avalon and runs inside, Max following closely behind.

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