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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Vlad's eyes widened at the comment made by Sapphire. "Huh." Is all he said to her. "Ok." He paused. "Well I shall take care of him? Or you? Or switch off? Or both? I'm confused." He put his thumb and index finger to his eyes and sighed while he rubbed his eyelids.
"Damn it! What could Sapphire want!"

"Felix, calm down."

"No! We need to find some way to get the child..."

"We can think about this-"

"No, we can't. She went to see Vlad, right? Well what if Vlad claims the child?"

"We still have probably a week before it's born. We can figure out what to do in that time."

"nghh." Felix takes out the orb and holds it for a bit before putting it back. "Okay... I'm better... god damn that actually works. Anyways..."

"Well, Sphinx agrees with Sapphire on this, that it should be hers. So, first thing we have to do is get Sphinx to see our way, which shouldn't be too difficult."

"For something this big? Doubt it, it's not that simple."

"Oh really? We have a weapon."

"What?" Max points at Felix.

"And besides, let's say I know a... technique that you can use to help."

"Really? What is it?"

"Remember that idea I gave you in the mall?"

"It was a joke."

"Well... you should try that out sometime." Max says with a grin.

"Ok... even so, that's just Sphinx. What about Sapphire?"
Sapphire shrugged. "It's our child. When I'm the other blue whore, Sphinx, you can take care of it, and when I'm me we can both take care of it. So, wanna have a shotgun wedding?" She asked with a smirk.
Vlad looked up at Sapphire and stood up from siting on the couch. "Umm. I don't think Sphinx or the others would like that. So lets wait on that." He laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "But that does sound like a plan. I like it."
"Shard. I have news... The First Sons are now after my head... As well as a hellfire conduit, who claims he's what hell spit back out."

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!!!" Shard inquires.

"I don't know... One thing after another... just happened..." Null said.
Sapphire grinned. "It's a plan then! I just gotta get this conduit outa my body before I can start seducing people again..." She said, smiling a bit, patting her stomach. "Now then, am I to pregnant for you to take out on a date right now?" She asked, smirking slightly.
"Hmm... I don't think I've drunk any blood really." Xavier replied, "Do I really ha-" scenes of his death returned to his mind before he continued, "nevermind, I'll drink some... But I need to retrieve something from the district first. I have a hard drive hidden there, but I'm going to need a new laptop and a phone, maybe more just in case I lose them again. I need your mist to enter the district, but my powers are severely limited without any code, so I can't disable their securities like last time. Once I retrieve the hard drive, I know where I can get some parts deeper in the district. Does that sound alright? " Xavier inquired, his discomfort was growing by the minute with the absence of his devices.
Vlad sighed. "Well. I guess I'm a father now. I might as well act like it and take you out to dinner although I drink blood and you eat people. I'm not sure how that's going to work out."
Sapphire grinned widely. "Are you joking! That's perfect! We kill a person, you drink all the blood, and I eat what's left over!" She said grinning. She grabbed his hand. "Come on!"
Vlad sighed as he was dragged out onto the street. He spotted a random teenager that was walking by herself. "How about. Just decapitate them and then we continue with our feast." He slowly walked towards the teen and he lunged at her throat and within a few seconds he was drinking out of the top of her trapezius. He finished up and said to Sapphire, "Dinner is served madam." He smiled and bowed to her.
Felix slams his fists on the table. "Gah! I don't know what to do about Sapphire."

"Felix... maybe we should just roll with the punches and let this happen."

"Wait, what? You're willing to give over a powerful conduit who doesn't know any better to them?"

"Felix, this isn't our place to decide, we're not the parents. It's a sad truth, but we can't choose what happens to it!"

"We already have enough villains to deal with, we don't need another!"

"For god's sake, Felix! It'll be YEARS before it could even do anything! We'd either be dead or victorious by that time."

"And when it comes around, a new menace. Besides, wouldn't we be doing IT a favor?"


"Because... one day we'll have to kill Vlad... and if the poor kid has grown up with him as his father until that point..."

Max sat in silence. He didn't have an argument, Felix was actually RIGHT in that aspect.

"Felix... let's just let it go, at least for now. Maybe things will turn out our way-"

"Since when! Since WHEN have things gone our way Max? Our friends DIE, I have died twice! TWICE! Everyone I come to love either tries to kill me, or dies. And one day... one day I'll have to fight Smokey and Hayabusa... and they won't feel any remorse... they could kill me without a second thought... but I couldn't Max! I can't do that! We're all that's left! Lee joined us, and now HE'S probably gonna die soon. With my luck, you and Sphinx will die soon, and I'll be left all alone! I don't want to be alone again!"

"Felix!" Max interrupts, noticing the tears starting to come out of his eyes. "We aren't leaving you, trust me." Felix nods a bit.

"I'm scared Max." Felix says before Max wraps him up in a hug and Felix cries onto his shoulder.
The Demon was somewhat catching onto Xavier's discomfort and nervousness.

"Don't worry brother, we're all here for each other. Only by working together will we create our Utopia and reach our goals, and to do that we have to have each other's backs. We'll get you into the Capital District and get you whatever you need, and then if you want we can celebrate over shots afterwords."

Zabuza looked down, memories coming back of Xavier's death...

"...Just promise me. Promise me that you'll start drinking blood more often. If you don't your body can't heal itself and you won't become stronger. And I don't wish to experience your loss again. So even if I have to force-feed blood down your throat, I will..."
Avalon strode from the hospital where he'd been resting from his coma. He was wearing a white gilded robe he'd found in a dressing room after he discovered his power. It was quite fitting considering his power. He wasn't sure where he was going currently but he was searching for a way to do some good.
"Sure, I will." Xavier replied. The idea of Zabuza chugging blood down his throat did not seem like a good idea. He began to look around, before he turned to them quickly.

"Where are we?" He inquired, his voice quivered slightly. ((should we time skip until after the entire DUP thing? or write about it?))
Tercesasti said:
Vlad sighed as he was dragged out onto the street. He spotted a random teenager that was walking by herself. "How about. Just decapitate them and then we continue with our feast." He slowly walked towards the teen and he lunged at her throat and within a few seconds he was drinking out of the top of her trapezius. He finished up and said to Sapphire, "Dinner is served madam." He smiled and bowed to her.
Sapphire grinned. "Why thank you, mister gentleman." She said grinning. She walked up to the teenager's dead body and ripped the arm off. She bit down on the flesh and chewed it. "Mmmm. I've never had it this dry before! It's like eating human jerky!" She said and continued to eat the arm. "Tasty..." She muttered with a smile.
Avalon stopped in his tracks in surprise as he watched a girl become decapitated.

"HEY!!" He shouted, running towards the two who did it.
Sphinx looked up from munching on a leg. "Oh, well hey there mister runner!" She said, waving. "I don't believe I know you! Can we help you?" She asked.
Daniel walks down the street, eying the ground. Oh dear, the city has been rather eventful recently: what with the mist, and the shadows... and those heroes... whoever they are... I need to find them, I want to help! Oh... but what if they don't think I'm good enough? Or they don't trust me! Or they don't like me! A lot of people don't like my hair! Daniel starts panicking a bit before calming down. "Okay... relax... and-"

"HEY!" He hears. He runs toward the sound and sees...

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" He screams at the girl eating the leg.
Sapphire looked at the leg, then at the man, then at the leg. "Eating. Why do you ask?" She asked, taking another bite.
"Drop it." Avalon growled stepping forward.

"It's not right, she was innocent."
Sphinx blinked looking at the man, Avalon. "Well, I don't see what she's gonna d with her leg now." She said. She took another bite.
"You're desecrating her corpse! Get off of it before I make you..." Avalon growled, taking a step forward.

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