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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sphinx's eyes turned a sapphire like color. She grinned. She poked her stomach. "Well, hiya there important baby!" She said with a giggle. She then looked at Felix and pinched his cheeks. "Bet you wish you were the father!" She said as she stood up. She began to walk out.
Felix looks at her as she walks away. "What is she... SAPPHIRE!! Max-"

"On it." Max says as he walks up to her. "What are you planning on doing, huh? Gonna go on a little outing? Speaking of, been awhile since I've talked to you."
Johnomono said:
"Just name what you want." Slade growled.
"Ill do it." He added.
Wraith considered him for a moment...

"Find Null, the psychic individual... and kill him. If you can do that, I'll bring you back to our base for further inquiries, and perhaps you'll be accepted into our faction..."
Sapphire smirked. "Just gonna tell the father. He doesn't know yet, after all. I wonder what color it'll be." She said as she walked out the door. "Bye bye!" She said as she flew off.

Sapphire flew over the buildings. "Vlad! Where are you? I need to speak with you!" She shouted, smiling slightly.
Max runs after her but finds himself unable to keep up. "I hope she doesn't do anything that Sphinx will regret..." Max heads back to the base. At Felix's look, he shakes his head. "Couldn't keep up, she got away. Your countermeasure should bring Sphinx back soon... I wonder how those wings can support a pregnant woman?"
Lee bolts after Sphinx. Err. Sapphire and he manage to catch up to where she went from his precognition. He knew were she was going to be. He catches his breath when he fed to the warehouse and he peeks in after Sapphire.

Vlad woke up from his slumber as he heard his name being called. He looked around and saw Sapphire. He smiled and said, "Hey beautiful. Come back for mo-" he looked at her and said, "What's that?" As he pointed at her stomach.
Felix runs out after Lee but Max holds him back. "Don't even try. For some reason he is OBSESSED with protecting her, he isn't gonna stop... but I'm worried Felix."


"If this baby is as powerful as Lee says it is... and it falls into the hands of Vlad..."

"I know, I worry about that too. Sphinx said the baby would be Sapphire's, but that means it's Vlad's too... I can't just take it, but I can't let it fall into Vlad's hands."

"What are we to do though?"

"... We need to convince Sphinx in some way."

"Wouldn't work. Sphinx and Sapphire seem to be content with each other right now, that would turn them against each other fueling self destruct."

"Then we need to convince Sapphire."

"And how are we to do that?"

"I don't know, give her something she wants?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know... we need to brainstorm."
Slade nodded.

"Easy." He snarled.

With a crack he dissolved into fire and took off in the air.
Tercesasti said:
Lee bolts after Sphinx. Err. Sapphire and he manage to catch up to where she went from his precognition. He knew were she was going to be. He catches his breath when he fed to the warehouse and he peeks in after Sapphire.
Vlad woke up from his slumber as he heard his name being called. He looked around and saw Sapphire. He smiled and said, "Hey beautiful. Come back for mo-" he looked at her and said, "What's that?" As he pointed at her stomach.
Sapphire looked at her own stomach. "I'm pregnant and you're the father." She said in a casual way. "Good news is it's destined to be the most important baby in the world. The first conduit baby." She said, grinning widely.
Xavier shifted uncomfortably, his head was pressed against something warm. His ear could feel it rise and fall, and his eyes slowly opened.

His field of vision was blurred, and it rocked as the bed he layer on swayed.

Wait. This isn't a bed.

Xavier's vision cleared and he realised that his head was pressed into Zabuza's chest. His body suddenly felt heavy, pressing harder on Zabuza's arms. His head shot up, and a thought shot through his mind. I'm being carried?

The last thing Xavier could remember was ice wrapping around his torso and thighs, asphyxiating him. He had died.

Xavier felt a warmth rush up beneath his collar and flood his face, before his back slid against Zabuza's wrist guards, and he let out a yelp while he felt his body slip through Zabuza's arms.
Null sighed... "Well, there they go.... I... I need to sit down for a minute." Null says as he goes into his room. "If I try to help... I'm probably gonna get in the way again... Besides... Now the First Sons are after me. I wonder. Will they throw me out, or will they help me?"

"I'll stay with you, Null." Shard says.

"Sometimes, I wish I didn't have this power. Mind Control.... Absolute Obedience... It has the power to destroy the world in the wrong hands... It's so hard not to become enraptured in my power."
I'm being carried?

All of the sires clearly heard Xavier's voice within their heads as soon as he had regained consciousnesses. With this warning that he was finally awake, the Demon was not as surprised when Xavier began to move and fell. As such he was able to react in time, catching him in time before he fell.

Zabuza then set Xavier gently down on the sidewalk, letting him recollect his thoughts.

"There has been much that has happened since your fall, brother. Once I had brought you back, and you did not awake, we could not leave you. As such I had to bring you with us."

Xavier would of noticed that he was wearing new clothes, and was seemingly clean, just like all the others were. There was also a new sire, Hayabusa.

"More over, you were covered in blood. Your clothes were torn and you were in desperate need of new clothes and to bathe..."

Zabuza's voice trailed off, not wanting to tell him that he was the once who did all of it.

"When you're ready I'll fill you in on all that you have missed. As well as introduce you to your newest brother, Hayabusa."
"Shard... its... its not to late to leave me... I'm walking down a terrible path... One that will most likely... No... certainly mean the end of me eventually. I... I don't want to drag you down with me. If you want, join the FFA. Team up with Shadow. Just follow your own agenda. Unless this is what you truly want, you don't have to stay."

"Null... You know I dealt with you before... I can handle you now... I'm gonna stick by your side..." She says before giving him a hug. (#SHULL)

"Are you sure... I know how you feel about Felix..."

"I... I... I'm sorry Null, I can't give a definitive answer."
Xavier glanced at the new sire. This seems more and more like a cult, drink the blood of your fallen brethren and stuff...

"Well thanks for bringing me back and stuff..." Xavier murmured, getting up and looking down at his new clothes, "Thanks for the clothes too, to whoever did it I mean." Not much to see anyway. His face blushed further, before he realised he felt lighter. That was when he did a double take. The sire looked extremely familiar. It's the test tube guy from the day I met shadow! Xavier eyed him carefully, he was pretty nosy when they first met, and he was with some other guy back then. Xavier's hand moved to his side by reflex, but all it felt was air, and Xavier turned to his waist. His bag was gone, and so was its contents. It had been crushed in the ice, along with his phone, whom the conduit who killed him had also destroyed. His blood boiled, and a sinister aura emanated from him.

"I'm sorry, may I ask a favour, Zabuza?" He turned, a smile on his face. "I have to visit the Unification District. "
Blake opened his eyes and squinted against the sun light as he sat up. A scorching pain shot up his back that would make most people double over in pain, but with all the abuse Blake has suffered, this was a mere pin prick. Blake stood up and walked out of the alleyway to see his motorcycle cut in half. He thought hard on what he happened to him but all that came to him was one thing. A man in a tuxedo. Blake smiled and started to walk across the street. "He wronged me. He DEFINITELY fucked up. Concrete treatment. Definitely."
A cult? That's how you see all of us? I suppose I can understand where you're coming from.

Zabuza thought, thus reminding Xavier that they were all connected and could hear each other's thoughts.

"If you wish to go to the Capital district, then by all means we will. However, first you have to answer a question. Looking back I've realized I've never watched you drink any blood. The reason you died was because your healing factor was so weak. Answer me, how many people did you drain? Did you drain any?

You have to drink blood, brother. In order to become stronger and stay strong."
Blake would hear a whining sound before a black ball of fire struck the ground and formed into a man.

"Null..."He growled, searching around, listening, smelling.
Blake stared at Slade before backing away. "Hi... Umm, I don't know what a Null is but I know I'm not one...... And will you stop sniffing the air? It's creepy........"
"A suit? Like... Tuxedo suit? If so, were gonna be the bestest of friends! If not, I hate you. Get away from me before I turn you to a concrete statue."
"Ya. Well... Not exactly. He cut my motorcycle in half and hit the instant snooze button on so I didn't get a good view but I did see a suit. Wanna gang up on him? You get to slap him around a bit, I finish the job! What do you say, pal?" Blake stuck out his hand and grinned wildly.
Slade grabbed his hand and looked right into his eye as he applied pressure.

"I slaughter him. You can do what you like beforehand but I finish him. Otherwise you die..." He growled, holding his hand tightly.
"Ya right. I'd like to see you try, kid. I've destroyed entire cities..." Which was n entire lie... "One guy isn't gonna be a problem for me. I kill him. That's the deal. Either way, we just stay at each others trying to kill a common enemy. That's not smart, now is it?" Blake stared into Slade's eye and began to creep concrete on his foot. "Make your choice, bucko."
Slade teleported behind him and suddenly wrapped an arm around his neck and squeezed.

"Try anything and I'll sever your spine." He said, gently pushing a blade against his spine.

"One guy? Maybe. But you are weak against that which even hell spit back out." He growled.

"Now we do this my way, deal? " He asked.

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