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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Null, you say?" Joseph HUD was already scanning this individual, streaming what he was seeing back to the First Sons. Either this man had a lot of associates that enabled him to deduce Wraith's identity, or he was some sort of conduit. In any case, if he had information... then he might have to be dealt with. "Then who are you working for, exactly?"
Felix looks at Lee. "Why do you think she is important? I mean, you saw her in a vision, but why?"
Lee pointed to the sky. Err well crystal ceiling. "The Great One told me to protect her and the first conduit baby. That simple." He smiled at Felix.
The great one? Does he mean God? There is no God... I would know, I died. "Uhh, sir? You do know there is no... Well, I'm glad the Great One is on our side." Felix says with a smile. I suppose faith is to be cherished... it's not my place to ruin that for him. "Also, forgive me for asking, but why do you kick and stomp the ground so much?"
Lee bowed to thank Felix and h straightened up. He pulled his hair in front of his face back to reveal the black blindfold overinflated his eyes. "See?" He smiled and laughed a little. "But it's our secret okay ladies and gentlemen?"
Felix smiles and bows back. "Understood." He's much too happy to be a shadow, I only know of one shadow that's that happy all the time. As for being a sire... he's smiled quite a lot, and of the times I've seen in his mouth, there haven't been any fangs... let's see what he knows. "Sir, in order to guarantee YOUR safety... so that you can be able to protect Sphinx that is, I must ask: What, if anything, do you know of the Shadows and Sires?"
"I'm not telling you anything till you take off the HUD that's streaming to the First Sons... Tell them Yes, I am a conduit, and that I am not interested. I work alone... and that castle back there is my work..."

"Felix... I talked to him outside... He knows nothing... Just what I told him." Shard says.
Lee stopped smiling. "All I know about the sires is that someone named Zabuza makes people into vampires. Or something. And a shadow is what is behind you when you are facing the sun." He scratched his head in confusion.
Felix sighs. "Shard, I get the feeling you are gonna try, so don't interrupt me." Felix then gives a quick overview of the Shadows and Sires. "If you'd like more info, we could sit down and talk in further detail." Max leans over to Felix.

"Felix... we don't know if this guy is friend or foe!"

"Max, he said he wanted to protect Sphinx. Besides, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. If we want to figure that out, this is the best way to do it."
Lee sighed. "I am a friend I promise to The Great One." He smiled as have a thumbs up to show his friendliness. "And I think I would like to know more about these Shadows and Sires. All to protect the strongest being in the world. Or well TO BE strongest being." He pointed to Sphinx's stomach.
"You must possess psychic abilities, such as mind reading. Astounding, but my amusement from it wavers..." Wraith clearly had no intentions of shutting off the HUD, nor was he going to let this one get away. The time was now to act..."So that is indeed your work back there? Well, aren't you the resourceful conduit. Can't say I find too many of those around here." Swiftly, Joseph darted towards the conduit, making an attempt to run him through with his sword.
Felix smiles, but if this were an anime, he would have nervous sweat going down his face. Uh-oh, he or she is going to be the strongest being... and it'll be in the hands of Sapphire. I don't know what to do here! "Okay..." Felix creates two chairs out of shadows. "Sit, and tell me where you'd like me to begin."
"You think I didn't expect that? Wow, you are such a fool" Null says, as he blocks Joseph and disarms him with one movement... He then kicks Joseph to the ground and holds him at the tip of his sword... "That was fun."
Lee was skeptical of the chairs and he examined them. After a bit he sat down and said, "Well. People usually begin from the beginning so. Thy would be good." He gave a Thumbs up and smile.
"Watch..." Joseph stated, his lips curling into an unmistakable sneer. In an instant, a streak of red light had bolted around the sword, tackling the mind-reading conduit down. "How can you predict what your mind cannot even comprehend?"
Turns out that Null predicted the attack, and stepped back before Joseph landed the hit... Ah, so you really are one of the First Sons. Tell me... Do you know their true goal?
Felix smiles. I should be more wary of who I trust... but I can't help but like this guy. "Okay.. oops, almost forgot!" Felix creates three more chairs for Max and Sphinx and Shard. "Don't be bitter! Anyways... where do I begin? The Shadows, they came first and are easier to explain.

As I mentioned before, the Shadows are a ruthless gang, made up of soldiers made out of hate. They are led by a man named Shadow... who's basically my evil doppleganger. He has the same powers as me, but is stronger. He takes people off the street, takes out their emotions of hate, kills them, and then creates an evil clone of them. Last I checked, his numbers were about 500, but that was like 2 days ago, and his army was involved in a huge battle. Anyways, there aren't many conduits on his team yet, as he has mainly just attacked people off the streets. The conduits that ARE on his team, however, is Three: Hydrokineses, Smokescreen... smoke kineses? Nil: He doesn't really have a POWER, but he is stronger than the average human. Who am I missing... hmm... I think that's all of them. And of course, Shadow: Umbrakineses. Their quest is to aid Shadow in conquering the world.

The Sires value quality not quantity. They are led by Zabuza, a vampire with control over the mist. His mist can distort the senses. His army wants to create a world ruled by conduits. On his team is Xavier: A conduit who controls the physical world through computer code, Dante: A man who uses lavakineses, our once ally Hayabusa, who... actually, I don't quite know what his power his. And last, Smokey-" Felix suddenly stops as a tear goes down his face. He opens the box Sphinx gave him and holds the orb for a few seconds before putting it back in. "I... mean Jacob, who also controls smoke. His sires are all vampires with EXTREME healing abilities. They are forced to obey Zabuza's commands, either through audio or telepathically. This can be shown through a glowing of their eyes... Smokey... sorry, he was just a good friend of mine.

I think that's basically the basics. If you plan to stay here for longer, there's some more info you should... know."
"Do you?" Wraith retorted. Stepping up his game a slight bit, he zoomed directly in front of Null, throwing out a quick series of strikes at the individual. Null's mind reading abilities would be a problem, but if he could keep him distracted with the flurry of attacks, then he had a chance at taking him down...
Lee listened carefully and processed everything he said. "Hmm. So why don't we just take down the head of the enemies and then the rest will fall? It can't be that hard." He smiled and gave a thumbs up once more. Just because.
"Your thoughts are invalid..." Null says... "Now... how bout you...stop attacking for a second... I'm not running? Am I? I know you want to take me in... Well... Now you're making me want to run... And sure... You may be fast... But I can slice you down."
Felix chuckles at his thumbs up. "Yeah, well I wish it was that easy. Shadow has an entire army that you need to cut through even to GET to him, and he's incredibly powerful. And Zabuza... if we were able to kill him, that would be a victory, but they can take 1000 bullets to the face, and not even feel it. There must be a limit to their healing, but for god's sake I don't know how to get there.

However, by saying that, are you saying you intend to stay here? Because if so, there are a few more things you should know."
"For one who can react so quickly, you're rather slow. Your powers delay the inevitable, at the most. Your psychic capabilities simply aren't enough to keep up, Null. Need I demonstrate?" This time, rather than attacking up front once more, Wraith was literally beginning to blitz around him in a circle, simultaneous throwing out jabs at him.
Lee thought for a second. "What if I make the sires explode? And yes I would like to stay so why else should I know?"

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