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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Really? I'll need to see what it is. Just a second, Max, open yours." Max opens it to see another copy of the book Felix used to have. "I don't know if you'll like it, but it was a book I was enjoying, so maybe you will like it."

Max smiles and hugs Felix. "Thanks Felix, Mine is in my room... mine for you two, that is. You go see what Sphinx got you." Felix smiles and turns to Sphinx.

"Lead me to it!" Felix says with a smile.
Lee felt the crystals release him and he sighed. He bowed to Shard and thanked her. He entered the base and was walking with a little click from his toes so he could 'see' where he was going through the vibrations. He said, "Hello? Is anyone here?"
"There are multiple different stages all of my sires will eventually go through. But for now I have no intention of telling any more without any more useful information for me. And you don't have any possible information I could possibly care enough about right now to give out more.

The difference between humans and conduits is an entire species length. And depending upon how events go down, and how many sires are made, humanity might become nothing more than the livestock and cattle of the future."

It wasn't long before Hayabusa spit out the last of his teeth, and his eyes finally became Crimson showing that he had been sired. the Demon instantly connected Hayabusa to the mental link with all the other sires.

"Do not harm your fellow Sires. Do not plot against me or your fellow sires. Do not help those that would plot against us. If Null were to give you a direct command you are to not hear it."

The Demon thought, commanding Hayabusa. His eyes glowed four times in a row showing each command being acknowledged.
"See... Thing is... If that were felix right now... He would acknowledge the command, but he wouldn't have to follow it... He has the countermeasure... Sure, he would follow the command, but he's willing to go against it if he wants... You want more info? I'll give you more info... Ever watch Dragon Ball Z when you were a child?"
As Wraith was rising from his position, a bullet whistled past his ear. He whirled around, his fist clenched, focusing upon those firing upon him. It seemed that they were a small squad of militia, at least four of them. He had heard much about them, and none of their doings pleased him. His body began crackling with what appeared to be electricity, and he zoomed forward, his ninjatos sinking into the throats of the first two soldiers.
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Sphinx grinned as she took his hand. She lead him to her room and walked inside. Inside was a large colorful box with a red bow. Inside was a grey sphere on a stand. Sphinx had bought it on the black market. Rumor has it that when a being touches the orb, the being could push their anger into the orb temporarily.
Felix opens the box and sees a strange orb. He looks back at Sphinx before picking up the orb. Suddenly, he felt a sort of sucking feeling from the orb. Then, he was calm. He didn't even realize he was feeling anger, but now it was gone. He puts the orb back in the box and shuts the lid, and turns back to Sphinx. "Wha- what was that?"

Max walks out of his room carrying two big boxes when he hears someone yelling. Upon investigating, he finds Shard and a bald man. "Hey Shard... I'm a bit pissed about the dome thing... oh, you are that man she was talking to... How did THAT go..."
"FELIX!!! SPHINX!!! MAX!!! Someone is here to see you... Well... More Sphinx... Or... Sapphire... It's not Vlad... just... JUST COME OUT HERE!!!"
Sphinx frowned and placed a hand on her forehead. "...it's....an orb....it takes away anger..." She said, looking down. "Sorry if you don't like it...." She said, rubbing her arm.
Lee vows to the new man. "Hello. I am Lee Sin. Nice to meet you. Are you the father of the baby from the blue skinned girl?" He straightened up and adjusted his blindfold.
Le looked at Shard. "Oh. So is it a surprise? Ok I'll wait to say anything. But I'm still Lee Sin. Who are you?" He asked Max.
"No... We... Don't talk to the father.... He's an enemy... Sphinx and Felix can probably explain things better. It's not even Sphinx's baby... It's Sapphire's."
Max stops her there. "The blue skinned girl is Sphinx, she has an alternate persona named Sapphire who banged a guy named Vlad, who hates us and wants us dead. Sphinx has dominate control of the body though, so she is left with the burden. I am Max, one of her friends, and the other person you need to know is Felix, her boyfriend, who should be here soon."
Lee cocked his head to the left. "Sapphire?" He thought of the second face he saw. "Ahh. That makes sense." He sighed and waited for Felix and Sphinx.
Felix and Sphinx walk to where they heard the noise. "No, it's great, just... I was startled by it. It should help with controlling my second personality greatly... my third personality might not be very affected by it, but I keep that one well under wraps for the most part." Felix and Sphinx arrive and see Lee, Max, and Shard. "Who are you?"
Lee bowed down to the two who arrived. "Hello. I am Lee Sin. I am here to protect-" he stopped himself from saying baby. "Sphinx. That is why I'm here for." He straightened up and smiled.
Sphinx walked up the stairs and looked at the new man. "Um...may I help you?"she asked, looking at the new man. She placed a hand over her Sapphire necklace. "I don't believe I know you..." She said, looking towards Lee.
Blake had driving down the road listening to some Living Tombstone until the sight of a conduit kill some militia stopped him. He slid to a halt and stared at the man. Soon, he looked behind Wraith and stopped a militia man in his tracks by trapping his legs in concrete. The concrete spread from his legs to heads within seconds as Blake looked bqck to Wraith. "Hey. Name's Blake. You are?"
Lee Sin shook his head and laughed. "No no. I saw you in a vision. I was sent to protect you and keep you safe." He smiled at her and bowed many times. "I was sent by The Great One."
"As I said Null, I believe our business is done for the moment. There's nothing else I really care to know for the moment so we'll be on our way. We can use this building to meet up and talk in the future. Until our next meeting Null"

The Demon began to stand up, out of the seat. In the meantime...

We all look forward to getting to know our newest brother better, Hayabusa. We can get to know you better by you telling us your history better and we can tell you ours if you wish.

You'll get use to the voices in your head, eventually... Jacob thinks (You basically gave me him right? Or was that Dante?)
Hold on.... Hayubusa, never told us his history... Can he please tell me as well.. I'm curious... He used to be our friend... Can you let him do that please? That's all I ask for... Then I will leave without question.
Sphinx blinked in confusion. "Um....why?....I'm not in any more danger than I usually am.....I'm not that special either..." She said, frowning a bit. "Why do you wanna protect me?"

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