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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Max smiles. "Of course you're important... and I don't know. I'd bet. He did become conscious for a small minute or so today, but then he exhausted himself."
Sphinx nodded. "Knowing him, he'll try to continue on his hunt for Zabuza and Shadow as soon as he opens his eyes." She said with a smirk. "I'll have him rest though....even if I have to rest with him to do it."
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Max laughs. "Going a little fast there, aren't ya Sphinx? Then again, I suppose in a relationship where either of you can die at any minute, and where one of you has... twice, then you kind of have to."
Sphinx's face turned dark blue in embarrassment. She started fiddling with her fingers nervously. "That's not what I meant...I simply meant I'd cuddle with him or something..." She then rambled on about her daydream. "I'd snuggle into him and rest my head on his shoulder as he pet my wings..." She let out a sigh of happiness as she closed her eyes and fantasized it.
Max chuckles and sits down, listening to what she says. For awhile, he forgets he's essentially being held prisoner in a dome. He was going to dig his way out using the nanobots, but this is some good quality time to talk. I knew that's what she meant... He gives her a minute to fantasize before interrupting. "So, I was right, you DO like people interacting with your wings."
Sphinx's face turned an even darker shade of blue. Her eyes widened in embarrassment. "Er...um....well...yes....yes I do..." She said looking down, her wings ruffling. "I'm...just kinda self conscience about it...it's kinda weird...." She said, leaning against the side of the dome. "I....I can't really explain how it feels....it....it makes me purr...like a cat....it's very weird..." She looked back at her wings.
Max tries not to laugh and fails. When he's done, he says "I told you, I believe everyone has one. It's cool, you aren't weird for that... or, I suppose you are because fetishes are strange... but then again they're normal... you get my point. Also, when I first mentioned it in the mall, Felix was somewhat conscious... so he has got the idea now..." He says, playfully nudging her.
Sphinx's eyes widened and her wings became stiff. "Oh....wow.....I'm not sure wether to be excited or worried..." She said. Her wings ruffled in embarrassment. "Oh lord....this is so embarrassing...." She said, curling up in a ball on the ground and burying her face in her legs.
"Don't worry, he said he'd be sure to remember that." Max laughed. He couldn't stop himself at this point. "I'll bet he doesn't think of it as strange... I'm sure he's got a weird fetish of his own... don't know what it would be, but I'm sure he does..."
Sphinx shook her head, it still buried in her legs. "That's not...the main thing I'm embarrassed about....at the moment..." She said, sighing a little. "What do you think his fetish is?" She asked, trying to change the subject, but she was sure it wouldn't work.
Max goes wide eyed. "Um... well... I have no idea. I could guess with you because of the fact that you have wings, something... uncommon in most other people, so I could make a quick assumption. Him there's no way to tell. Hm... what has you embarrassed" He asks, trying to change the subject again.
Sphinx looked up at him. "Oh....nothing....just a little embarrassed...that's all..." She lied. Her wings gave a rustle. Not there normal, loose, relaxing rustle, but more of a stiff rustle. The stiffened rustling of her wings betrayed her lie. At least six out of ten people would be able to find out what was happening.
Max looks at the stiff rustling before blushing and laughing hysterically. "Do they actually work that way?" He says between laughs. "Someone might have been fantasizing too hard." He then realizes the irony of his word choice there and literally falls to the ground laughing. "I'm sorry, I really am!" He chokes out between laughs.
Sphinx's face was now a dark, dark blue. "Yeah...Im not sure how it works...it just does it....also, I can't really fly when....it happens. That's why when we were flying that one time...I crashed into the apartment..." She said with a sigh. "I can't help myself! I just can't!" She said, banging her head against the dome they were in.
"Oh... oooh... OH!!!" Max then immediately starts laughing again. "I don't mean to be insensitive, but that's hilarious...! Thank god Felix isn't here."
Assailant said:
"Oh... oooh... OH!!!" Max then immediately starts laughing again. "I don't mean to be insensitive, but that's hilarious...! Thank god Felix isn't here."
Sphinx continued to hit her head against the dome. "Oh my god....I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself! My legs were wrapped around his neck! What was is suppose to be thinking of?!" She asked, sighing loudly.
Max calms down and sighs with laughter. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, that was insensitive. It's just... you learn something new every day, don't you? Don't hit your head against the dome, that's gonna hurt."
Sphinx stops banging her head against the dome. "...would you believe me if I told you that you're the first one I've told about my..." She paused and hesitated before saying, "fetish....." Her wings continued didn't make another rustle, but instead just stayed stiff and still.
Max sits back down. "Yes, I would believe that. I imagine it's hard to get close to someone, given your... predicament." Max says, as that word suddenly reminds him just how awkward this conversation is.
Sphinx sighed and nodded. "I just hope Felix is alright with my....what's the right way to phrase it....wing erections....?" She said, blushing and sighing.
Wing boners... hah! That's a fun way to put it. "I'm sure Felix will laugh it off. It takes a lot to off put the kid, really, it's incredible. He'll be okay with it. When he'll learn is the question. Don't worry, it's confidential for me. He'll find out when he's finds out... though I want to see his reaction first hand."
Sphinx started fiddling with her fingers again. "Er....you really think so? I hope he enjoys it....or at least is alright with living with it..." She said. She then smirked. "If I end up telling him, I'll make sure you're there. If he just accidentally pets my wing, I won't really care where you are...I'll be to absorbed in his touch..." She purred more as her wings stiffened up. She then snapped back into reality. "Sorry..."
Max chuckles. Of course, inside he breaks out laughing again, but this time he holds it back. "I'm sure he will, Felix seems like a... tolerant guy." She's really pushing them in that... scenario, it seems. Only been dating for a day... guess you gotta move quick in this life... okay, don't say it like that.
Sphinx smiled. "Yeah...he is...I mean, he tolerates my blueness, my wings and my changing into a seducing murderer." She said with a smirk. She then began hitting the dome with her fist. "Ugh...I wanna get out!" She said.
Huh, she's got me thinking... I wonder what his fetish is? Maybe it has something to do with Sphinx... looking inhuman maybe? I know that's one. Strange skin color... maybe. Max changes his nanobots into a shovel. "We can dig our way out if necessary."

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