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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Lee sat down in the chair and said, "Thank you ma'am. So what is a sire and a vampire?" He scratched his head and ruffled his hair for a second. He liked his hair messy and flowing.
same thing... Vampire... basic definition.. His name is Zabuza. he infuses people with his blood making them sires.. Essentially, they are zombies who serve the vampire...
Lee cocked his head to the left. "Vampires sound revolting. Dm I going to become one? Is that who we are waiting for?" He inquired not wanting to be a zombie.
Zabuza isn't a member of the FFA.... We're waiting for... My... leader I guess. His name is Null... He's more of a friend actually... I think he'd like you to join him if you'd be willing.
Lee Sin kept his head cocked. "Join him in what? Marriage? I can't do that. I am a monk. And what is the FFA?" He stretched and sat in the lotus position.
"Freedom Fighters Association... Null is a loner... I'm lucking to be joining him for the ride... He tells me he's building a group of elites... He's gonna call it the mental army. I think it's because his powers have to do with the mind."
Lee Sin didnt like the sound of that. "Mental Army? What is he going to do with my mind? I don't want to be a slave." He said in his slight Chinese accent.
Sphinx sighed. "It's terrible....I wish....I wish he would've taken me instead....I'm the least important one here....what is it I do anyway? Swing a sword around..." She placed a hand on her forehead. "Oh god..."
Oh... No... I don't know many details... He just told me he's building an army... and that's what it's gonna be called... I'm not a slave am I?
Max gets up and looks at Sphinx. "No... no, don't you say that. I've said it, Felix has said it, get it through your head. You tie us down... you make us human, you help remind us who we are. And that is more important than any other job. Plus, you help keep Felix under control for the most part. That's also REALLY important. I-" Suddenly, Shard got up and walked out of the room. Max wondered if he should try to find her for about a minute before he walked out side.

"Shard, why are you keeping this man?"
"Go back inside now Max.... I don't know who this man is... All I know is that he's a conduit... He claims he's here to protect Sphinx, but I'm not sure if we can trust him... I'm waiting for Null to get back so we can null if he's telling me the truth."
Max shrugs. "Easy way to tell. Felix told me this." Max looks at the man. "Sir, please tell me your name, and your faction, as well as what you know about us."
Sphinx poked her head out of the door and looked at the two. She had overheard the discussion. "If he's here to protect me, why not let me speak to him?" She asked with a slight smile.
Meanwhile, once Max had walked too far, he had forgotten about the nanobots, which unformed the mattresses, as well as revealed Felix.
"Sphinx! Stay BACK!!!" She says as she puts a dome over the two of them..."Ok, part of the reason I did this... Promise me you won't tell them about the army and I'll let you in no questions asked." Of course, the others did not hear this.
Max looks back at her. "We don't know if we can trust him yet... he might be dangerous. He's obviously not a Sire, but he might be a Shadow."
Sphinx hesitated. "Alright....what's his name?" She asked, placing a hand on her pregnant stomach. "What does he look like? And why does he want to protect me?"
"Well, If Shard hadn't trapped us in this dome right now, we might now." Max huffed. "Jesus, what's her deal? It's like there's something she... doesn't want us to hear... I'm gonna have to press for info later, but for now, we have to discuss this. Why would he know who you are?"
Sphinx sighed and sat down. "I hope I give birth before Felix wakes up....I know he'll love me, no matter what happens, but I still feel slightly self conscious him seeing me like this..." She said as she lightly poked her stomach with a sigh. "Sapphire also said she'd take control when we go into Labor...."
"Oh dear..." Max says. "Well, I don't think you're ready to give birth quite yet... so Felix'll probably have regained consciousness... though knowing him he'll be back unconscious by the time you do..." Max chuckles. He then thinks for a minute and looks at Shard. "So... now that we know who Felix REALLY is... does that change your view of him at all? That he's not the sweet boy we normally see, or even the depressive man he's made himself out to be... but actually a stone cold psycho with a bloodlust?"
Sphinx blinks and shakes her head. "Um....I love the man I know....it doesn't really matter if he is a fake in the end does it? I mean, half the time I'm screwing guys and killing people but that doesn't make me a psychopathic nymphomaniac...does it?" She said, looking at Max.
Max shakes his head. "No... but the difference is that's Sapphire, not you. That murderer we saw was Felix... and only Felix..." Max puts his head down. "Frankly, I'm scared of him now... to know that's wrapped inside him now..."
Sphinx rapidly shook her head. "That's the point Max! Who wraps it up? Obviously not the murderous monster! Who's there to care about the monster getting out?! Who's the one that keeps the monster in? Felix is the one who wraps up the monster! That's the Felix I love!" She shouted her eyes filled with tears. "And I don't care if that theory kills me...I'm sticking by it..."
Max jumps back at this, and then softens. He facepalms. "What was I thinking? You... you're right... I lost track of that for awhile... We are friends with the Felix we know, and he obviously wants that too..."
Sphinx nodded, wiping her damp eyes. "That's right....I suppose I am important....and not just for my sword fighting skills or flying..." She giggled. "Do you think he'll wake up by tomorrow?" She asked, smiling.

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