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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"Ok, but can you stop surrounding me... Makes me nervous.... We're heading back in the general direction of a base I had shard build for the FFA.... WAIT I GOT IT!!!! THE PERFECT PLACE!!! But... a large group of DUP is guarding it now... You can see it from here."
"I feel like every five seconds you forget about my powers, which is extremely good for me. Let's just walk right past them, under the cover of my mist. Ever think of that? We should be absolutely fine then."

Using the mental link Zabuza commands for the sires to stop surrounding Null. Hayabusa would probably understand as well when everybody started standing behind the Demon.
Very well See that giant tower that Shard made? There's a conference room on the 30th floor... We'll meet there... Well... off we go... I have a question though... Why won't I be effected by the mist? Can you choose who is and isn't?
"I can, I can be very specific with every single think I do with the Mist. If you ever encounter a conduit by the name of Victor he can tell you all about me. There are also so many secrets I've been saving with it..."

For just a split second Null began to choke as if he had just eaten an entire Ghost Pepper, and then it was gone just as fast as it had happened. This marked the first time the Demon had distorted the sense of taste.

"Nothings free Null. I've seen you use a different power than just mind control. The day I first saw you in action, you caused Shadow to give up his weapon before being encased in crystal. Shadow didn't throw it, it was taken from his hands..."
"We'll talk about it in the conference room." Null says as he runs ahead, leading the way... Before long they make it to the perimiter
Max looks back at Sphinx. "Felix brought us together in strange ways... good things have happened, bad things have happened... I'm sorry Hayabusa. But, nevertheless, We're here now. And you know what we have over the others? Friendship. We're equals. The other two, they control people. Zabuza called Felix our king, but really he's a friend. A good friend."
Just as promised a wave of mist engulfed the street floor surrounding all the DUP surveillance watching the entrances of the building. However, none of the DUP seemed to notice the mist at all, and while they ran into the building not a single DUP soldier noticed them.

"You like what you see Null? Or better yet what the DUP don't see?"

None of the DUP even seemed to hear the Demon talk, but all the sires, Hayabusa, and Null could.
As the Demon walked into the crystal fortress, he stopped moving and took in all his surroundings.

"I can't sense any living creatures in this building right now. We should for all intents and purposes be fine. From what I could tell, all the surveillance was outside to watch whoever tried to enter. I don't see any in here."

Zabuza says as he finally removes the mist.

"Show us the way Null."
Null leads the to the stairs, as Shard was incapable of creating elevators. They walked up to the 30th floor.

By the time they got up, everyone's legs were aching... "Well, lets keep going everyone... The conference room is right in here." Null opens the door to show a conference room with 50 chairs and a imaculate crystal long table... Null took the seat at one end and Zabuza took the other.
"I give you props for being classy and over the top Null. Building this gigantic crystal fortress, making the conference room fifty floors up, and having us come all the way up here just so we could talk..."

The Demon clapped his hands, looking around the room as everybody sat.

"Now, why don't you tell me more about yourself and powers."
Blake sat on top of a roof, on top of a man. "Please! Why are you doing this, stop!" Blake stared down at the man and laughed. "You know what you did. Don't act dumb!" The man continued to beg for mercy. "Please! I'll give you anything you want! Is it money? I can get you money!" Blake growled and leaned forward so the man could see his face. Wimps. All of them. To afraid to admit what they did was WRONG! They're so afraid of death, they'll say anything for another chance! "I WASN'T GIVEN THE PLEASURE OF MERCY!! WHY SHOULD YOU!? TELL ME! WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT YOU THAT YOU DESERVE MERCY!?" Blake rose his hand into the air, which drew concrete particles from the roof's surface, forming into a concrete dagger. Blake grinned before stabbing the blade through the man's heart, feeling the warm blood splatter on his face. He stood up and grabbed his PDA from the floor before he pulled out his stylus and writing down: Kristian Moore: DEAD. Why? Blake spoke out all the words as he wrote. "Attempted... To... Rape me. There we go! Perfect-o!" Blake put his PDA in his pocket before leaving the dead body to rot.
"I think you have something you need to take care of first... There are 3 people who have yet to lose their soul when there should only be 2" Null says as he points to Hayubusa.
The faint sound of gunfire reached the conference room from before, supposedly coming from outside.
"Allow me to take care of this..." Null goes outside to meet this new person... "Hi... I sensed you comming... Listen... There are some very powerful conduits in there... wait in the other conference room down the hall.. I'll meet you in there in a bit."
Null came out to pools of blood and a black fire eating at the ground around the tower.

In the middle sat a figure on a lone fold up chair who didn't look at him or respond.
"Listen... My name is Null... Leas you can do is tell me your name... you know what??? come in... We'll talk after I discuss negotiations with the sires."
"Slade... nice to meet you.... I can tell your powers are optical... Just a hunch... Mine are two... SO it appears we're at a stalemate.... Listen... Just wait out here please... You seem like a nice guy, and I don't want you getting hurt... I'll be back in a bit. ok?"
A quiet laugh came from slade for a moment before be threw his head back, laughing in full for a long moment, "Nice... hurt... heh... no idea..." he chuckled.
"What? you don't think I have a sense of sarcasm? I know you are none of these things... Just please do me a favor and wait."

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