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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Max hugs Sphinx. "Don't worry, this won't change what he thinks of you. He loves you, he's not gonna change because of this. In fact, he'll be MORE determined to help you. He'll need some time to think it over, but after that he'll be fine."
Sphinx nodded. "I suppose you're right....I just hope that he's fine with not having any dates for a while..." She said with a small smile.
Max smiles. "I'm sure he will b- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He says as he notices Zabuza. "NO NECROPHILIA!!!"
The Demon continued to caress the deep scar, almost in a trance like state before Max broke him out of it.

"For the moment he's still just dead flesh starting to heal itself. Forgive me for examining his young.. attractive body. Scars look appealing to me, get over it. The irony is the fact that my flesh mends itself back together in such a way that it leaves no scars. I'll attempt to stop the IV blood before it heals this old scar though."

In the meantime as Zabuza talked, Felix's flesh began to mend and form itself back together to retake it's old shape. As his arms and legs once more began to form. It wouldn't be too much longer before he awoke...
Max stares in horror at this. "Geez, this writes like a bad fan fiction. Pretty sure he doesn't return those feelings bro. While I can respect fetishes, as it's my belief that everyone has one, this is just a bit creepy."
Sphinx blinked. "Um, sorry Zabuza, but he's taken...by me...." She said, looking down a little. She then looked at Max. "What do you think my fetishes are?" She asked, curiously.
Max looks at her. "Uh... um.. well, that's an uncomfortable topic. I say I believe you HAVE one, not that I know what it is... you... uh... hm..." He murmurs to himself for a bit before looking up. "Wings. As in, interaction with wings. That's my random, COMPLETELY RANDOM guess."
Sphinx blinked in confusion. "Um....ok...? I've never met another person with wings.....so I haven't really got a chance to see if that's my fetish....." She said, looking back at Zabuza. "I understand why you're attracted to him, but no....he's mine..."
The Demon watched as full color returned to Felix's body, alongside his pulse, and healing all of his wounds except for the deep scar under his shirt. Zabuza unhooked the IV from his hand as he was finally sure Felix would be fine, they had gone through several entire IV bags of blood to return him. Those could all easily be refilled later.

Zabuza finally put his hand up to the side of Felix's forehead, feeling that the heat had in fact returned to his body.

"He should be fine and wake up whenever now. Wish me to stay here until he does or can I walk away with my new Sire?"
Well, I meant people interacting with HER wings, but never mind that... best I don't continue to embarrass myself... I

"Indeed, I am." Max jumps back and sees Felix with one eye slightly open. He was right next to Felix, so that's why he heard it. "In fact, I've actually been conscious for about half a minute now. Zabuza, I'm thankful and all, but I'm not THAT thankful. Oh, and Max, thanks for giving me an idea, I'll have to try that one day." He says, before laughing. The laugh was so soft, as well as his voice, he was sure that Sphinx couldn't hear it.

"Well, I'm back again. And... wait, new sire?"
"WAIT!!!" Null thinks as he spreads his arms out hoping he is fact in front of Z. "Please... WE need to talk, he thinks..." He holds his hand up to his mouth hoping Z gets the message.
The Demon begins to stand up, backing away from Felix. He had known he was awake, he was just going to see how long Felix was willing to stand there and listen to all of that.

"Still no afterlife, eh?" Zabuza joked, before making a light laugh.

He noticed Null trying to desperately signal him, but he didn't have anything to say to the mind-reader. They had all made their deals and he wasn't going to be back stabbed now by a last minute switch.

The Demon began to walk back towards the sires, signalling for Hayabusa to follow him back towards them.
Felix notices this. "What's going on?" Max looks down sad.

"In order to get you back... we had to give up Hayabusa."

"But... he didn't get the countermeasure!" Max closes his eyes.

"We... we know." Felix get up and using the last bit of his energy he shoots a shadow attack at Hayabusa. However, because of his weakness, it does no damage, it just kinda... goes in his ear. Instead of pain, Hayabusa would notice a more tingly feeling where it entered. That last bit of exertion causes Felix to go unconscious. Max picks him up and walks over to Sphinx. "He's alive... we should take him back, he needs to rest. Come on Null, we're leaving."
Null is finally able to talk. "ZABUZA WAIT! I know you're not going back on your deal... But what if I offered a trade... I'm curious... Details on your powers for mine... Sound like a fair trade?"
Despite Felix's spontaneous betrayal, his weakened self hadn't realized he was within the unseen mist. It distorted his aim and the general location of where everything actually was, with only Zabuza and Hayabusa seeing what's truly happening.

In the end, Felix made his last shadow shot off into the distance without actually striking anybody.

"Out of all of you, it was Felix? Felix tried to ruin the entire deal and betray me? What honor for agreements. Anyways, it's time to leave"

Zabuza motions for the sires and Hayabusa to follow him in leaving. He ignored Null completely even after he had managed to speak.
Null trails behind Zebuza, without him knowing. "I can sense his thoughts getting louder... I know which direction he's going.. I'll just follow after him.." He does. Leaving everyone including Shard in the dust.
Sphinx looked towards Felix with her eyes wide. "Felix!" She exclaimed, but he was already out again. She sighed. She nodded. "Let's go...." She said, sighing.
Max keeps hold on Felix and walks past Null. "We're going. If you want to try to talk, we can meet up back at base."

Max and Sphinx walk back in relative silence. Upon reaching the base, they put Felix down on the bed and sit next to him. "And then there were three." He states sadly.
Despite whatever precautions Null took to not be seen tracking the Demon, it still was useless because of all of the sires extremely heightened senses and the fact Null was still trapped within some mist he couldn't even see.

Eventually, he was just barely keeping up with them when they just disappeared. As he went closer to investigate, he heard the Demon's voice.

"Our business is done for the moment Null. Maybe later I might take you up on your offer, but for now it's a no. Stop following us before I lead you into playing in traffic..."
hoping the demon could still hear him he said, At least tell me this... do you want me to do you a favor? I owe you for saving my friend... (there's another cookie crumb)
"By all means, there are all sorts of favors you could perform for me. Like telling me the exact command you gave to them in order to keep the others from being sired. Or simply removing that command. Or giving me an edge against Shadow."

The voice kept seemingly moving location, with Null being unable to ever pin down where it was with full confidence.
Sphinx sat next to Felix's bed. She nodded. "Yep..." She said. She placed a gentle kiss on Felix's lips, hoping he was still unconscious. She wouldn't be able to stand the embarrassment if he woke up.
Max smiles and hugs Sphinx. "He'll be up soon. In fact, I think I know how to speed it up." Max uses his nanobots to create a wall and ceiling above and around Felix, trapping him inside. "These crystals are naturally light, but that should stop it. I think I remember him saying that darkness makes him stronger, and he certainly needs power right now. Unfortunately, that means I'll be spending the night in his room. Going too far away from the nanobots causes them to come back to me."

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