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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Null's mind becomes so cloudy he has to get down... "maybe the mist becomes lighter the lower down I am... Like smoke..." he thinks.
"You only wish mind-reader," the Demon says as Null begins to sit on the mall's floor. Suddenly it was as if Null became blind, deaf, and mute. He could not hear what the others said, could not read their lips to see, and when he tried to speak words no longer formed from his mouth. All work of the mist.

"Alright, the mind-reader has temporarily been taken out of the conversation. For starters, I want his name. Give me that first and I'll promise to heal Sphinx's wounds as well as her child.

Felix is an entirely different story. It's going to take a whole lot more for him..."
Max nods. "Null, his name is Null. He also has a helper named Shard, she controls crystals. I give you that extra info to make sure you don't back out."
Null mouthes to Shard.... "Gas Mask"

Shard makes one around his face

"Are you my mummy?" he says, laughing "My name is Null, as in nothing"
A crystal gas mask begins to form within the air before dropping to the ground and shattering. Shard had thought that she formed it where Null was sitting, but it would seem he wasn't standing where he would seem.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. We can't be having that."

Suddenly Shard was afflicted exactly the same as Null becoming blind, deaf, and mute for all intents and purposes. She was kicked out of the conversation just as Null had been.

Dante, Jacob, and Xavier. Any direct command that Null gives you, you're to not hear it. To the point it was as if he had never said anything, or you became temporarily deaf.

Just like that Dante's, Jacob's, and even the passed out Xavier's eyes glowed from the command that Zabuza had thought.

"I am a conduit of my word, Sphinx will receive my help whenever we fully negotiate the terms. Now for the biggest problem, Felix. Just how much is your king worth to you? Will you sacrifice key chess pieces to save him?"
Max immediately jumps in. "If you want someone, I'll go. Don't let anyone take my place."
Sphinx blinked and looked down. She then looked back up at Zabuza. She then looked at Max. "No Max....you're not worth losing...." She looked back at Zubuza. "Is a queen a key enough piece for you?" She asked.
Null attemps to stand up.. He knows he's being distorted by mist. But he hopes that they see him. He spreads his arms out. and points to himself.
Max runs to her and grabs her. "No, think what this'll do to Felix. Your baby too. If he wakes up and loses you... he'll be devastated!"
Assailant said:
Max runs to her and grabs her. "No, think what this'll do to Felix. Your baby too. If he wakes up and loses you... he'll be devastated!"
Sphinx frowned and looked at Max. "You're like a father to him! He wouldn't be able to survive without you! You're his best friend!" She said, smiling a little. "I'll be alright..." She then looks at Zabusa. "Your choice. A queen, a knight," she gestured to Max. "Or a bishop..." She then gestured to Null.
Max looks at Zabuza. "Please... just take me, she doesn't know what she's talking about. Please, please don't take her."
"Oh, a devastated Felix. Truly my favorite kind of the little brat. However, I don't consider myself a foolish man. I know Null was an ally of yours, and for whatever reason he didn't like me. This is evident from the fact this is the first time I've ever even talked to the man despite me knowing him for playing everyone.

I also believe that the mind-reader considers himself a cunning, intelligent conduit. So first off, if you truly want Felix back then you're going to tell me whether or not Null placed any fail safes within you. Because the three of you truly seem rather... dedicated to giving yourselves up to being sired."

The Demon was waiting, finally showing his cautious side. With his increased senses he waited for any indication any of them were lying when they answered him.
Max groans. "Yes, he did, one that would make sure you couldn't control us, now please!"
Hayabusa stares as everyone asked to trade themselves for Felix's life before he sighs and walks up in front of Zabuza. "Look, leave them alone. Take me. I was the only one that didn't get the fail safe. Besides, I'd say I'm the only threat to you. These's people can't see through your mist. I can. I can prove it to you."
The Demon was rather taken back by Hayabusa and his ability to see through the mist. Zabuza attempted to use the mist to distort him, keep him from walking closer, and it didn't work. Hayabusa was able to walk directly in front of the Demon when nobody else could.

"Well we have our winner, and for all intents and purposes what you were saying was the truth from what I could tell. I ask one last thing in return for Felix, and then we will consider everything even as I do my part of the deal.

What were Null's exact words? The exact words of his fail-safe?"
Max groans. "I don't remember. I didn't hear the words. That's not how his mind control works. You just follow it, you don't remember you were controlled."
"I'm a conduit of my word. You've paid for both Sapphire and her child to be healed. As well as for Felix to be brought back... again close enough. It's time for me to work my magic I suppose."

It was only then that the party would of noticed two bags made of smoke being carried by the Demon. Out of one of them he pulled an IV stand, and out of the other he pulled an IV bag filled with blood that he hooked onto the IV stand.

"If you'll walk this way Sphinx so that I can stick your arm with an IV, it shouldn't take long for that wound to mend back together or for your baby to heal."

Sphinx would find the mist was no longer stopping her from approaching the Demon.
Sphinx blinked and walked towards the Demon. "Are you sure that's work? My blood is extremely different from yours...." She said, holding her arm out.
Max watches her do this. "This better work Zabuza, I swear if you hurt her..."
Nulls vision started to clear up... "PERFECT! Now... I can go find Shadow... As soon as he's back the mental link will be too. I can use that to trace Shadow..."
"Don't worry, Demonic blood is probably like O-negative. It can probably be given to anybody and work. Some shit along those lines..."

Zabuza's voice trails off as he expertly sticks the IV into one of Sphinx's veins allowing the blood to enter her system. It was near instantly that the wound could be seen mending itself back together and healing. After the wound was visibly gone, the Demon put his hand upon Sphinx's stomach.

He began to sense the child healing... and then he throws in a little extra to be 'kind'. The child's growth begins to rapidly accelerate as Sphinx's pregnancy becomes more and more visible through her expanding stomach showing the child grow.

He then finally takes out the IV from her arm and moves over to Felix's corpse.

"I went above and beyond what was asked of me in order to be kind to you."
Max notices the stomach growth and runs over to Sphinx. What the hell? "You okay Sphinx? What's happening?" He asks, already fearing the answer he knew was coming.
Sphinx's eyes widened as she looked at her pregnant stomach. "I....I think it's the baby..." She said, her eyes widening. "Oh my god, what's Felix gonna think when he sees this?!" She said, looking at Max.
"He's gonna go shadow? Null thinks. as he's starting to build up a resistance, since his mind is stronger than most. Thus, he's able to comprehend the mist. Though most of his senses are distorted"
The Demon walked over to where they had placed Felix's corpse, setting up the IV stand with the necessary blood bags and what not. After sitting down and hooking him up to the IV, Zabuza watched as his old enemy slowly began to come back. This wouldn't be nearly as fast as with healing the still living Sphinx's injures.

Zabuza began to examin his bitter enemy's body. He brushed the hair that was blocking Felix's face out of the way, revealing his enemy's still cold, dead face. While examining other wounds upon his body, Zabuza ended up lifting the still dead Felix's shirt up after smelling a large amount of old blood.

This wound is old and healed up. Moreover, it should of been fatal. Finally, this was self inflicted. At some point in the recent past Felix tried to kill himself...

Zabuza thought, allowing all the sires to hear him as well. He then began to feel the nasty scar still left by the injury as his body slowly began to regain it's color...
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