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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Max looks at Null. "We found him at the mall, you know, the big one a few streets down." Max walks over and hugs Sphinx. "There's still a way... we might be able to save him."
Lets go... Sphinx... can you make the journey? if so... get some clothes on, we'll be leaving in 5 minutes... We'll wait outside.
Shadow walks through the dark warehouse. Looking around at the camp he's made, he grins. I'll get the rest of the troops here tomorrow. I- Suddenly, Shadow felt a sort of snap within him. He had only felt it once before...

When He killed Felix.

Shadow stood there in awe for a few seconds before jumping up. "FELIX IS DEAD!!! YES!!! AHAHA! HAPPY DAYS, HAPPY DAYS!!!"

Max sits next to Sphinx for a few seconds before getting up. "You can say what you want while you're alone, then bring the corpse. We'll find a way to save him." Max then leaves to go to the front of the base.
Sphinx weakly stood up. She held Felix's body as tears streamed from her face. "No time to change...we need to leave now..." She said, and began to walk. She them yelped in pain. "Max...can you hold him...my wound can't take that much." She said, holding out her arms.
Max smiled and held Felix gently, as if he were delicate. "If Felix comes back... this'll be his third life. I don't know if it's great that he's spoiled with so many chances... or terrible that he needs them."
Sphinx laughed a little before groaning in pain. "Note to self:....when having a large gash in stomach, laughing causes pain..." She said, placing a hand over the wound. "We need to hurry....my wound is pretty bad..." She started walking up the stairs.
Max walks alongside Sphinx and turns to her. "You should rest, we can go without you."
I don't recommend that. He seemed quite fond of her "miracle" She may be our bargaining chip. It would be best if you came with us... If you're willing that is.
Sphinx nodded. "Of course I'm going. I want to help him, and staying behind won't so that." She said. She went to the bathroom and came out with a large piece of cloth. She wrapped it around her wound. "Good as new...let's go."
Sphinx nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be to bring my boyfriend back from the dead. Not really something you can be very ready for ever in your life though..."
Max frowns and hugs her. "I don't know what it'll take to get Zabuza to bring him back... but I'll find a way. Hopefully he doesn't sire him in the process."
"Even if he does, we have the countermeasure. However, we are not to think about it.... much less talk about it..."
Max sighs and looks at Nether. "He may not serve Zabuza... but he'll still have to drink blood." Max looks down. "I just hope him doing so doesn't force out his..." Max gulps. "Real self."
"Max, Sphinx... Shard.... There's something you should know.... There is no discord between his thoughts and that monster. That is his true self. That's the reason I left his mask alone... SO that he could live without harming others..."
Sphinx looked at her wound then at he others. "If he wants blood, I'll give him blood. I've heard from many that blue blood is good..." She said with a small smile.
Max glances up before looking back down. "I gathered that that was his true self... those were his thoughts... and kudos to him for holding it back so well." Max looks up at Sphinx and smiles. "I've heard it tastes like blueberries."
"Something I thought of though.... Does Felix have AIDS? And for that matter... Does Zabuza? Think about how much blood he's taken... Does he have AIDS now??? So is Felix gonna die again?"
Max shrugs. "Doubtful. Conduits have incredibly powerful immune systems. At most, a disease would be gone from a conduit's body in a day. It'd have to be like a biological weapon to affect a conduit."
Sphinx walked. Well, it was more of a shuffle mixed with a limp. She placed a hand over the wound. "We need to hurry..." She said frowning.
Hayabusa woke up after awhile, finally getting the rest he deserved. He rubbed his chest which felt a lot better and started to walk down the halls. He couldn't find anyone in any of the other rooms but he did find them when he decided to check Null's room. "Hey everybody, whats doing on? Where's Felix-" Hayabusa hadn't noticed it before, but he noticed a pool of blood on the floor which lead to him realizing that the bloods was Felix. "What happened...."


Victor stared at Zabuza before he put on his sunglasses. "I don't have time to inject you with chemicals, sadly. Besides, todays my day off. I'm not gonna waste it on some modern vampire." Jacob stared at Victor. "You look.... Familiar.. Do I know you?" Victor walked up to Jacob and started to sniff him, which made Jacob freak out and fall over the bench trying to get away from him. "Hey! Whats wrong with you, you don't smell people!" Victor started to walk away before turning back to Jacob. "No. I don't remember you." He looked ahead and kept walking before turning into some random store.
"Terrible time to say this... but Merry Christmas. Speaking of which... Did you know that depression hits harder around the holidays?"

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