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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"I'm sorry about this old friend... Shard..."


Shard shoots up skies at Felix immobilizing him temporarily.

Max starts unloading on Felix. Some of the bullets begin to penetrate the shadows before Felix shadows out of the crystals and shoots max back. Max begins to stand up before Felix dashes at him and stabs him in the gut. Max collapses over and Felix holds his hand up with his arm blade at. "Oh Max, so naive, thinking you can help everyone..."
SHard creates new crystals, and pushes them forward, pinning felix against the wall. She then creates a dome over him. That should hold him for a bit.
Felix smiles. "Oh, Shard, sweet Shard. Why do you do this?" Felix creates Shadow pillars and starts slamming them as hard as he can against the walls of the Dome. Soon, the crystals begin to crack.
Felix looks at the person who said that, and grins, throwing his hands out. "Null, you know Felix more than anyone, you can read minds after all. You know what he wants. He enjoys suffering, he enjoys blood on his hands." Felix grins. "You know this, don't you Null?"
"I'm gonna ignore the bitch. I'm talking to you Null. You've seen inside his head. There's no Shadow. It's just him, a wall, and another wall. Little did everyone know there were two veneers, not one... but you knew, didn't you Null. I'm what happens when both are broken down..."
Sphinx ran into the room in a bath towel. "What do you guys want?! I was taking a bath!" She said. Her eyes then darted towards the shadow beast. "Is that.....Felix?" She asked. She stood in front of it and opened her arms, as if to show him she had no weapons. "Felix! Calm down!"
Felix snaps the dome and then sees Sphinx. He walks up to her, smiling. "Why, hello Sphinx. How are you?" Suddenly, he stabs her in the stomach, and throws her on the ground. He looks at his blade to see blue blood. He licks the sword and looks contemplative for a second. "I've never tasted blue blood... tastes like blueberries, strange enough."

Max stares in horror. "Felix! WHY?!"

Felix grins. "I'm a strong independent man who don't need no woman."
Sphinx gasped for breath and placed a hand on the wound. "Ugh..." She said, tears dripping from her face. She turned her seduction powers to 100% as a final solution.
Felix walked towards the others, but the shadows started to fade. He walked towards Sphinx, and he collapsed as his shadows dissapeared. He collapsed next to her, his arms and legs bleeding. "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" He cries out over and over, his face covered in tears. Max runs up to him, and uses nanobots to stem to blood flow.

"Felix, calm down, it'll be alright."

"How can you still care! I tried to kill you all! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" He continues crying.
"OH! MY! GOD!!! Why didn't you tell me!!! DAMN IT FELIX!!!! I... I'm so sorry... I... I'm going for a walk... nobody is to follow me. I'll be back in 30 minutes."
Sphinx cried as she wrapped her arms around Felix. "It's...not your fault. You...lost...control..." She said, gasping for breath. Blood streamed from her wound. "We ruined...one hell of a...bath towel though.." She said between heavy breaths as she puts on a smirk.
Felix smiles sadly. "Lost control... what he said is right... there is no Shadow. That's who I truly am." Felix begins to cry harder. "I enjoy killing, I enjoy the taste of blood! And I try so incredibly hard to keep that side of me under control, but sometimes I can't! I can't and people die, and I ENJOY IT!!!" Felix completely breaks down into tears.
Sphinx cried with him as she frowned. "No you don't! If you loved killing, you wouldn't repeatedly..." She breathed heavily, grunting in pain. She then continued, "apologies to me. Which do you....feel more attached to, more....loyal to: me or killing?" She asked before screaming out in pain of the wound.
Felix cried more. "You, of course. But killing is just so... no!" He says to himself. He tries to give her a hug, but then notices his limbs. He could see them trying to heal, but there's no way it'd do it in time. "I- I... think I'm gonna die."
Sphinx shook her head and cried harder. "You're not going to die! Not again!" She said, holding him tight. "If you die, I'll die too! Either I'll kill myself or let Sapphire take over, and I know you don't want that! Just live! Please..." She said.
"SPHINX!!! There's still a way... If we can somehow convince the Demon to revive him.... Besides. Even if he attempts to sire him, the countermeasure is in place."
Felix smiles lightly. "No... no, promise me something. Promise me right now! If I die... when I die... you will continue the fight. I died for this... but I died in the wrong way. If I die, keep going. You have Max to support you. Max, promise me you'll help her."

"Of course."

"Please, just promise me that."
Sphinx shook her head. "You will not die...I will do anything to make sure you don't die! If you die....I won't be able to forgive myself..." She said, blue blood staining Felix's clothes. She held her forehead against his. "Felix, I know it's to soon, but I have to tell you...I love you Felix. I'd be broken if you died."
Felix smiles. The blood seeps out from his body. His vitals drop rapidly. "No, don't blame yourself. Don't blame yourself at all. You did nothing wrong. Please... please." Felix smiles brighter. "I love you too." He says, as the life fades from his eyes.

Felix Shane, aged 17, died again at 9:00 PM, December 24, smiling. Full of regret... but smiling

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