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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

"By all means, leave that for me to think about and for you to just feel happy that you paid off your debt. Anyways, you must know my trust in you is weak Null. Don't ever expect me to meet you eye to eye. We can set up a meeting location if you like in the future, if you truly want to start building our... partnership."

The Demon replied once more to Null.
Sphinx looked at her feet (or she would if she were able to see them, but sadly, there's a pregnant stomach in her way). She hesitated. "I was planning on sleeping here just so I can be here when he wakes up..." She said, scratching the back of her head.
Max smiles. "If it's not too awkward, you can stay here too! There's only one bed, and Felix is taking it, but I can use nanobots as a surface, and we can sleep on the ground." Max makes two mattress like objects out of nanobots. "Trust me, they're more comfortable than they look."
"In that case we should build it out of blood/mist, mind control, crystals, lava, smoke, polygons, and whatever Hayabusa can do other than see through mist."

The Demon joked, stating off everybody's powers. Null should of already known all of their powers, so it was no problem to describe them so vaguely. Xavier was also currently being held by Zabuza, having been picked up when they left the mall.

"We'll just have to find somewhere that we agree upon the location."
"No need." Shard says... "keep in mind, I made these beds, I can make more." she says as 3 more beds spring up from the ground.

"How? We don't have a way to contact one another? My room is a training sphere... Noone ever goes in there... We can go there for now.. I can have shard make you an exit tunnel."
Sphinx laid down on the nanobot mattress. "Wow...it's actually very comfortable." She said, closing her eyes. "I could easily fall asleep on this....if there weren't two tiny legs kicking me in the kidney."
Max smiles. "Thanks for the beds Shard, but I doubt Felix will want more beds in his room... for now. Besides, my little nanobots haven't seen much action, they need something." Max then looks over at Sphinx. "So, what are you gonna do about the baby?"
Sphinx sighed and shrugged. "Honestly, I have no idea...I've spoke with Sapphire and she agrees the baby is hers...I'm not the mother...so I'm not sure what I'll do..." She said, resting her hands on her stomach.
"Well, I don't want to let it fall into wrong hands..." Max says, looking at Sphinx's stomach. "But at the same time there's not much we can do. It's Sapphire's and Vlad's baby, and we can't keep it from them... however much I hate admitting it."
Sphinx smiled slightly. "This being, inside me, is the first thing that has made Sapphire truly happy..." She said with a smile. "She's gonna tell Vlad tomorrow."
Max doesn't know how to feel. She seems happy... so I should be too. But it seems strange that she loves the prospect of making Sapphire happy, and- wait... Sapphire enjoys this? She... feels genuine compassion? That's... strange. Could it be that she's changing? I don't know... but one day I only hope that Sphinx won't have to deal with Sapphire anymore... "Well, for that to happen, we have to find Vlad. Do you really think he'll be in the same place?"
Sphinx nodded. "Good point....I hadn't really thought of that....I'm sure if she flies over the city, calling out to him, he'll come...after all, they did have a good time..." She said, sighing a bit.
"Yeah... sorry about that. Hopefully we can find a way to get the baby to turn out alright... plus, I kinda get the feeling Vlad isn't a 'family guy'"
"Alright Null. But what is our guarantee that Shard will not bring the entire crystal cave crashing down on us? Or that you would be able to entrap us within this training sphere? Or perhaps you'll attempt to command one of my sires?

These are all sad possibilities I have to take into account. Shadow constantly betrayed me, I hope you are a smarter conduit than him. Let's go"

The Demon said as the mist slightly lessened, revealing all the sires as well as Hayabusa surrounding Null.
Max lays there next to sphinx, looking at the ceiling. "Poor Felix, really. God, this is his second time coming back from the dead, and from what he's told me, the afterlife, or rather lack thereof, isn't quite fun... Sphinx, if we won. If we beat Shadow and Zabuza... what would you do?"
Sphinx hesitated. "....I'd ask Felix to run away with me....or stay here....stay here and wait for a new threat...." She said, then looked at Felix's bed. She placed a hand on his.
Max leans back. "I get the feeling that's what we'll have to do... but I'm prepared. I didn't choose this life, but it's the life I live. I know we're gonna lose... we're all gonna die, and I see that... but I'm ready to take down as many baddies as I can before that! My goal now has become to be an inspiration to the public... if we can rally support... bring other conduits to our side... show them that there is another way... then we've won."
"WOAHOAHOA!!! Hostile.... Hmmm.... Maybe I can use my mind reading on a specific target if I focus enough... In which case... Maybe I can use telepathy.... Either way... I can't do that yet... It will be just me... I'll have her build a seperate room... once I get back." Null starts guiding them back...
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Sphinx shook her head. "We haven't lost....we don't know if we will lose....for all we know, we could get an army. Think of how many underdogs there are in stories that have managed to win..." She said, smirking.
But those are just stories... this is real life... "Maybe you're right... no one expects the underdogs to win!" For reason. "We need to start recruiting conduits... finding them and rescuing them. Every conduit we don't save is another conduit for Zabuza and Shadow."
Sphinx nodded. "I suppose you're right...." She said. "That's how I got here. I was crawling across the sidewalk and Felix saved me....that was the greatest moment of my life." She said.
"Once you get back? We're headed to somewhere you've already built? Or are we splitting ways to agree to a place to meet at a later date? I'd like you to be just a bit more specific about everything Null."

The Demon says.

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