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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix laughs. "That'd do it, but have fun trying. As for what else you need to know... Sphinx over here, her alternate personality, Sapphire, seduces people and eats them, earning the nickname 'Sapphire Succubus.' However, what you really need to know involves me." Felix sighs and looks down. "For your safety, I recommend getting far away from me when I get angry. If I snap... bad things happen. Very, very bad things. The Felix you've been seeing isn't the real one, the real one is a psychopathic murderer with a bloodlust. I normally keep that side of me under lock and key, but sometimes it breaks free, and bad things happen when it does. So if you see me starting to snap, got out of there."
Lee stopped. "Or I can slap some sense into you. What would you rather have? Me running and letting you go through a massacre or you to stop it?" He let that sink in for a moment.
Felix chuckles lightly. "Slaping me would result in a bloody demise I'm afraid. Besides... she's here to calm me down." Felix says holding Sphinx's hand. "Her powers help me calm down... of course, they don't always work." Felix says, looking to where he stabbed her. "Please... please..." Felix says, tearing up. "Please, get out. I want to hurt as few people as possible. Do you watch the news at all? Or, I suppose, listen to it on a radio or TV?"
Lee cocked his head. "News? TV? Radio? Who are those people? And really I think when I slap you ill calm you down. Trust me brother. Please." He smiled and gave another thumbs up.
Felix sighs sadly. "When I found out what they did to Smokey... I went on a rampage. I killed over 200 people in just around an hour or so... so if you want to risk your life against that kinda power... it's your funeral... literally... and my hands bloodied." Felix pauses for a moment. "But... thank you for wanting to protect Sphinx... I'm glad to have all the help I can."
Sphinx sighed as she stayed sitting down on the shadow chair. She held Felix hand. "I've told you a thousand times...it's just like me turning into Sapphire. Is that my fault?" She asked, smiling a bit. She then turned towards Lee. "So, what color will the baby be?" She asked. She'd been wondering this for a long time, but had never brought it up.
Fred stayed close to his prey he used his gun to kill one of the corrupted he then was pinned to the ground by one so he used his powers to kill finally it was succesful he got closer to his prey and noticed it was a human he thought it was one of the DUP so he pinned it to the ground
Wraith tumbled across the ground, though his armoring did protect him from sustaining a great deal of injury. "Well aren't you clever..." Chuckling, he pulled a set of pistols out, firing them at Null.
"Wraith... Anything you want talk about while fighting? Why did you join the First Sons?" Null asks while he deflects the bullets similar to how he did with the Heavy.
"Shouldn't your mind reading abilities tell you that?" Putting this firearms away, Wraith grabbed his other ninjato from the ground, attempting to slash Null with it yet again.
"I understand that you are interested in the creation of conduits... I think I know why.... It's because you're confused... You are unsure of what you've become... You've lost your purpose, and you think by doing this, you've found a new one... You're wrong... This will not bring you purpose. On the other hand... I can give you one."
A loud crack nearby sounded as a building began to crumble to the street spitting black fire.
This time, Wraith laughed. He put his weapon away, backing up from the psychic conduit. "Is this really the conclusion you've gotten to? That I have lost my way? Fool, I know just what I am meant to do. The blast was the emergence of a new world, and humanity cannot be trusted to remain stable after the conduit uprising. It is up to me to aid in keeping the stability..." was all Joseph said, before a nearby building began to crumble.

As Null ran off, Wraith zoomed a good distance away from the building. Now what was going on?
After a moment an explosion rocketed the front away and revealed Slade, who stepped from the fire approaching Wraith.

"Well..the psychic does my job for me. First sons eh?" He asked, not showing any signs of aggression.
"I'll ask two questions: Who are you, and what interest do you have in the First Sons?" Wraith asked, subconsciously gripping the hilt of his ninjato. If this man was a threat... well, he was already beginning to look a bit more intimidating than the last one had.
"Let me ask you one in return, where do I sign up?" Slade replied with a grin.
"DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMNIT!!!" Null could hear their thoughts from here. "I better get back quick," he thought, "Slade could make a dangerous enemy..." Null goes up to the crosswalk. talks to a man in a car. "I want you to take me to my destination, after you drop me off, forget ever meeting me." he commands... And the poor civilian obeys.
"I'm afraid it's not as simple as 'signing up'. Now, I'll ask again, who are you and what is your interest with the society?" Wraith asked, now drawing his sword.
"Ok, take a right here... and STOP" Null gets out of the car. "Ok, you are to continue your daily schedule... Forget ever meeting me." The civilian drives off. "Well that was a rough ride... how fast was that? 80 miles per hour? Regardless, the important thing is that I'm back." Null walks in to see everyone crowding around a bald man. "Hello there, Lee."
"Names Slade. I'm obviously a conduit. And I'm interested in joining your organization. And I'm quite powerful. And the psychic can't read my mind unless I let him. I've spent years guarding my thoughts in preparation for conduits like him." Slade said, raising his hands as a sign of good faith.
"That's all very interesting, Slade. Your preparations are quite impressive... but to join us, we truly need proof of your loyalty to our cause. Are you willing to partake in our actions to maintain stability?" Wraith asked, walking around the conduit in a circle.
The Demon began to walk out of the Crystal Fortress, his sires following behind him. After Null had left, Zabuza had voiced his concerns that he had no intention of staying within that massive crystal building. It would both draw massive attention, and knowing their luck, Shard could crumble the building just as easily as she built it.

On their walk down the thirty flights of stairs, all of the sires had given their own past history, experiences, and powers to their newest brother, Hayabusa. With Xavier passed out and Zabuza carrying him, the Demon himself had told Hayabusa what he knew of Xavier and what had happened to him.

"So, I'm thinking with as large as the Neon district is, we should create our base of operations there. This crystal fortress can of course be where me meet with the mind-reader, until the DUP demolish it to the ground but it's not safe for us to also make it our base. It should be easy to find somewhere we can all agree living in there."

With that Zabuza began to head to the Neon district, contemplating what sort of building they would take over.
Lee turned around at the new voice. "Huh? Who are you and what do you want?" He put his hands up in tiger stance with his body following.

S-Dante had just finished his feast of blood. He was walking down the street in the Neon District. He wipe blood from his mouth and thought abut how many people he killed. Definitely more than one hundred. Maybe a few hundred. He smiled and realized he loved the taste of blood and he could go for some more. He continued walking around.

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