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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

As Lee waited for Null to leave the room he turned and whispered to Felix. "I think he is plotting against you." He tapped his foot to see if Null really had left.
Felix sighs. "I wouldn't be surprised. After all that's happened... I don't doubt it. I have been planning and thinking of ways, when he's not around, on how to fight him should he turn against me. I've figured out a way, I think, but I need more time." Felix turns and sees Avalon. "Hey, would you mind? I think he needs some time..."
Null walks a while before seeing someone in an alley... He's curious about this individual, so he focuses his mind control on the new person. "Hey dreamy... have a nice rest?" He says as he walks up to him. "Name's Null."
Lee whispers again, "No I know he is plotting against you. Shard told me something. And I think I would be your best bet against him. When he tells people to do stuff you do them right? It didnt work on me. I think it's because I'm blind." He waits for Felix to think about it.
Felix thinks about it for a bit. "It's probably because of the blindfold: he can't make eye contact. That's what he needs to control a person. But thank you for this info... I'll be sure to plan accordingly."
Netherdragon said:
Null walks a while before seeing someone in an alley... He's curious about this individual, so he focuses his mind control on the new person. "Hey dreamy... have a nice rest?" He says as he walks up to him. "Name's Null."
How did you?...Hi there, I'm Dax.
Null focuses his mind reading directly on Dax, reading to his very subconscious, learning everything about him. "I know Dax. I know who you are. I know you're a conduit. You control dreams, and can manifest them once you see them once. I know you're looking for purpose. You're lost. You need help. I can give you a purpose... You like to fight? I can use someone like you. Question is, are you smart enough to take my offer."
Lee sighed. He lifted up his blindfold and it revealed that his eyes were closed. "Always closed. He is planning on making a Mental Army. As Shard said. He will control everyone and use them for himself. I won't let that happen to Sphinx or the baby." He put the blindfold back and sighed. "They are my duty. But since you are with her I will protect you as well."
"We're fighting a growing army of vampires, a army of dark clones, and anyone else who gets in the way of my objectives."


Tercesasti said:
Lee sighed. He lifted up his blindfold and it revealed that his eyes were closed. "Always closed. He is planning on making a Mental Army. As Shard said. He will control everyone and use them for himself. I won't let that happen to Sphinx or the baby." He put the blindfold back and sighed. "They are my duty. But since you are with her I will protect you as well."
"He mentioned that once, only when I first met him. However, I doubt he's continuing that goal. It seems as though he's mellowed out. However, yes, at first, he was planning on building an army." Shard responds.
Felix looks between Shard and Lee. "I will be prepared should anything happen... and if nothing happens, so be it." Felix looks at Avalon again. "But in all seriousness you two... I really think you should leave, give him some space..."
Lee sighed and walked away. He turned to Shard and said, "I wanted to keep them safe and Null seems like a bad person. I get a bad feeling from him." He let his head drop forward.
"Well, we going to meet the leader of the Shadow Army, but I don't want hostility. We are mutual allies, and I don't want to pick a fight with him. Also, I want you to be loyal to me... We're gonna spend time with different groups. I don't want you defecting. If I sense any disloyalty... Well... you get the picture."
Netherdragon said:
"Well, we going to meet the leader of the Shadow Army, but I don't want hostility. We are mutual allies, and I don't want to pick a fight with him. Also, I want you to be loyal to me... We're gonna spend time with different groups. I don't want you defecting. If I sense any disloyalty... Well... you get the picture."
Dax gets a stern look on his face. " first of all, I'm loyal to no one. For right now, we're partners. Nothing more, nothing less. Got it?"
Felix walks back into the room as the two leave and close the door behind him. He looks down at Avalon and kneels down to his level. "Hey, man, I'm here for you. If you want to talk, that's fine. If you need space, that's cool too."
Avalon took a deep breath, looking from Sphinx to Felix. And then he started his story, the memories coming back and flashing before his eyes as he spoke.

"Four years ago I met someone. Beautiful, intelligent, and fun to be around. Her name was Scarlett. We hit it off instantly I never believed in love at true site until then. We soon began dating, and four months later we were sharing an apartment. Things were great. We were close, we rarely argued, I loved her and she loved me. But one day when I was on duty as a patrol officer I called her to come meet me at a corner cafe. Shortly after she arrived during my shift break. We had a nice lunch and talked for awhile, and the. I did it. I called for two glasses of her favorite drink, and inside hers was a ring. She was immediately at a loss for words, her eyes wide as she looked at the gemstone ring and then at me. 'Scarlett, will you marry me?' I asked. She squealed and threw her arms around me in a tight hug, raining kisses on my face. She'd said yes. I was so happy. The love of my life had said yes. Nothing could make this day bad. And then it did...An explosion and a rapid expansion of energy hit us, we were on the outskirts of the blast but it still hit us. I was sent through three buildings and put into a coma. But my last sight was Scarlett laying on the ground, not moving, I couldn't even see her breathing...she died." Avalon quietly explained. Tearing up occasionally in the story.

Suddenly he grabbed Felix be the arm with an Iron grip. "Cherish your love. You...you never know when it'll be taken..." He said firmly, becoming quiet on the last phrase. His hand slid from Felix's arm back to the floor as Avalons gaze turned to the floor as well. The bright man who had rushed to a woman who was already dead to seize the desecration of her corpse and also forgiven Sphinx without a thought truly looked broken and beaten as he sat there quietly crying.
Kat (Scarlett) rocked slowly back and forth on the heels of her feet. Taking in a long drag of her cigarette as she glanced around the ruin room. Nope than likely the living room thought it was empty of the furniture that often pointed to that job. The apartment had been ransacked long ago and being in the slums she doubted it yield much gain in the first place. But she ran out of food and needed to do something. After giving a light kick to an old bet can she turned left down a terribly sorry hall. A closet, three wire hangers, a rated lease that started to look like matted dog fur, and a singular baby sneaker tossed in the back.

Maybe that's suppose to mean something.

Kat closed the door backing up back to the living room. She didn't really have the interest of looking in the kitchen, if there was any food left here it would be some where hidden a place untouched.

But after just a few more minutes she left the house, lacking the motivation she needed to just exist. Three years alone having no clue about yourself wasn't exactly an easy task. Kat felt like a ghost, and she wondered if maybe she just needed to let go.
[QUOTE="Son of Crota]Dax gets a stern look on his face. " first of all, I'm loyal to no one. For right now, we're partners. Nothing more, nothing less. Got it?"

"I like you, I don't want you as a subordinate. I plan to treat you as equal, but, I don't want you betraying me. That's what I meant by loyalty."
Netherdragon said:
"I like you, I don't want you as a subordinate. I plan to treat you as equal, but, I don't want you betraying me. That's what I meant by loyalty."
Dax gets up and stretches. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" said Dax with a smile on his face.
Johnomono said:
Avalon took a deep breath, looking from Sphinx to Felix. And then he started his story, the memories coming back and flashing before his eyes as he spoke.
"Four years ago I met someone. Beautiful, intelligent, and fun to be around. Her name was Scarlett. We hit it off instantly I never believed in love at true site until then. We soon began dating, and four months later we were sharing an apartment. Things were great. We were close, we rarely argued, I loved her and she loved me. But one day when I was on duty as a patrol officer I called her to come meet me at a corner cafe. Shortly after she arrived during my shift break. We had a nice lunch and talked for awhile, and the. I did it. I called for two glasses of her favorite drink, and inside hers was a ring. She was immediately at a loss for words, her eyes wide as she looked at the gemstone ring and then at me. 'Scarlett, will you marry me?' I asked. She squealed and threw her arms around me in a tight hug, raining kisses on my face. She'd said yes. I was so happy. The love of my life had said yes. Nothing could make this day bad. And then it did...An explosion and a rapid expansion of energy hit us, we were on the outskirts of the blast but it still hit us. I was sent through three buildings and put into a coma. But my last sight was Scarlett laying on the ground, not moving, I couldn't even see her breathing...she died." Avalon quietly explained. Tearing up occasionally in the story.

Suddenly he grabbed Felix be the arm with an Iron grip. "Cherish your love. You...you never know when it'll be taken..." He said firmly, becoming quiet on the last phrase. His hand slid from Felix's arm back to the floor as Avalons gaze turned to the floor as well. The bright man who had rushed to a woman who was already dead to seize the desecration of her corpse and also forgiven Sphinx without a thought truly looked broken and beaten as he sat there quietly crying.
Sphinx began to tear up. She hugged Avalon and began crying. "I'm so sorry! I...I can only imagine how you feel...I wouldn't be able to bare it if Felix were to be taken from me! I'd probably....destroy the person or thing that killed him." She said as she weeped into Avalon's shoulder.
Felix nods and sighs. "I'm very sorry for your loss... that must be terrible... I've lost people too, I know how you must feel. Remember, we're all here for you man."
Avalon soon calmed down, or he kind of did, locking his emotions deep down

"I'm.. I'm alright now. Thanks." He told the two.
"No problem." Felix says. "It's very early in the morning. We can get you a room. It'd probably help to sleep."

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