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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Mirrors? Can't he use that to hypnotize himself? Strange... wonder if there's a corollary. Felix walkes down the hallway and places him on his bed, before sitting down with Sphinx again, before eating the food. "So... what were we talking about?"
Sphinx took a bite of her food. "Um....making this relationship last......and how we alone represent that Conduits are humans too..." She said. She looked at her blue skin and smiled. "Even if they are blue and have wings."
Felix smiles. "Yeah, that means nothing. Conduits are humans too, even if they can command and weaponize weapons made out of pure darkness." Felix looks down at his hands. "You know, even after three years, I'm still learning about these powers."
Sphinx finished her food and sighed. "Yeah...if you want, we can go out sometime and experiment with your shadow abilities!" She said with a big smile.
Felix laughs. "That would be nice. I have been getting more powerful recently, but I haven't had much time to just practice and experiment." Felix finishes his food and thinks for a moment. "Because I'm desperate for something to finish off with, and I am curious: Have you ever willingly used your seduction powers, as you, not Sapphire. If the answer is uncomfortable, you can not say it and or ask me a question in return. I am too curious for my own good, and I know that."
Sphinx nodded. "Yeah I have. Mostly to break up fights and calm people down. Like how I calmed you down...I usually use it for that kinda thing...." She said with a small smile.
Hayabusa stares down at Axel before rolling him up the stairs, out he door, and down a hill. He rubbd his chest and walked back into the base. "Max, you can come out of hiding. Axel's gone."
"Convenient timing", Shard came in and said. "Their date should be over soon. It's a good thing Null convinced him to finish dinner. Otherwise the date would have been ruined. Right now he's in his room passed out."
Max glares at Haybusa. "I wan't hiding. Null kept doing things before I could help. Usually stupid things." Max says remembering the chair incident, as well as the sword. "If he was outside, I would have just blasted him with a rocket launcher, but that would have killed us all in here... besides, shouldn't we have killed him?"

Felix grins. "Wait, those were seduction powers? That explains why I was calmed down so suddenly! And you're getting good at hiding it too." Which could be very troublesome if/when Sapphire comes out. He thinks without mentioning it. "Hey, I have an idea. This is something I've never tried, and I'm interested to see if it works and how it feels to other people. Do you wanna see what it feels like to shadow?"
"Why? I don't really see the point. Besides, if they come back, we can always have Sphinx and Felix help. In fact, I think next time we should take a break and let those two know what it feels like to get rammed by a Heavy." Hayabusa continued to rub his chest before wincing. Hey, do we have any anesthetic or something? I think Axel broke a couple of my ribs..."
"Don't be such a baby, Hayubusa. I was under a truck, and I didn't need medicine. Same for Null. I however, was weak because I drained my powers. I needed to recharge, and I was defenseless. So don't go complaining about pain."
Sphinx blinked and hesitated. "Um, I suppose. Shadow me up, Felix!" She said with a smile. She giggled and stood up. "What do I have to do?" She asked.
Felix smiles and gets up, walking over to Sphinx. "Take my hand." He says, holding her hand. "Okay, so this is theoretical. I don't even know if you will be shadowed with me. This is an experiment. And don't worry, if you do get shadowed I'll reform you." Felix quickly dashes forward, turning into a shadow for a few beet before going back into normal. He looks over at Sphinx, who is still holding onto his hand and has shadow residue coming off her.

"So, how'd it feel?"
Hayabusa completely ignored Shard and continued to stare at Max. "Wait, never mind. The pain's dying down a bit. Anyways, what do you think we should do if the G-DUP come back with more? I assume it would be easier to fight them off if FELIX AND SPHINX DIDN'T HAVE A DATE ANYTIME SOON!" Hayabusa looked down at the floor, signaling tha the was trying to get Felix and Sphinx to hear him.
Max punches him in the shoulder. "Dude, seriously, understand how important this is. They found love, let them enjoy it. They can still relish in human emotions: not many conduits can say that anymore."
"They won't. If you recall. The crystal throws off the scent. I'm gonna make a Tunnel out of this base into a new one, then close off the tunnel so it's not even there. They will come back here, but we'll be gone. When they do. We'll bury them."
Sphinx's eyes were wide as she came out of the shadows. Her mouth hung open. "That was cool! It felt really weird, but still cool!" She said with a giant grin. She then heard Hayabusa shout, 'I assume it would be easier to fightthem off if FELIX AND SPHINX DIDN'T HAVE A DATE ANYTIME SOON!' She sighed. "I assume he has a bit of a point..."
Felix sighs. "Yeah, they're right. But it was a great time, even if it was simple." Felix says, hugging Sphinx.
"Shard, you may be unique but yours crystals don't have any effect. I discussed this with Nil. Only a very strong smell, something like sulfur possibly, will interfere with our smell."
Sphinx blushed lightly and hugged Felix back. "Yeah...we should probably head back upstairs..." Sphinx said, smiling widely. Tell him. Tell him your pregnant. You're gonna have to tell him eventually. Sapphire said in her mind. Sphinx shook her head with a sigh.
Hayabusa wrapped his arms around his chest. "I've been running from those freaks for the past three years. I know their powers inside and out. I know their weakness, their strengths, their abilities, I know everything about them. I even remember most of their names. In fact, Axel was waiting outside for me when we went out to stop the G-DUP from getting in. How did he know where we were if the crystal's block out the scent?"
"Because you went outside, and they narrowed it down to your location." Shard says before hearing Null laughing and turning her head.
"In eight seconds? The G-DUP are fast, but their not that fast." Hayabusa walked down the stairs to his room before he laid down on his crystal bed which was surprisingly comfortable. He laid there before slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.


Victor was roaming the Cardboard District with a winter coat on. He was usually on his phone arguing with someone but now he decided he would take a break from his stressful life. Today was a day for relaxation. No fights, no business, no nothing. After awhile of walking he decided to head to a mall in the Neon District. Once he got there, he stood at the doors and took a deep breathe. "I'm so glad I took a break...." Victor walked through the doors with a large smile on his face before it changed into a frown. Standing in front of him was the man he hated the most: The Demon In The Mist, Zabuza. "Oh god, not you!"

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