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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sphinx flinched a little when he said it hadn't effected her life. "Yeah...you're right." She said, sighing a little. She then managed a smirk. "Apart from the embarrassment of waking up next to a guy who acts like a preschooler." She giggled a little before taking another bite.
"Oh, right, but embarrassment is as bad as it gets... or is it?" Felix says, taking another bite. "Now, what I'm about to ask may sound REALLY insensitive, but are you sterile? I mean, after sleeping with so many people, one would think you'd get pregnant at some point."

"Stop having such a good time Null!" Max yells. Why is it that the one time we've seen him happy is when he's failing to kill someone? "I could make a rocket launcher out of my nanobots... but shooting it in here would kill us all." Max says to Hayabusa once he's close enough that Axel can't hear."
Sphinx blushed and shook her head with a sigh. "I'm not Sterile. I can get pregnant, most of the time I...she uses protection..." She said, now just stabbing her food with her fork.
"Oh, okay. Sorry for asking such a sensitive topic, I was just REALLY curious." Felix sighs. "Whenever I do that, because it happens a lot, I allow the person I asked it too to ask me any question, which I must answer honestly. So fire away." Felix says, flooded by the finishing bite of his steak.
Sphinx smirked and took a bite from her steak. "I dunno....asking it I can get pregnant is probably worth two questions." She said, smiling slightly. She looked at the wine and tried to decide if she should drink.
Sphinx bit her lip. "Hmmm.....first question: what did you find attractive about Shard. Now, I ask this mostly out of curiosity, but there's a hint of jelousy." She said with a smirk.
Felix laugh. "Thank god Shard left the room. Hmm... well, first off, she was pretty. Other than that, a sense of curiosity. I never could quite tell what was going on in her, I wanted to know... really though, that's all I have to say. I didn't know her well."
"Because she's... Unique..." Null says as he walks in with the third course. "Now excuse, me I need to get back to my new gun." He quickly walks out as quick as he came in. (Shard was using it while he gave them the third course.)
Sphinx smiled. "That's good. Now, second question, and I don't mean to sound narcissistic when I say this but what do you see in me?" She asked, smiling. She looked up at Null. "Why thank you!" She said, smiling up at him.
Hayabusa stared at Axel before he sighed. "Oh. So... You done? Because I need to rest. Badly." Axel began to walk towards Null slowly. "I tried to fight non-lethally... I tried to convince you to come back. But your friends here have seemingly brainwashed you into believing their garbage. I see I'm going to have to make you come back with me." Axel, despite the suits weight, quickly ran forwards to slam Null into the wall, pinning him there.
"do me a favor... "go to sleep with me" Null says as he passes out for a few minutes. Then, Shard encases Axel in a ball, similar how she did to Shadow. He was unable to move, and all he could do, is obey Nulls order, and go to sleep.
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Felix smiles. "Well... first off you're kind. Very kind. Always supportive, and sweet. You have a very strong moral compass, and I can relate to you in many ways. We share in each other's sufferings. It makes us connected.

Crushes have always been hard on me. I've had two big ones not work out. Shard, and this one girl back at school: another girl who went missing. But this one I feel might actually last." Felix says blushing.
Shard comes down with Null, starting to wake up. They are both quit bruised. "I'm gonna try to finish the last course... Don't need to worry bout the battle anymore. He's incased in a ball of crystal. No way he's getting out..." Null starts walking towards the kitchen when he suddenly collapses again.
Sphinx grinned widely. "You really think I'm all those things?!" She said, filled to the brim with happieness. Her grin got even wider when he said that this crush might last. "I know I shouldn't be smiling when you just told me that one of your big crushes disappeared once, but I can't help myself!" She said with a slight giggle. "Oh, Felix, you're wonderful." She said.
Felix smiles. "You are too. I really do hope this'll last. Max mentioned it at some point. It's a beautiful thing really. It reminds us we're still human. We are human, by the way. Most people talk about conduits and humans like we're different, but we're not. We all feel... or most of us do anyway. It's nice to be reminded every once and a while."
Sphinx looked at Null's body. "Oh...I hadn't noticed..." She said truthfully. "I guess I was to absorbed in the moment....this is my first date with Felix, after all...I guess he's all I'm focusing on at the moment..." She said, sighing.
Felix laughs. "You're all I am focusing on too." What are you doing? Help him!

Why would I?

Oh god, not you again!

Yeah, well guess what. Last time I forced you to do something, you ended up on a date.

Yeah, thanks. You know what else is on that date? A passed out man! Help him.



Because, the date!

Sure, sure let's have a date with an unconscious man laying next to us!

Well... umm...

Look, what if I said it's in the best interest of the date?

Let's do it!
Felix walks over and picks Null up.

"What do we do? Wait?"
Sphinx blinked. "Um, should we take him to his bed?" She asked, smiling a little. "And I suppose after this course the food part of the date can be over..." She said smiling.
"He said he wanted one full of mirror crystals rather than just the opaque ones. I don't know. Maybe he likes his own reflection." down he hallway on the end. One of the largest rooms.
Sphinx looked at Felix with a smile. "If you want, I can fly him over there. Or fly you carrying him over there." She said with a smile.
"no point." Shard says, as she turns the hallway's floor into a moving sidewalk. "Besides, those wings are trapped in your dress, and you wouldn't want to ruin it, would you?"

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