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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sphinx sighed. "That's unfortunate. What were your friends like?" She asked, taking a bite of her turkey. She swallowed the bite and smirked. "And what would they think of me?"
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Hayabusa rolled over and grabbed his chest before standing up and running over to Axel. He kicked him hard in the lower back, causing him to fall onto his knees. Hayabusa fell onto his knee's next to Axel who just laughed. "I'm getting to old for this Hayabusa..... Why? Why won't you just come back to your family?" Hayabusa looked to Axel and growled. "Your not my family! Your people kidnapped me as a child!" Axel laughed again before groaning. "Who told you that? Some D.U.P grunt? Look Hayabusa, whatever they told you, whatever they said, it was wrong. My squad, were practically your siblings. We all lived under the same roof.... But when you left, the D.U.P couldn't afford to find a new you. They needed the original. They needed you... Like we need you...."
"SCILENCE! He's made his choice.. Now you make yours. I command you... Think about what you are fighting for. If you had a free will. Is it right? If not, join us. We will give you a new beginning." Null's command takes effect, as he doesn't know of his power. (NULL IS ON A ROLL TODAY!)
Felix takes another bite of turkey and thinks. "Matthew was always kind of... a recluse, comparative to the others. He loved technology: his dream was to be an astronaut. Always wanted to be the first man on mars." He chuckled. "He disappeared a few days after the blast... tragic. He never knew about my powers.

Trey was almost the exact opposite. He was more like me: he hid his depression and anger under a veneer of happiness. He was into some weird stuff... and I was right there with him. He may have been a bad influence, but I loved it. When the blast hit, he snapped. He joined the Reapers in an effort to stave off his anger. I may have killed him one day... maybe Shadow did... I don't know.

Bates was a tech whiz. He loved computers; he could practically disassemble and reassemble a computer with his eyes closed. He could look at the corner of your laptop, and tell you all the details... and he was right! When the blast hit though, he fell into temptation. He needed new upgrades, and he heard he could get good money as a DUP informant. Now, out of my four lost friends, he was one of two to see my powers. However, he became afraid: ratted me out to the DUP. It was during their raid on our house, due to him, that I killed my parents and sister...

Derian, now, he was a weird one. Always liked to crack jokes. Now, so did Matthew, but Derian's were actually funny. He loved to make people laugh. He was always happy. We played games together a lot. He was the other one to see my powers, however unlike Bates, he tried to help me. He himself wasn't a conduit, not as far as I know. But he was there with me every step of the way. Before all these events took place, Shadow had only shown himself twice: Once when I killed my family, and one other time. Him and I were cornered, being beaten by bullies. In my rage, Shadow came out and killed the bullies. Derian tried to calm me down...

The conduit that killed him was me."
Axel looked up to Null and spoke in a cold menacing voice. "I'm fighting to bring back my brother! This does not concern you!" Axel slowly stood up and grabbed Hayabusa's arm, pulling him up. He grabbed Hayabusa's shoulders and brought him close. "Come back with me brother...... We need you...." Hayabusa looked to Null thank back to Axel. "You must be delusional. I have no family. I was kidnapped by the D.U.P!" Hayabusa kneed Axel in the sstomachand pushed him back. Axel responded by ramming Hayabusa down the stairs. The fight moved down to the second floor.
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Meanwhile, Max was standing in the corner. Axel... that name sounds familiar... why? He is definitely involved in the DUP... What is his relation?
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Sphinx's eyes widened. She leaned over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault...you lost control....I'm sorry I asked..." She said, before sitting down in her own seat, not speaking a word.
"It's okay" Felix assures, smiling sadly. 'You're entitled to ask... so, anything else about your past you want to share?" Felix hears a thud on the floor above them and is about to get up before he stops. No... they're okay.
Sphinx looked at the ceiling. She started to get up but stopped. She she took a deep breath and sat back down. "Not really. You know everything about my past that I know." She said with a smirk.
"Really?" Felix questions. "I thought you got your memory back from James?"
"Not everything, Null says, as he walks in with the second course. I sensed some gaps in her memory. Though, I don't want to force them back. Could be too stressful on her." (imagine what you want for second course. just agree on it please for continuity sake.) "Well. Back on to getting my back broken... My that Axel is a beast."
Broken back? Wait, so they aren't handling things. I have to help them. Felix starts struggling, and his mental ability begins to take over, before it draws the line at a halfway point. Okay, after this course, I'm going to help them!
Sphinx grinned looking at the steak. She stuck her fork in it and cut it. She shoved the piece in her mouth and chewed it. She swallowed it and blushed. "Um...I'm sorry...I'm not being lady like..." She said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.
Felix laughs. "Oh, trust me, that is more than fine with me." Felix says, eating the same way. "I'm not exactly 'gentleman-ly' in my manners either, so it's cool. Null's a deceptively good cook, isn't he?"
Sphinx smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I had no idea he could cook so well..." She said, eating another bite of steak. "You know what would be fun to drink with this dinner? Wine. I've never had wine." She said with a smirk.
Felix rolls his eyes. "Sphinx, we're both underaged. Speaking of which... I just realized... you're dating a minor... this is basically pedophilia..." Felix pauses and then laughs hysterically.
"Everyone has been secretly laughing about that. Bout time you admitted it. About the wine. If you don't want it. I guess Null can have it. He's over the legal age. Besides. in other countries, such as the Turks and Cacios Islands, the age is 16."
Sphinx laughs with Felix as he talks about their pedophilia. "It's only pedophilia if we have sex." She said, smirking. "As for the wine, I don't think anyone will care." She took a sip of the wine and smiled. "It's pretty good."
Axel charges at Hayabusa, pinning him to a wall. Hayabusa rose his fist over his head and brought them hard down onto Axel's back. Axel fell onto his knees before Hayabusa kneed him in the face. Axel fell onto his back while Hayabusa rested against a wall. "God I hate you Heavies! Why can't you just give up quicker?" Axel stands up and opens his hand as a compartment in his leg opens up, shooting the hilt of a blade into his hands. Axel clicked a button on a side, revealing a rather large red blade. Axel swung it around just as Hayabusa ducked to avoid it, leaving a mark in the crystal. "Max! Get your lazy ass up here!"
Null picked up his blade... "DUH why didn't I think about this before.. Hey axel..." Null says as he activates his power. "Give me your weapons." Axel hands them open without question. Shard builds a support for the minion, because its too heavy for Null to hold. He then fills Axel with his own bullets.
Felix keeps laughing. "And my birthday's in a month or so, so it's not a problem." He then realizes what he's implying there, and only laughs harder before calming down. "You're right, no one would care. But number one, drinking kills brain cells. I'm not saying anything bad about those who DO drink, but I personally don't intend to. Second, there's a fight going on up there, and if we have to get involved, then I intend to be sound of mind." There's a fight going on. gotta... help! He can feel his mind fighting, and pushing back the boundaries of hypnosis before stopping. I agreed after this course... or maybe the next... yeah, I'll just wait until this date is over. "So, Sphinx. What was the first thing you did when you learned how to control your powers?"
Axel just stands there, getting shot with the minigun. Hayabusa looked to Null and laughed. "That's not gonna work. We need some type of explosive to kill this juggernaut. I don't kill them anyway. I just send them back to the D.U.P with a few bruises and scars. Hey, how long is it gonna take until he comes back to his senses and notices that your trying, and failing, to kill him with his own gun?"
Sphinx took another bite. She thought about it for a moment before answering. "Well, the first thing I did after I learned how to turn my seduction powers on and off was turn into Sapphire. But after that I seduced a guy into giving me money for food." She said and looked down in an ashamed manner. "I was poor and starving..."
"Oh..." Felix says. I knew that's what she would say... I was just hoping I was wrong. "It's okay. As you said, we lose control. I have Shadow, you have Sapphire. But hey, Sapphire hasn't harmed your life in any way, so you should be thankful... okay, that sounded insensitive." Felix says, blissfully unaware of how wrong he is.

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