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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Hayabusa wakes up after a really baddream and notices he's in a different room. "......" Hayabusa stands up and walks out his room looking for the others before he finds Sphinx in a room with Null. "Hey Sphinx. Null. What's with the dress?" Hayabusa turns to Max and shakes his head. "I knew they would catch up with me soon.... Max. Take a bath." He notices the strange look on Max's face and sighs. "They can smell you. Literally. I'll explain later."
Sphinx blushed when Max made the 'After' joke. "I'm not that pervy..." She said, but Max was gone. She sat down and tried to contain her excitement.
Null runs upstairs. "Dude, don't need to let me know what's going on. Hayabusa. The G-DUPs are after you. They're on the way here. Shard. get the others and baracade the door."

"Got it." She runs outside to grab Felix.
"FELIX IS TAKING A SHOWER, BE CAREFUL GETTING HIM!!!" Max yells back. He then looks back to Hayabusa before looking back towards Shard. "AND DON'T TELL THEM WHY!! DON'T RUIN IT FOR THEM!!!"
"MAX GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" Null yells. "It's over. Not over does she have a... You know... But now the DUP is at our front doorstep. All of them Conduits as well. Here's the plan. We're gonna lure them in. Escape out the back, then Shard is gonna bury them alive. That's the best option. Their date night is ruined. Face the facts."
Max takes a deep breath and sighs. "They aren't here yet... and we don't know how much they'll bring. We can barricade the door, defend it, and put them at the bottom floor where they won't hear it. I understand if you guys aren't willing to do that... but I am."
Sphinx walked into the room after hearing the shouting. "Um, what's going on? And what do you mean by our date night is ruined? Does someone need to get Felix. If someone is getting him, it's not gonna be Shard, right?" She said.
"Erm", Null says. "She already went. The DUP is attacking. We're gonna have to build a new base. Shouldn't take too long, yet this may throw a wrench into your plans for tonight."
Max sighs. "Sorry Sphinx, I didn't want this to happen. I was PREPARED to hide it, but whatever, I'm sorry."
"Max, they were gonna get through. No way around that. Anyway. Felix should be back any second. Haybusa. Remember, there's no point killing them, they can revive each other. What we need to do is lure them in. We can bury them alive with Shard's powers. This will take out the G-DUP group for good."
Felix walks in with Shard, apparently in an argument with her. "Okay, the LEAST you could have done was knock first. Scared me half to death you did. Also, did I mention, I WAS NAKED?!" One would Notice felix is now wearing a black shirt and shorts. "Well, you're just lucky I can use my shadows to make clothes. Never thought that that was a thing I'd use them for... you're lucky they're comfy!"
(LEL Shinx is alive)!!!!

"DID I MENTION that there are DUPs?" Shard says as she forms a barricaded door that looks like it's metal. She makes the enterance easy to view and she makes a exit on the bottom floor. "Hayubusa, you go down near the exit. Be ready to leave ASAP. Null says. Everyone else, we need to lure them inside. We need to make this fight seem realistic. SHARD!"

Shard equips everyone with her very sharp and durable Crystal blades.
Felix groans. "I can make a Shadow blade Ms. Perv. More comfortable anyway." Felix ditches the crystal blade and pulls out his shadow blade. "May not be as durable as your stuff, but it flies through the air like an eagle. What else do you use your crystals for, spying on people in the shower? Because your "investigation" today was very blunt." Felix says, obviously still pissed.
Hayabusa left the room after making sure everyone was there. "Null, get Sphinx and Felix dressed. The dates gonna happen no matter what. Max, come with me. Shard, once me and Max leave barricade the way into the base, okay? We'll deal with the G-DUP."
Max nods and runs along with Hayabusa. "So, what's your plan? What are we doing?"
"IDIOT! NO, DONT LEAVE!!!!" Null sighs, fine then... "NULL COMMANDS YOU TO LIVE THORUGH THIS FIGHT!!!" Null's power takes effect, giving them more of a drive to survive.
Hayabusa ran to the exit and stood there before turning to Max. "Hold the G-DUP off long enough for Felix and Sphinx to hit off." Hayabusa then gave Max a quick debrief on the squads abilities and apperances. "The Heavy is self explanatory so I left it out. Got it? Good." Hayabusa ran through the door expecting a fight but he instead saw nothing. "Max..... Where are they?"
Max sighs. "This is what I was trying to tell you people. I lost them, at least temporarily. They're probably amassing more people, but they aren't here. No one listens to me... However, they are going to try and come sooner or later... wait, I think I've put something together. Why didn't they attack us in the base? Why aren't they here now? Well it's obvious I think... maybe Shard's crystals block out the scent!"
"Maybe. Let's get back to the-" Hayabusa heard a loud thump behind them and slowly to see a man in a giant suit with a minigun. "Hayabusa. It's been to long." Hayabusa chuckled nervously as he pulled Max behind him and walked backwards towards a dumpster. "Axel! How's Tina?" Axel laughed and walked towards Hayabusa, forcing him back. "Oh, you know. She's doing pretty good. We finally got her walking but everytime she hears ha, you know the sound for H, she starts to scream for someone to save her from 'that beast'. That's what she call's you now. Hayabusa watched as Axel pointed the gun at Max and Hayabusa before he turned to jump over the dumpster with Max in tow. They just barely missed getting turned into swiss cheese by abarrage of bullets. "Sphinx and elix better be having a wonderful time! Because if I find they were miserable the whole time, I 'M GOING TO SHOW BOTH OF THEM MISERABLE !!!"
"EVERYONE THINK OF NOTHING REAL QUICK!!!! Maybe if I concentrate, I can see if they need help."

Shard listens and thinks of absolutely nothing. Her mind is blank.

"DANG IT! doesn't help..."

(Sorry, was bored. Just some filler)
Max rolls his eyes. "Well, that's a little harsh. Not their fault." Max turns his nanobots into an automatic and holds it above the dumpster, blindly shooting at the source of the bullets.
Sphinx glared at Shard as Felix and her entered the room. She punched Shard hard in the arm. "You better not have seen anything..." She said frowning. (I know that part past, but I had to do this :P ) Sphinx blinked and closed her eyes. She cleared her mind and thought of nothing. Or at least tried. She was thinking of Felix secretly.
Just before Sphinx punched shard, she covered that part of her arm with crystal, causing Sphinx to bruise her hand. "hmph. You don't wanna fight me, and believe me... those shadows are fast. I saw nothing."
Felix attempts to clear his mind. For awhile it works, then he remembers Shard bursting in on him. He both blushes with embarrassment and growls angrily at the same time.
Sphinx looked at her bruised fist. "Ow..." She said, sighing. She then continued glaring at Shard. "You didn't see anything, right..." She said, before continuing clearing her mind.

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