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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Dante had finally finished up ((no pun intended. :P )) and was out of the bathroom with the girl following him. They went their separate ways and Dante reached Zabuza and Jacob. He let out a sigh ad said, "I needed that. Like a lot." He had no idea that the other two were pretty much there with him. He smiled and caught his breath.
"I knew what you were going to do... Honestly. How many times are you going to forget my power? Either way, Felix. Are you ready?"
Both the Demon's and Jacob's red cheeks finally started to go away, as Zabuza had to stop himself from laughing once more.

"I'm glad you got to enjoy yourself Dante. I assume that because she's walking away that means there's absolutely no chance she's pregnant. Correct brother?"
Felix calls out from the other room. "Yeah, give me a moment!"

Max thinks about what Null said before remembering. Mind reading "Hey Sphinx, just in case Null screws up in some way, why don't you talk to Felix one last time?" Once Sphinx is out of the room, Max turns to Null. "Listen, I am sure you saw what happened with Zabuza. You are not under any circumstances to tell Felix, she has a right for that news, got it?"
"Are you serious? Why on Earth would I want to get punched? Felix doesn't trust me that much as is. He made sure you were here before I did the mind control. I'm not an idiot. Do you know who you are talking to? Although... If she refuses to tell him within the next few days, I will tell him personally. Ironically, he already knows. Remember the fight with Shadow earlier? He just denied the truth, that's all."
"Good... then we're on the same page." Max says. "I made up that excuse to get Sphinx out of the room... but now we need to wait for her to finish her conversation with Felix...
"Thanks a lot, now she doesn't trust me... You know what? How bout you go first? Felix and I worked on the wording for a while. I promise, you'll be in full control of all cognitive functions."
Dante smiled. "Oh dear Demon. I think before I do. We're meeting up later then ill do what I have to do. It's just I'd hate to kill someone for having sex with me ya know?" He scratched the back of his neck. "I'm just kidding. I use protection kiddo. That way I don't have to kill a sexy chick. And I always have a rubber in my wallet." He formed his hand into a pistol and 'shot' it at Zabuza while winking and making a click sound with his mouth.
Max glares at him. "Yeeeaaaah, how about hell no. I need to have faith it works. Once I see it done on someone else, I'll be okay."
"Wow!" Shard butts in, "I didn't think you'd be that selfish. Putting your friend at risk like that? Of course there is no problem, but what if there were?"

(Should we timeskip the conversation between Felix and Sphinx before the prevention takes place?)
Max glares at Shard (Glaring intensifies) "Because, Null said he and Felix worked out the wording. This means Felix is confident in the abilities. I wasn't here for that, I'm not confident. After how close we cut it with Sphinx, I'm wary of this stuff."
"Whatever." Null sighs "Wana help me out with something real fast? I planned on cooking them dinner for tonight. (Can we say that they got things like stoves/microwaves/etc.?) I could use some help though."
Max raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms. "What exactly do we have to cook WITH?"
Thank you, dear brother, for the visual image we now have alongside the mental one

The Demon finally thinks, dropping the ball about the mental link and reminding Dante of it. Finally he was able to break out into laughter now that Dante knew about it.

"So, now that we all know you better brother, what shall we do next?"
Max grins and chuckles. "TF2, eh? Didn't take you for a gamer Null." (It's filler, YEAAAAAAH)
Dante fell to the ground and laid there for a bit with a shattered face. He couldn't physically talk so he thought, "Just kill me now." He continued laying in the ground. He eventually curled up into a ball and started to roll around. His face, still shattered.
"Pick up your pieces and put yourself back together brother."

The Demon commanded Dante

"My blood runs through your very veins. You're the closest thing to family, to a brother, that either of us have," Zabuza says as he looks at Jacob. "And as such we'll have to endure through each other as well as get to know each other far better than we ever possibly could of wanted."
Jaocb hadben standing there the whole time. His face was pale as he wheezed out nonsense words. He turns and walked away after awhile. He came back some time later with a TV in hand. "Dante...... Never do that again. No matter how 'thirsty' you are....."
Sphinx walked into Felix's room. "Um, hey Felix..." She said with a smile. She held the suit in one hand and Sapphire's dress in the other. She held up the suit. "We got this for you..." She said.
(Sorry guys, I had stuff to do.)

Felix smiles and sits up. He is definitely better than when he woke up, and while he is strong enough to get up and walk, he wants to save his energy in case something happens. So he just lays there. Or, he had been, until Null announced that they were ready.

"Wow, they both look great! I can't wait. However, we have stuff to do. Null told me about a countermeasure he has that is even better than mine... unfortunately, mine prevents siring, and his prevents us from being controlled if we're sired... meaning we'll still have to drink blood... oh." Felix says, suddenly realizing a problem with the plan. "And Zabuza would probably command us to drink blood, so... if we WON'T follow any of his commands, then..." Felix stands up and walks over to Null. "Hey, instead of saying 'you won't follow any commands,' change it to 'you won't HAVE to follow any commands."
"Well Null, we will be turned into Vampires. This means we will have to drink blood to survive, however much that'll suck. One of the commands Zabuza will probably give us is to drink blood. If you put it in our heads that we won't follow his commands, we'll die of starvation."
"If you recall, Felix the command I recommended was, 'if it comes where you get sired, you will not be required to obey them. Your will is still in power over the sire's leader.' This just means you don't have to follow his commands, and your will is still in control. You still drink blood if you want, you just have the final call."
"Okay, sorry, just wanted to make sure." Felix says before looking at Max. "Hey, you're back! Have a good time at the mall?"

Max crosses his arms. "Not really..."

"What's that supposed to me-... never mind. We ready to go Null?"

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