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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Felix, I, Null, master of the mind now command you. If it comes where you get sired, you will not be required to obey them. Your will is still in power over the sire's leader.

"Null, what's with all the theatrics?"

"I like to have fun. Is that a crime?"

"No, a crime would be burying those people in that tower."

"Haha, ok, who's next. By the way, my power grows stronger over time within your mind after the first few days. So after about a half week, it will grow more and more effective." (That ok Z? I give a bout half a week for you to try something.)
Felix waits for Null's words, but never hears them. He waits for a few seconds, when suddenly his head clears up. That's weird... my head didn't FEEL foggy. Then he vaguely remembers Null's words. He doesn't remember hearing them, he just remembers... THEM. Huh... so that's what it's like being mind controlled. "Ok, Max, Hayabusa, Shard, who's next." Suddenly, Max speaks up.

"Okay Null, I know how I can come to fully trust you about this. You do it to Shard. You phrase it THE EXACT SAME Way. If you do this, then I will trust you, as I know you'd never screw her over."
"Sigh, fine... I'm ready Null. I trust you."

"Can't follow your orders, Max... I can't call Shard Felix, but I'll do the best I can." Null Smirks. "Shard... I, Null, master of the mind now command you. If it comes where you get sired, you will not be required to obey them. Your will is still in power over the sire's leader."

Shard then spaces out for a second. All she can hear is the command. Now she is forced to follow it without question.
(Huh. So people feel differently whilst under Null's command? Interesting...)

Max nods and then walks up to Null. He shakes his hand. "I am sorry for doubting and being overly wary around you, but you understand... I'm ready."
Sphinx watched the scene happening. She sat down next to Felix. She leaned towards him and whispered, "when will they do me?" She set Sapphire's dress on her lap.
(Why do you call it Sapphire's dress btw?)

"Probably after Max." Felix responds, whispering as well. "I don't know if he will force you to take it or not though... are you willing on your own?)
"Of course, I have to do it to you, Sphinx. Do you want to be sired? I mean. I know what happend today, but that was luck. I know Felix wants you to... right?" Null now turns to Max. "Max, the conduit. I, Null, master of the mind now command you. If it comes where you get sired, you will not be required to obey them. Your will is still in power over the sire's leader."
Max awakens with a start to the world of the living. The whole world had gone into a colorful kind of place (No, this is not a play on the fact that he is gay). He had seen many colors before suddenly being shot back into reality. He didn't know if he hated that place... or wanted to go back. He shook his head and sat down. "Sphinx, your turn."

(I am interested to see how each character perceives and feels the world while under hypnosis.)
Assailant said:
(Why do you call it Sapphire's dress btw?)
"Probably after Max." Felix responds, whispering as well. "I don't know if he will force you to take it or not though... are you willing on your own?)
(Sapphire made Sphinx buy a really inappropriate dress so Sapphire could wear it. I'm just waiting for Felix to look at it and ask something like 'you're wearing that to our date?!' :P )

Sphinx nodded and set Sapphire's dress next to Felix and walked over to Null. "This won't hurt, will it?" She asked, frowning a bit.
"SPHINX THE CONDUIT(ES?)! I, Null, master of the mind now command you. If it comes where you get sired, you will not be required to obey them. Your will is still in power over the sire's leader."

(now, do something similar to Max.) (Should we call her a conduit or a conduites?)
As he said the words, Sphinx seemed to enter a white, padded room. Directly in front of her was someone who looked like her, but with blue eyes. "Sapphire..." She muttered.
"Ummm, wow. Of all the visions she could have... Wow. You met Sapphire? That's sick. Anyway, I'm gonna go downstairs and start preparing dinner."
Felix sits on the bed, waiting as Sphinx gets hypnotized. He decides to look at the dress, and suddenly blushes. Woah, this dress is... uh...
Netherdragon said:
"Ummm, wow. Of all the visions she could have... Wow. You met Sapphire? That's sick. Anyway, I'm gonna go downstairs and start preparing dinner."
Sphinx blinked after the hypnosise and nodded. "Um, ok..." She said. She walked back towards Felix and notices his blush. "Um...is something wrong Felix?" She asked, blushing a little herself.
Felix holds up the dress. "This dress... is this what you mean to wear? I mean not that I think it wouldn't look good- I mean not that- *sigh* it doesn't really seem like... first date material."
Sphinx got a giant blue bush on her face. She took the dress out of his hands. "It's...not like that. This is for Sapphire. She wanted me to buy it for her..." She said, looking at the dress. "Unless of course you want me to..." She said looking down.
Felix's blush intensifies. "Uh... no, I assume you bought something else then. I suppose I should wait to see it until the time comes. Thank you for grabbing me the suit, it looks great."

"But before the date, Felix, we need to wash you up. And Sphinx, it couldn't hurt for you to wash up again after the battle. This time, I came prepared. I bought toiletries, and there's a hose plugged into a nearby house, the owner rarely goes outside, so he wouldn't notice. Shard, could you make us a little room around the hose to shower? It's hardly the most comfortable way to do it, but it's all we got... also, the water will be cold, so that's unfortunate..."
"Sigh, Dante could have been useful at a time like this." Shard says as she goes outside and makes the tiny shower room. She then goes downstairs and heats up the crystal stove for him.
Sphinx nods. "So, who will wash first?" She asked, smiling slightly. "And should we change into our nice clothes right after the shower?"

She was grinning, filled to the brim with excitement.
"Okay Felix, you're up fir-" He cuts off, registering the Dante comment. His fists and teeth clench.

"Max, calm down."

"I hated him... I hated him so much..."

"'-ed' being the operative phrase."

"You're right... now he's a sire... and now I have a real reason to kill him." Max says with a grin, before his face suddenly goes blank. "Wow... that was very strangely dark for me... anyways, Felix, your turn."

"Okay." Felix says, going out to the wash area.

"You'll go after him. Keyword, 'after' him." Max says, teasing Sphinx. He then goes up to Null. "Where should I put the groceries I bought?" He says, looking at the groceries. Then he sighs. "Crap, I dropped one a while back. I'll go get it, you watch them."

Max walks into an alleyway, and then spots a grocery bag. "Really? Of all the places to drop it, I dropped it on our one cut through in an alleyway." Suddenly, a man grabs him from behind and turns him, before growling.

"No, he's not the one."

"Who are you?"

"His scent must have rubbed off." A woman next to the man says to him, ignoring Max.

"Answer me, who are you?!"

"We are looking for Hayabusa. Do you know exactly where he is?"

"Depends on who's asking. Who are you?"

"My name isn't important..." The man responds. "But your friend has grown fond of calling my group 'G-DUPs.'"
Max gives them a questioning look. "Okay, I'll go get him... you guys wait right here."

"Of course." The man says. Max runs off, trying to evade them as he was suspicious they were following him... which they were. Eventually he managed to temporarily lose them. He runs into the base with the groceries, drops them next to Null. He then runs up to Hayabusa.

"So... Hayabusa... hi. I met some people looking for you, called themselves 'G-DUPs.' Would you know anything about that?"

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