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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Assailant said:
Max walks over to Sphinx and sits next to her. "I'll make this up to you." Max thinks for a moment. "Oh! We got you a dress, but I bet Felix needs a suit, and he's in no condition to be up and getting one. So, let's go to the mall and get him one! Besides, I need clothes for myself."
Sphinx grins. "That's a genius idea! Good for me too because Sapphire is pissed that I didn't get a dress for her!" She said, grinning widely. She got out her wallet. "We've got enough money."
(Sorry it took so long, my family put on Forest Gump, so obviously I HAD to watch it.)

Max smiles. "Okay, let's go!" While Sphinx grabs her stuff, he turns to Shard, then walks over to Null.

"Listen, I'm sorry to walk out on you right now. But I know you don't often show it, but I know there are emotions there. This was going to be her special day, and it just probably got ruined in the worst way." He says, glancing over to the unconscious Felix. "Please... just let her have this." Without waiting for a response, he turns around and walks out with Sphinx. "Okay, so when we get there, I'll help you pick out something for Felix. Once we get something, stick with me and I'll get the stuff I need. I don't mean to sound overprotective, but it's too dangerous to go alone."

(Okay guys, get ready for the big reveal coming up soon)
Brian responded "I had my apartment, but seeing as the D.U.P. probably have surveillance out the wazoo. Not really sure if that's a good idea."

Brian responded "I had my apartment, but seeing as the D.U.P. probably have surveillance out the wazoo, so that probably wouldn't be the best idea."
"Tsk, what fools."

"Afternoon, Null"

"Shard, thank god."

"Ya, a while back, it felt like a truck hit me."

"It did..."

"I know Null, its a joke. Anyway, we need to get rid of it..."

Shard goes outside and launches crystal pillars out of the ground, launching the truck far away.

"Welp, I think that takes care of that... Hey, where's Felix?"

"He's over there sleeping. Not in good shape though."

"Hmm. You know. Now that I think about it, this is way too small of a base."

"Shard, don't push yourself."

"Aw, come on Null, its fine."

Shard then creates a second and third underground story to the bunker. She also expanded it's space. She then split them into rooms. Before falling down on one knee.

"Ahaha, looks like I pushed myself a bit."

She then gets back up, and the two go over by Felix, who now has his own room all to himself.
The four sires once again met back together at the center of the mall, after having split up to find clothes, then bathe, and get re-dressed. All of them were now wearing clean, new clothes as well as didn't stink themselves. It probably wouldn't last long, but it was nice while it did.

The Demon himself had taken the.. honor of having to undress, bathe, and then redress the comatose Xavier. He had managed to find clothes that fit well enough for him.

"So, while we're here at the mall. Is there anything either of you would like to do? After all, every now and then we should get some rest and relaxation."

Zabuza spoke to both Jacob and Dante.
Dante had felt pretty good after cleaning up. He smiled when Demon asked him if he wanted to do anything. "Well. I have had a dry spell for a few days. Id like to break that if you know what I mean." He laughed and spotted a girl he would pick up if The Demon would allow it.
(Nether and I are time skipping. We calculate that the following posts will take place about midway through Max and Sphinx's shopping, so no continuity errors. The other posts will continue without a timeskip)

Felix groans again as he opens his eyes, experiencing the same phenomena of one eye being more blinded than the other. Felix stretches and pulls himself into a sitting up position. He looks at Null and Shard who are standing near him. "Morning you two." Felix looks around and notices he has his own room. "Oh, nice. So, where are the others, huh?"
"First, of all, its Afternoon." Shard says.

"As for where they are... Oh... how should I put this... They... went somewhere."

"NULL! Don't be mean. They went to the mall. To get you a surprise gift."
Felix smiles. "Glad to know they care about m- wait... even Hayabusa? That doesn't quite sound like him."
"No, If I recall, Hayabusa is in the other room. He may be sleeping." Null says. "Now, I know you're weak but we need to talk."

Shard sets up a pair of chairs for Null and her to sit in.

"Lets start with this countermeasure of yours. Before you apply it to Shard or myself. I want to hear what it involves."
"By all means Dante, play with your food as much as you wish. Just no half sire-off spring, so finish your prey off when you're done with it. Also, don't wonder off too far.

Besides, multiple times in the past I've had prey that would offer themselves up in exchange for their life. Although that always depended on how good that they were and their gender, I couldn't have any half-demon children running around."

Zabuza laughed, thinking back on several rather lucky nights worthy of remembering.
Felix sighs. "Now that's the Hayabusa I know. Okay, so the countermeasure, to make a long story short, involves me removing your shadow, similar to how shadow does it, but then forcing it back into your body at the last second. This merges the shadow with you, but essentially makes you a shadow. Seeing as how Zabuza is unwilling to sire a shadow, BOOM! You're safe."
"That is the most ridiculous countermeasure. Why do you think, that Zabuza is unwilling to sire a shadow. What is something that the sires and shadows have in common. Second, why would Zabuza know that you've become part shadow?" Null questions.
Jacob stared Zabuza before sighing. He sh9k his he a and turned to walk to a Game Stop. "I'm scarred for life no.. Thanks Zabuza!" He came back three minutes later with a PS Vita and a PS4. "Now all we need is a TV. Is there a Radio Shack here?"
"The answer to your first question is simple. Knowing his nature, he probably believes they are a lesser form of conduit, impure, whatever. All I know is he didn't try to bring Mirror back, even though that would have been the obvious next step. As for step two, I am sure that shadow energy in the bloodstream would have a peculiar and particular taste. That, and we could just tell him."
"You didn't answer. I asked what sires and shadows had in common. Second, by time he tasted it, it would be too late."
First, what do they have in common? They are not like their original selves in that they're stronger and subservient to their creator. Also, two, I'm sure one sip doesn't equal siring"
"I'm always glad to help out, Jacob. Besides this is a gigantic mall, I'm sure they must have one. Just as I told Dante, stick close and don't wonder too far. I'll just stay here at the center of the mall with Xavier, waiting for both of your returns..."

Zabuza hesitated

"Enjoy yourself. It's rare that we get to rest, but when we do we should enjoy it."
"That wasn't what I was referring too. Think of what would happen if both Shadow and Zabuza were fighting over control of a person. It would break their mind. Zebuza doesn't want a loyalty conflict."
"You mean someone who is both a shadow and sired? You know, I was planning on making a Shadow Jacob, I think I could save him" Felix says smiling.
Felix shakes his head. "Not right now sillies. And I don't know... but I'll find a way." Felix's expression turns from happy to downcast. "It's my fault he died... I pulled him into a struggle that wasn't his... I must do anything in my power to save him..."
"In my opinion, I have a much better countermeasure against the sires. However, it will work on myself the best." Null says.
Dante said, "Sweeeet! Later losers." He said to them and walked away to the girl he was eyeing. The next thing The Demon would see, just a minute later, was Dante and the very attractive blonde walking towards the bathroom.

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