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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Shadow dodges Felix's punch and sends a shadow wave at Null, sending him flying into the truck, tipping it over and causing him to fall off it and fall on shattered glass.
Hayabusa comes back after awhile with a taco. "Sorry Felix. I lost you. Plus, I saw this taco joint and I just had to try it." He throws his taco away when he see's Shadow and pulls out his katana. "Shadow. Your picking on a little boy now? That's sad. Come on. You always said you wanted to fight me, right?"
Sphinx put her hand close to her chest and gasped. "You don't have to do that Felix..." She said, looking up at him. She then witnessed Shadow's 'power kick'. She got an angry look on her face and unfolded her wings. "Nobody...hurts Felix..." She said, unsheathing her katanas. She ran at Shadow and swung the sword towards his stomach.
"DUDE!!! SHARD IS STILL IN THERE!!!" Null pushes the truck off him with his telekinisis. He then pulls a gun out of the truck. "YOU ARE gonna STOP harming SHARD BOTH OF YOU!!! I've had enough of this!"
Shadow shadows back through Sphinx as her blade cuts Felix on the cheek. Felix glares at Sphinx for a second, before the shadows on his arms lessen. "Sphinx, don't put yourself in the way of ha-" Felix says before being interrupted as Shadow shoots Sphinx into the truck. Felix's head snaps towards Shadow. The shadows surge across his arms as shadows burst out of his eyes. "I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!!!!" Felix yells as he bursts a huge blast of shadows at Shadow.

Shadow puts up a wall as the wall of shadow bursts around the edges. As it ends, Shadow pulls down the wall. "Oh, are you mad that baddie baby might be hurt?" Shadow mocks, unaware to the fact that another living organism is actually growing inside...
Null goes up to Sphinx "Hey, are you ok?" When he doesn't get a response, he pulls the cushions out of the truck. He lays Sphinx on one and Shard on the other.
Sphinx grunted loudly as she hit the truck. Her eyes closed as she sighed, becoming unconscious. Blue blood started flowing out her head.
Hayabusa looks to Sphinx then back to Shadow and growls. "You just made a big mistake!" Hayabusa ran at Shadow, pulling back his sword as he ran. Once he got close, he whipped the sword upwards, attempting to cut Shadow's eye while he was distracted with Felix.
Shadow sees Hayabusa coming out of the corner of his eye, he grabs Felix as Felix tries to punch him and throws him in front of the sword, causing Hayabusa to slash Felix's eye.

"AGH!!!" Felix yells as Shadow throws him to the side before blasting Hayabusa backwards. Felix lands near Sphinx, and begins to get back up, before he sees Sphinx. He crawls over to Sphinx and collapses near her. The shadows fade from around him and he passes out.

Shadow looks at Hayabusa getting back up. "Well boy, you gonna fight? Two out of three are you down."

"Forgot one bitch!" Shadow turns to see a pistol pointed at his face. A bullet enters Shadow's forehead and Shadow stumbles backwards.

"GRRR, I leave you here. You have enough to deal with." Shadow says before he shadow pillar propels himself onto a building and runs off.

Max drops the pistol and runs over to Hayabusa. "You okay?"
"Not until he dies!" Hayabusa runs past Max and starts to scale the building that Shadow landed on. Once he climbed up, he ran off in the direction Shadow went off in. "Get out here Shadow! Fight me like a man, you coward! It's easy to fight a child when he's angry! Let's see how you fend against a man!" Hayabusa stood there, waiting for Shadow to show himself.
Shadow pops his head out from over a rooftop. "No thanks asshole!" He says, shooting down a shadow rocket, not waiting to see if it hits as he runs away and jumps into a dark alleyway, where he knows no one can find him.
"Sorry to disappoint." Says Max before running over to Felix and Sphinx. "Crap, this was their special day! Hayabusa, come down here! We need to get them back to base!" He says picking up Sphinx
Three and Nil look at Null,

"Should we do it?" Nil says looking at Three. Three looks back.

"If Shadow left, he must've had a reason. I say retreat."

"Sure." Nil and Three climb up the building.

"Come on, do it!" Nil whispers in three's ear.

"No, I refuse."

"I'm gonna keep pestering you."

"Fine." Three turns towards Hayabusa and Max.

"Water tribe." She says walking off.
Max turns to Null. "Water Conduit? Great, another enemy. Come on Haybusa, get Felix. We need to bring him back to base."
"We can't do it while they are in this condition. Help me load them into the back of the truck. I'd recommend sitting in the back with them. It will be a lot more comfortable back there than up here without the cushions. I'll drive us back to the base, then I'll ditch the truck."
Max sighs and carries Sphinx and gently places her next to him, then gets Felix and places him next to her. He looks at the two than sighs. "Sorry Sphinx, I don't think that the date could happen today, given your conditions. Maybe you could have it in the base? I'm sure I could convince Shard to make a nice room for you two. I could find a nice dinner... I'll do what it takes." He waits for Hayabusa to get in. "C'mon... let's go."
Max gets out and looks at him. "Sorry, I assumed you would be keeping her up there with you. But I got her then." Max takes Shard and brings her into the back, and puts her on the other side of him. "Okay, NOW we can go."
"Keep an eye on her... If she gets injured any more than she is, you'll wind up worse. I can guarantee that." Once Null closes the back of the truck, he climbs up front, gets in as comfortable a position as he can, and he drives back to the base (timeskip ok here?)
(No real need for a timeskip, it's not far)

The car bounces up and down. Max holds onto the three. A bounce causes Shard's head to fall on his shoulder. He sighs and looks at Felix and Sphinx. Sphinx's head is rested on Felix's head, which is rested on her shoulder. Max smiles. It's good to know that we can hold on to our humanity. The love you two show... reminds me that I'm human. I have to enjoy the simple things... thank you, you too. I'm here for you.

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