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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Dante looked at Demon. "Hey man. Don't make fun of these people's religion. It's disrespectful. Even if they are a little bit ridiculous its disrespectful." He sighed at looked the newcomers. "What do you ladies want?"
Brian was fairly astounded whoever committed this atrocity was claiming responsibility for it. He was growing angry that someone killed all these people he said "I'm really not having too great of a day and the homicide of dozens didn't improve it. So, you sick bastards, I could care less if these people were worshiping their God, or the Flying Spaghetti monster. All of you are despicable." The building's glass windows began to crack.
James balled up his fist at Dante and flipped him off. He sped from body to body pointing at them. "What I want is to know why you killed all these people!? What is wrong with you? Do you have something against Christians? Did they do something to you? Do you just like killing people FOR NO GOOD REASON!?"
"I see, so you're not just entirely foolish. You must not be normal then, for I'm assuming you're causing the glass to crack. Anyways, their deaths weren't in vain, they were simply livestock to be slaughtered. Food you could say."

The Demon said as he showed his bloodied fangs at James when he appeared in front of him.

"Now, I suggest both of you leave. Before things get brutal once more."
James stared down Zabuza before running back over to Brian. "Come on Brian. Let's get out of here. Hopefully the DUP will make a stop here and catch these guys or something. Never though I'd say it, but these guy's actually belong with the DUP." James walked past Brian and towards the door before stopping. "Brian, you coming?"
Brian said "Yeah, lets go." and walked toward the door, following James. What these..people..no..these..monsters did was horrible. He just wanted to get out of there.
The Demon was rather amused at his luck of finding two more conduits, but all the same he allowed them to leave without saying anything further. It might not of been the best idea to try and sire two conduits at once, with any luck he would eventually meet one of them later alone. When they had finally left Zabuza turned back to Jacob, Dante, and Xavier.

"It's safe to say that we shouldn't stay here any longer. I'm also sure we just made two new excellent friends today. The three of us... four actually,"

Zabuza says as he looks towards Xavier

"need to bathe. We also might need new clothes, because all of ours seem to have blood stains on them. I wonder how those got on us. I'd like to get it all done in one place. Is there anywhere you can possibly get clean in a mall?"

The Demon says as he once more picks up Xavier, his warm body is strict contract to the cold one he had been forced to carry earlier.
Felix opens his eyes and yawns. He looks around for a bit, wondering where he is, before remembering everything. Whelp, the place where I lived for three years is gone... I'm gonna miss it. Whatever... I've gotta date tonight. Felix gets up and dances around. First date ever! And I'll make sure Zabuza, or Shadow, or Dante don't ruin it. For once, just ONCE! Something will go right. Felix gets up and walks over to a radio. Let's listen to some music. Little did Felix know that Max had set it up to the DUP frequency.

"We've got agents on their tail. Dark Felix and the man and woman with him are on Jefferson's street and in our sights."

"Okay, you have permission to fire. What is of Squads devoted to the second part of the operation?"

"They have been tracked down to a church. Two men just left, but there's no sign of association between the conduits."

"What have they done?"

"Armored Vehicles are waiting outside the doors."

"Your squad may fire at will as well."

Dark Felix? That must be Shadow! And the others... who could that be? Huh... Shadow's gonna kill them! We need to get him! Felix runs and wakes up Hayabusa. "Hayabusa! Come on! We need to go get Shadow! I know where he is!"

Shadow raises an eyebrow and leans back into his chair. "Whelp, Felix is screwed... good riddance." Shadow looks out the window, and then notices his hair blowing in the wind. With a smile, he looks backwards to be able to see his own hair in the wind.

I used to love doing this...

However, when he looks back, he sees a DUP armored vehicle. The turret turns to the car. Shadow creates a shadow spike shooting under the car, flipping it over and causing it to shoot the car behind it, as two more cars swerved out of the way and aimes at the truck. "Null, we've got company!"
Hayabusa rolls over and groans. "Not now.. Five more-" Hayabusa's eyes shot open before he got up. "Shadow!? Why didn't you just start off with that?" He ran out the door before turning around. "Where is Shadow?"
"Neither of you like to talk as much anymore. Anyways, now that I think about it I'm certain. If there is a gym within the mall it would come with a shower, there may be a public shower, or some other way we could get clean. So we find clothes and then get clean and change into them."

The Demon said while carrying Xavier and walking towards the still open entrance. He stopped, right before leaving the front door, and held up his hand stopping Jacob and Dante as well.

"Pay attention, use your heightened senses. Can you hear all those heartbeats, smell the gunpowder within their weapons, and tell by their position that they're all watching the front door? Both of you go out there first and wipe them out, I'll stay in here with Xavier. Give me the all clear when you're done."

Their eyes both glowed twice at the commands, as the Demon waited behind for the DUP to be dealt with.
"Unfortunately, No Sphinx is like you on a smaller scale. Sphinx is the dominant personality."

"Um, Shard, didn't you hear? there are GUNS!!!"

Null stops the car and gets out.

"Hey, Shadow. can you conjure me a Shadow sword? Shard is too weak after making that castle."
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Jacob stood still for awhile, listening to the heart beats. "Oh... I knew I could do that....." Jacob ran and the door and burst through before dashing over the D.U.P soldier's head's just as they started shooting. He grabbed one of the soldier's by the neck before forming a smoke blade. He stabbed the blade through the man's chest before throwing him at the others. While they were stunned, he ran into the group before spinning his blade around. He looked to Zabuza just as the D.U.P fell in unison. "Done."
"Well done"

The Demon said, as he walked outside with Xavier and observed Jacob's work.

"Dante, burn the church down to the ground as well as melt these DUP bodies if you can. Might be best if we leave no evidence. Afterwords we'll head to the closest mall. I'm rather certain I know where it is."
Felix runs up to Hayabusa. "He's not here, but the DUP radios said he's on Jefferson street. MAX!!! SPHINX!!! Where are you!?!?!"


Shadow runs out and conjures a shadow sword for Null and Shard, before grabbing one of the gatlings with shadows and spinning it to face the other truck right as the bullets come out, hitting a tire and causing the truck to flip over. Shadow then makes a 180 degree ramp, causing the car to flip over and be stuck on it's back. "TIME TO TEST YOUR FIGHTING SKILL NULL!"
Null goes up to the trucks and slices through each of the DUP members as they get out of the truck.
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(sorry @UnwantedTruth I forgot to write a response for Max, I thought I did.)

Max smiles as they buy the dress. "Now I'll just have to make Felix take a bath or something. Only one day to make it through. Let's see how much chaos we can get into-"

"MAX! SPHINX! Where are you?!?!"

"Crap, I didn't really mean chaos... dammit." Max quickly grabs the dress and hides it behind his back. "Over here!" Felix runs up to them. "Hey Felix, wha-"

"We have a lock on Shadow! The DUP is pursuing him. We need to take this opportunity!" Max looks at Sphinx and sighs. "Sorry"

Shadow puts a shadow wall in front of Null as bullets rain down. "God dammit, be careful Null!" Shadow turns to hit another car when suddenly the back of the truck bursts open and three comes out and bends a ton of water into the side of a truck, flipping it over and sending water through the water and freezing ice over the DUP troops heads and forcing water through their throat and into their lungs, forcing them to drown.
Sphinx's eyes widened as she heard the news. "Oh...I'll meet up with you guys! I need to drop something off at the camp! Or shelter. Or whatever the place we're staying is to us!" She said, grabbing the dress from behind Max's back and hid it behind hers. "You guys start walking without me!"
"Glad you liked it. Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, Three is a conduit." Shadow says grinning. "Also, another thing. Nil!" Nil walks out of the truck and stands in front of a downed truck. "I gave him an upgrade." Nil raises his hands and shadow seeps from around him, forming into the shape of a rocket launcher. Nil pulled the trigger and a shadow rocket flew out out and as soon as it made contact with the car, the car exploded as flames shot everywhere. Nil smiles.

"Boom shackalacka!"

Felix waved to Max and went and grabbed Hayabusa and ran to the street. He arrived just to see Nil blow up a car. "What the hell!" and then Felix sees Null and Shard. "What the hell are you doing here!"
Sphinx flew to the shelter and landed. She walked inside. She laid the dress on her bed and frowned a little. "I hope it's not postponed..." She said. She walked back outside and flew over the city. "Max!? Hayabusa?!...Felix?!" She called, looking for her friends.
Max saw Sphinx flying a bit away and fired near her. Not close enough to risk shooting her, but enough to signal her... he hopes she gets it.


Felix glares at him and pulls his arms down and clenches his fists. "Driving a truck?!"
Felix clenches his fists harder and bends his knees, lowers his head, glaring at Null. "Working with Shadow!!"
Sphinx flinched at the bullet flying past her and flew the opposite way slightly. She quickly landed and sighed. "I guess I shouldn't fly..." She said and walked to where the gunshot came from. She took out her katanas out. "Um, anyone there?" She called, ready to fight.

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