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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

Sphinx smiles and nods. "Alright then! Sounds like a plan!" She said, and walked out into the street. She started to walk along the sidewalk.
"Oooooh, that is interesting!" Shadow laughs uncontrollably. "Gee, I wonder how Felix feels about that? Probably not too happy. What, is she PREGNANT now? Oh, that would be hilarious! Really, it would! The look on his face, oh! I'd trade all the info in the WORLD for that pic." Shadow laughs. "So... what else do I have to say. Hmm... Dante has lava powers, he can control them freely at any time, however, and is not bound to Terrakinesis."
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I'll take you up on that offer. Might get me killed in the process, but OK! OHH You're gonna love this. Felix is beginning to act like you. HE told me it's possible for him to reveal another "Shadow" Apparently you weren't the only one in there. He also admitted that your persona was the original. And even better, It's reverse pedophillia (pardon my spelling) to some extent. Sphinx is a major, and as you know, Felix is a minor.
Max smiles and walks out with her. "So... Felix is a sweet kid, but he's completely clueless. He's gonna need help for you to learn how to date, as this will be his first ever. What's your plan?"

Shadow sighs and looks at Null. "Well, that implies that she is indeed pregnant, which would be fun. Do you have any more info to tell about her?"
"Well, Shardy, let me think..." Shadow thinks for a moment. "Seeing as you've never met them before, this'll be news. They are basically immortal. They ran through chopping up my men even though bullets were riddling their bodies. However, as seen with Xavier, they CAN die, I just don't know what the limit is. Of course, even if you do kill them, they can always just be... brought back... to life... we didn't revocer Xavier's corpse...

Assailant said:
Max smiles and walks out with her. "So... Felix is a sweet kid, but he's completely clueless. He's gonna need help for you to learn how to date, as this will be his first ever. What's your plan?"
Sphinx blinked in slight confusion. "Um...I don't really have a plan...what kind of plan were you thinking of?" She asked, scratching the back of her head.
"Well, just saying," Max begins, "but for how sweet Felix his, he's utterly clueless. Don't leave the date up to him, that would be a terrible idea. You've dated before, so you'll probably have to lead the dates, for a little while at least. what are you thinking off? @UnwantedTruth
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Sphinx thought for a moment. "I....I think I can do that....I'll lead the dates for a while." She said slightly confidently. She nodded her head and smiled. She then grinned and pointed at a spa. "Ooh! Looks there!"
Max smiles. "Hopefully the people working there are cool. I mean, two very smelly people walk in, one obviously a conduit, covered in dirt and dried blood... I hope they can keep there cool about that."
Sphinx giggled a little. "Yeah, hopefully!" She said as she opened the door to the spa. "Hello? We'd like to have spa treatment?" She asked.
Awhile later Sphinx and Max exit the spa. "Well, they were... nice for the most part. Didn't handle the blood too well though. And that one guy screaming about how people like us (conduits) are the end bringers. He was really overdramatic, I must say."
Sphinx giggled. "I like how they didn't know exactly how to go about cleaning my wings!" She stretched out her nice, clean wings. "But they managed it! We are completely clean!" She grinned and spun around. "Now we just need to find a perfect dress and some nice perfume!" She said and started walking.
"Yeah, that was pretty funny." Max says, walking alongside Sphinx. "We'll need to find something to do about that... your wings and skin I mean. Some way to hide them in public. I mean no offense, but it's gonna be hard to mobilize if you are noticed so quickly... hm... Felix can work in illusions with his shadows, I wonder if he can find some way to camouflage them?"
Sphinx sighed. "I suppose you're right....the skin should be fairly easy. It's the wings that might be a problem." She then pointed at a large mall. "Let's go there!"
Max smiles. In all honesty though, he hadn't stopped smiling. It was nice to see Sphinx so happy, without anything to pull them down. Felix and her were getting together, which took as much a weight of his shoulder as it did her's, Null and Shard were rescued and made immune for siring, They had a base, would be getting new clothes, and Max was cleaned for the first time in a week. He never thought he'd say this again, but...

Life was good.
Sphinx walked into the mall. "Ok! Where's the dresses?" She asked, grinning widely. This was the most excited she'd been in ages. She ran to a row of dresses and grabbed one. "What about this one?" She asked, holding it up against her.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.22d71dc02c6576d600b843f8236bccde.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38217" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.22d71dc02c6576d600b843f8236bccde.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )



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James had left the night Sphinx and Felix hooked up. It would be a little awkward for her ex to live with her and her new boyfriend. Besides, he was fine just knowing that Sphinx was happy. "I am happy... Right?" James continued to run, thinking about other things. Like where was he gonna stay for the night.
Shadow looks at Null. "Yes, I do mind you calling me that. Not quite on friendly enough terms for nicknames yet... right Shardy?" He says to prove the irony. Not waiting for an answer, as it was rhetorical, he turns back to Null. "I don't know why we're here, but... A lot of the Demon's activity that I've seen has been in the capitol district. Let's make our base there, but we have to be careful. Keep your friends close, which of none I have, and your enemies closer, which I have PLENTY of."


Max looks at it. "It certainly does look pretty, and it goes nice with your blue skin... hm... but it blends a bit to much." He says smiling. "Maybe a sort of... light green would contrast well? Let's see what one would look like."

(Sorry for taking so long, I was at swim. Also, I did intend to permanently kill Xavier, but looks like I forgot about one itsy bitsy detail. Next time one of the sires die, I'll burn 'em.)
"What, Shades, you don't think of Null and I as allies yet?"

"Sure, she may be able to become the blue jolly giant, and step on everything, but still. We want to help you within reason.

(I'm tempted to have Null turn to Shadow's side completely... could be fun... sometimes I like the "bad guy" to win.)
Shadow looks at him. "Why? Why, might I ask. You help both sides, mine and the FFA? Do you wish to be one of those people who, no matter what, are on the winning side? Because, guess what, there's a third side now. And no way in hell am I letting you join them, believe me I would kill you before that happened. Because if I can't win, I want Felix to. Why? Because I don't want anyone in power but me. If Felix wins, then everything goes back to normal. But if Zabuza wins, then HE gains control. I am NOT letting that happen. I may be a tyrant, but I honestly think that the world under my rule would be significantly better than the world under his."
Dante had moved to the ice block and heated up his hands and melted the ice. He watched as Xavier flopped to the ground. He moved away and looked behind him. He was very upset about what had just happened and how he couldn't kill the water conduit.
Sphinx looked down at the dress and nodded. "I see your point." She said, hanging the dress back up. She walked over to a different rack and picked up one dress. She then picked up another one with her left hand. "What about one of these?" She asked, holding them up.

(Left hand:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.4baf9a5f397e4cba7833d7ae7027d00e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.4baf9a5f397e4cba7833d7ae7027d00e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Right hand:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.57a24b9cdba8bb3da9639e0c341843ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38224" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.57a24b9cdba8bb3da9639e0c341843ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )



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