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Fandom Infamous: Repercussions

(Sure, let's say they woke him up.)

Shadow looks at him an glares. "Oh yeah, you had to leave early. well guess what! I lost 150 men, in less than a half hour. A HALF HOUR!! We coulda used your help! Why, exactly, di you have to leave early? Give me one good reason."
"The FFA has deployed a countermeasure against the Sires. We also needed to get them out of there without you noticing."

"Null and I knew you had more to worry about, and sorry for stepping on your warehouse, but I'm gonna make it up to you."

Shard makes a 20 story castle made of obsidian colored crystal and pants after using so much energy.

Shadow looks up at it. "That's... great and all, but I kinda want to stay out of the public eye until I attack... we're gonna have to run now."
"Hehe, whoops... Well, at least if any large organization tries to take it over, we can just bury them alive. right?"

"Shard, I didn't know you can be so devilish."
Shadow smiles at Shard. "Indeed... neither did I" He says with a devilish grin. So devilish... terrible... evil! All inside her... I must have it. I must find a way.

(You're welcome for the Shardow fuel everyone.)

"AHAA, sorry Shade, but she's my... friend..." Either way, lets go."

"I think we should go in style, you two..."

Shard uses the same skill she used to sense her crystals earlier to find a 18 wheeler, she flips it back to where they are undamaged. (don't ask). They load the shadow clones in the back, and the three of them in the front. Null drives because he is the oldest, and Shadow doesn't have a drivers license.

(deleted but that was HILARIOUS. PLEASE tell me someone took a screenshot of the first post)
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Shadow sits in shotgun. As they drive, he looks out the window. He used to love doing this with mom and dad. Well, of course when only one of them was in the car. On highways, when they could drive fast, he would open the window and...

No... no FELIX enjoyed that, not Shadow. Shadow's eyes widen and he turns to them. "Wait... where the hell are we going?"
Sphinx's eyes slowly opened. She yawned as she sat up in her bed, scratching her head, her hair incredibly messy. She yawned again and smiled. "Brilliant...today's the day..." She said, standing up from the bed. She then began to change into a different T-shirt and pair of jeans.
'Hmm, I wasn't exactly sure, but I have an idea where we can go." Null stops the truck, causing all the shadows to slide into the back of the trailer. I think you and Felix need to put your differences aside while we deal with the sires. He developed a countermeasure against being sired. I know you hate him. However, we share a common enemy right now. If I'm reading you right, you were coming close to going into your 4th form. That would have gotten ugly for you as well. There's a limit to how far you can push yourself.
Max yawns and gets up and sees Sphinx changing. He quickly covers his eyes. "I see you're up bright and early!" Max says. Shard didn't take into account that they might all need separate rooms, so they all slept in the same room. If and when Sphinx and Felix's relationship becomes more... intimate, that will start to become bad. But for now, it's fine, just a bit awkward. Since there's only one girl, things wouldn't be too awkward.

Shadow looks at Null. "Are... you kidding me? One, I didn't even leave my first form. Two, allying with Felix? Kill me first. Three, a countermeasure against being sired? They refuse to sire Shadows, so I'm safe."
Sphinx zipped and buttoned her pants before getting a giant grin and looking at Max. "Tonight's mine and Felix's first date!" She said clapping excitedly. "And you are going to help me buy a dress!" She excitedly clapped and started to brush her hair.
Null: "I suppose, the best option would be to find a bunker." (going to bed after this post, can we call it a night? I don't wanna miss out.)
Max laughs. "Sure, why not! I need new clothes anyway. Since I moved in with the FFA, I've been wearing the same clothes. Tonight marks the one week anniversary of me getting involved in the worst war since World War 2. So it's momentous for all of us!" Max says, smiling. "But that also means one weak without washing and wearing the same clothes. If it wasn't that we all stunk, I would stand out terribly. I'll need to talk to Shard about plumbing..."

"A bunker would be nice," Shadow says, "But only if it can accommodate 300 and growing Shadows. Think you can do that Shardy?"
Sphinx grinned. "I have a genius idea! Let's go clothes shopping and a Spa!" She then rummaged through her pocket and brought out a wallet full of money. "About a month ago, I woke up next to a dismembered arm gripping onto this wallet! Of course, the night before I was Sapphire. I've been saving this for a special occasion!" She giggled a little and continued to brush her hair.
"Shardy? are you attempting to flirt with me? Either way, yes, I can make an underground military base. But, I'm gonna need time to recharge after building that castle."
Max backs away a little. Geez, that's creepy... but, is as to be expected. "Okay. Let's go spa first. We should get cleaned up as soon as we can." Max says with a smile. He didn't really want to go have a spa, but it's Sphinx's special day, and he'd make her feel happy.


Shadow grinned at Shard before looking back out the window. "Understood, ma'am." He says with a mock salute. Then his salute fell. "So... you left in the middle of that game changing battle to, what... help yourselves?"
Shard's giant form wore off. We couldn't risk her being sired. Could you imagine what they could do with hat power? Imagine if Shard were on their side.
Shadow thinks about it. "I suppose you may have a point... and what about you Null? Why'd you leave?"
I owed the FFA, so I helped them escape. Besides that, I wanted to stay with Shadow. By the way, I have more information... There's a new conduit among the FFA. Her name is Sphinx. Unless you can provide me with tradable information, that's all I'll leave you with.
Sphinx grins widely. "Couldn't agree more! Want me to fly us there, or do you wanna walk? I'm fine with both!" She said, and began walking out of the shelter. She then looked towards the sleeping Felix and smiled.
Shadow considers it, then looks at Null. "The sire numbers have been thinned. Three was able to kill off the new sire, Xavier. However, it was very difficult. We believe them to have a mental link, some sort of telepathy. They seemed to have a hive mind, with Zabuza showing the most independence and deviation. Also, we believe that they can sense danger and feel others' pain through this, as evident by the fact that Three noticed a sort of cringe in Dante, as well as I noticed a similar thing in Jacob. It may be too soon to tell, but that's what I have. I assume that was enough?"


Max gets up and puts on his dirty clothes. He walks over and grabs Felix's wallet. "He said we can use this for emergencies. In case we run out of money... let's walk. In the daytime, since there's no emergency, let's stay as inconspicuous as possible... er, though that may be hard given you are blue and have wings... no matter! Let's walk, get a good stretch in."
"A bit more please, shadow. The only new information in there is the fact that they can feel each other's pain. Keep in mind, pun intended, I read minds wether I want to or not. I tend to ignore the voices in my head, but during battle, its hard to focus on things such as that. I will give you this. She has multiple powers."
Sphinx walked up to Felix's bedside and gently kissed his forehead before turning around and walking towards the exit. "Sounds fine with me! Walking it is!.....I have no idea where the nearest spa is..." She said, sighing.
Max looks at her. Kissing him while he sleeps? My, someone's getting daring. "Well then, I suppose it will be an adventure!"


Shadow smiles. "Okay. Zabuza cries like a little bitch. I saw him crying on top of the warehouse where Xavier died. It was hilarious. Don't know if that means anything to you, but the more you know."
Ok, thats funny enough for another piece of information. She has Multi Personality Disorder. Felix likes her. Here's the best part for you. Her alter ego, banged one of their enemies.

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